
Terms containing 铸模 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一型多模铸造法pattern grouping
tech.一模多铸铸型family mould
tech.一模多铸铸型family mold
tech.一次铸模expendable mould
tech.一次铸模expendable mold
tech.一次模铸造expendable pattern casting
tech.下枢轴铸模lower pivot casting
met.不同顶弯模式下的铸坯质量semi-finished product quality for different bending modes
tech.中型箱铸模cheek pattern
met.传统模铸conventional ingot casting
plast.低压模铸low pressure die casting
plast.侧位压铸模offset transfer mould
plast.侧位压铸模offset transfer mold
tech.克郎宁壳模铸造法Craning process
tech.克郎宁壳模铸造法Croning method
plast.全模铸塑full mould casting
plast.全模铸塑full mold casting
plast.全模铸塑制品〈模具由上下模构成〉full mould casting
plast.全模铸塑制品〈模具由上下模构成〉full mold casting
tech.冰冻水银模熔模铸造法frozen mercury process
tech.冰冻水银模铸造mercast process
plast.铸模chill mould
plast.铸模chill mold
met.冷冻水银模精密铸造Mercast mould
tech.冷冻水银模铸造mercast process
met.冷冻水银模铸造法Mercast process
el.冷压铸模材料cold-molded material
plast.冷固化型铸模粘结剂cold setting foundery mould binder
shipb.冷模铸件chilled casting
el.冷硬铸模chill mould
met.冻结水银模精密铸造法frozen mercury pattern method
met.冻结水银模铸造法Mercast process
met.冻结水银熔模铸造法frozen mercury investment casting process
tech.分部件模铸的混凝土构件piece mould process
tech.分部件模铸的混凝土构件piece mold process
tech.劈模铸造multiple casting
met.动模铸造moving casting
met.动模铸造法moving mold casting process
met.动模铸造法moving mould casting process
met.动模铸锭机moving mould casting machine
met.动模铸锭机moving mold ingot-casting machine
tech.动模铸锭机moving mold casting machine
tech.半冷模铸造semi-chilled mould casting
tech.半冷模铸造semi-chilled mold casting
plast.单穴模,单腔模具,整体铸型single cavity mould
construct.die cast dies
tech.铸模compression mould
tech.铸模steel die
auto.铸模die mold
tech.铸模die cast dies
met.铸模pressure casting die
el.mach.铸模die mould
met.铸模injection mould
tech.铸模compression mold
avia.铸模die casting mold (是一种能够承#融金属传给它高压和腐蚀的金属模。熔融金属#压状态下,由机床工作头或空气压力压进模具白作型腔铸成铸件。铸件具有完整性的外形和精#孔,一般不需机械加工)
wind.铸模casting die
avia.铸模die casting mold
met.铸模die-casting die
tech.铸模具合金钢pressure-casting die steel
met.铸模具钢die-casting die steel
met.铸模casting die
plast.铸模transfer forming
plast.铸模塑压力transfer moulding pressure
plast.铸模塑压力transfer molding pressure
plast.铸模塑料transfer moulding compound
plast.铸模塑机transfer moulding machine
plast.铸模塑机transfer molding machine
plast.铸模料腔面积chamber area of transfer mould
plast.铸模料腔面积chamber area of transfer mold
auto.铸模compression moulding
met.铸模,注射塑模injection mould
auto.压力铸造模moulding die
tech.压模铸件die casting
met.压模铸造pressure die casting
tech.压模铸造die casting
gen.压模铸造工程师Die Casting Engineer
gen.压模铸造研究院Die Casting Research Foundation
CNC压铸冲模casting dies
plast.压铸成型模具transfer tool
plast.压铸成型模具transfer mould
plast.压铸成型模具transfer mold
plast.压铸料槽式模具transfer pot mould
plast.压铸料槽托模板transfer chamber retainer plate
met.取消模铸elimination of ingot casting
tech.叠箱铸模stack mould
tech.叠箱铸模stack mold
met.哈里森熔融态下铸造和随后模锻制造零件法Harrison process
tech.四脚锥体浇铸模tetrapod mould
tech.四脚锥体浇铸模tetrapod mold
tech.铸模floor mould
tech.铸模floor mold
met.墨鱼骨模铸造法cuttlefish process
plast.壳模铸型法Croning process
plast.壳模铸型法Croning method
plast.壳模铸塑shell moulding
plast.壳模铸塑shell molding
plast.壳模铸塑法Croning process
polym.壳模铸造shell molding
auto.壳模铸造shell moulding
auto.壳模铸造shell-moulded casting
auto.壳模铸造shell-mould casting
polym.壳模铸造树脂shell molding resin
met.多孔锭模铸锭multiple ingot
tech.多模齐铸法multiple casting
oil天然铸模natural mold
tech.失模铸造lost pattern casting
met.奥托昆普型双浇包28模浇铸系统Outokumpu double pouring 28-mould casting system
oil孔隙铸模pore cast
el.mach.实模铸造full mould process
el.mach.实模铸造cavityless casting
tech.实模铸造法cavityless casting
tech.实物模铸型reproduced model mould
tech.实物模铸型reproduced model molding
tech.实物模铸型reproduced model moulding
tech.实物模铸型reproduced model mold
met.工业规模的双辊连铸机commercial-size twin roll caster
met.工业规模的小方坯连铸机production-scale billet caster
met.工业规模的板坯连铸机production-scale continuous slab caster
met.巴科模压铸造法Bacco process
tech.帕兰蒂铝模铸造法Parlanti casting process
met.带浇口铸模gated pattern
tech.干模铸件dry casting
met.干模铸件dry castings
shipb.干模铸件die casting
met.平模浇铸horizontal mould casting
tech.开式模铸造open die forging
tech.弹丸模铸法bullet casting
plast.手动压铸模hand transfer mould
tech.手工铸模hand mould
tech.手工铸模hand mold
tech.拼合铸模split mould
tech.拼合铸模split mold
met.接近工业规模的双辊连铸机near-commercial-scale two-roll caster
plast.敞口模铸塑树脂casting resin into hollow mould
met.敞开模浇铸casting in open
met.双面cast plate
met.铸模one-piece die
tech.整体模铸模unit-type die-casting die
oil整体模铸法补口field coating for welded joint with integral casting
tech.整体熔模铸造法block mould process
tech.整体熔模铸造法block mold process
met.整铸舌形模one-piece bridge die
met.整铸阴模simple one-piece female die
met.无模铸造mouldless casting
tech.无模铸造containerless casting
met.无模铸钢厂ingot-free steelworks (即全连铸钢厂)
met.普通模铸orthodox casting (有别于连铸)
met.普通钢锭模铸锭normal ingot making
oil晶体铸模crystal mold
tech.柱塞铸模plunger machine
oil树脂铸模resin cast
tech.树脂壳模铸造resin shell mold casting
oil树脂孔隙铸模resin-pore cast
oil样品铸模sample cast
oil棱形铸模bounce cast
gen.模制与铸造耐火材料有限公司Refractory Mouldings and Castings Ltd.
construct.模压〔制〕铸粉心moulded core
met.模压铸造casting by squeezing
tech.模压铸造extrusion casting
tech.模压铸造casting-forging method
tech.模压铸造liquid forging
tech.模压铸造liquid metal forging
avia.模压铸造squeeze casting
met.模块紧凑式连铸机modular compact caster
met.模拟连铸机simulated caster
tech.模板铸模match plate dies
met.模板型铸template casting
met.模板型铸件template casting
met.模板法铸造planchet casting
tech.模板铸件planchet casting
tech.模铸die casting (件)
tech.模铸molded casting
tech.模铸moulded casting
met.模铸die cast
met.模铸direct casting (与连铸相对应)
met.模铸ingot making
met.模铸ingot pouring
met.模铸ingot casting
met.模铸cast ingot
met.模铸die casting
tech.模铸元件die-casting element
tech.模铸合金alloy for die casting
met.模铸工艺ingot process (Armco Inc. will also operate a smaller plant, Empire Steel, at Mansfield, Ohio where it has invested $ 100 million for the installation of a thin-slab caster that will replace the ingot process at the plant 阿姆柯钢公司还将在俄亥俄州的曼斯菲尔德经营一家小型钢厂——帝国钢厂,现已在那里投资 1 亿美元建设一台薄板坯连铸机,以取代该厂原有的模铸工艺。)
oil模铸弯头cast/mould bend
agric.模铸机die casting machine
tech.模铸机die-casting machine
tech.模铸材料die casting
tech.模铸树脂moulded resin
tech.模铸树脂molded resin
tech.模铸橡胶moulded rubber
tech.模铸橡胶molded rubber
tech.模铸法die casting
tech.模铸空铅die cast furniture
el.mach.模铸转子鼠笼die cast rotor cage
tech.模铸轴承die cast bearing
tech.模铸金属die metal
archit.模铸金属die casting material
tech.模铸金属die-casting material
tech.模铸钢moulded steel
tech.模铸钢molded steel
met.模铸钢锭static ingot
tech.模铸铝合金aluminium die cast alloy
tech.模铸铝合金aluminum die cast alloy
auto.永久型铸模permanent-mould casting
auto.永久型铸模permanent-mold casting
tech.永久性铸模permanent mould
tech.永久性铸模permanent mold
avia.永久性模铸件金属模permanent mold casting mold (是一种能经受住由注于其中成形用的融化金属传给模具的高温、腐蚀作用的金属铸模,可利用镶件铸出不同的零件)
avia.〔支〕永久性模铸件金属模permanent mold casting mold
tech.波形铸模corrugated mould
tech.波形铸模corrugated mold
plast.活塞式铸压模plunger-type transfer mould
plast.活塞式铸压模plunger-type transfer mold
plast.活板式压铸模loose plate transfer mould
met.流滴铸模脱气法ladle-to-mould degassing
plast.铸模casting mould
plast.铸模casting mold
chem.溢出式铸塑模flash mould
chem.溢出式铸塑模flash mold
tech.溢流铸模overflow mould
tech.溢流铸模overflow mold
met.烫模铸件dummy casting (用于加热金属型)
avia.模铸造模investment casting mold (是浇铸制造蜡型用的金属模型。蜡型再进一步复以一层塑料形成真正的模型。熔融金属注人此中可得结构复杂的铸件)
avia.模铸造模investment casting mold
tech.铸模fusion casting mould
met.铸模fusion casting mould
tech.铸模fusion casting mold
met.熔模蜡型精密铸造investment casting
met.熔模蜡型精密铸造法investment process
auto.熔模失蜡铸件waste-wax casting
met.熔模精密铸造investment casting
met.熔模〔蜡模,失蜡,蜡型精密〕铸造法investment casting
met.熔模壳型铸造法invest shell casting method
compr.熔模浇铸lost-wax process
met.熔模精密铸造precision investment casting
tech.熔模精密铸造precision-investment casting
met.熔模精密铸造法investment process
compr.熔模铸件wax casting
steel.熔模铸件investment casting
met.熔模铸型invested mould
tech.熔模铸型invested mold
tech.熔模铸过程lost wax process
compr.熔模铸造investment casting
met.熔模铸造full form casting
oil熔模铸造precision casting
oil熔模铸造investment cast
tech.熔模铸造lost wax casting
met.熔模铸造hot investment casting
met.熔模铸造lost-wax investment casting
tech.熔模铸造investment casting (法)
met.熔模铸造法ply cast process
met.熔模铸造法lost-wax process
tech.熔模铸造法lost wax process
met.熔模铸造法aqua-cast process
met.熔模铸造法investment casting process (The advantages of the investment casting process are that no parting line is seen, undercut sections are easily formed, no taper is required on the casting, the complexity of shape presents few problems and a very smooth surface and accurate dimensions are obtained. 熔模铸造的优点是没有分型线,铸件凹陷部分易于成形,不需要拔模锥度,浇铸形状复杂的铸件通常也不成问题,所浇铸的铸件表面光滑、尺寸精确。)
met.熔模铸造法cire perdue method
met.熔模铸造法plycast process
tech.熔模铸造法investment casting method
tech.熔模铸造涂料investment compound
tech.熔模铸造用蜡investment casting wax
sport., psychol.环境铸模性特质environmental-mold trait
tech.环形铸模ring-shaped mould
tech.环形铸模ring-shaped mold
tech.环氧树脂铸模epoxy resin pattern
met.由模铸到连铸的转变conversion from ingot to continuous casting
tech.铸模electroformed mould
tech.铸模electroformed mold
plast.铸模electroformed mould
plast.铸模electroformed mold
plast.电铸阴模electroformed cavity
construct.直接气压模铸成型direct-air die-casting
met.真空模压力铸造法evacuated die-casting process
tech.真空模铸vacuum casting
plast.真空模铸vacuum diecasting
met.石墨铸模graphite mould
auto.砂壳型模铸造法用硅砂和树脂做成薄半壳状铸型进行铸造shell mould process
avia.砂模烧铸sand casting
tech.砂模铸sand-cast pipe
tech.砂模铸件处理sand cast finish
tech.砂模铸管sand-cast tube
tech.砂模铸造sand casting
met.砂模铸造轧辊sand roll
met.砂模铸造金属sand-cast metal
tech.硬模浇铸permanent casting
tech.硬模铸造metal mold casting
tech.硬模铸造metal mould casting
tech.硬模铸造permanent-mold casting
met.硬模铸造chill cast
el.mach.硬模铸造chill cast brass
tech.硬模铸造permanent-mould casting
tech.硬模铸造die casting
tech.硬模铸造铝合金aluminium permanent mould casting alloy
tech.硬模铸造铝合金aluminum permanent mold casting alloy
auto.离心式铸模centrifugal die
tech.离心法砂模制铸铁管centrifugally cast-iron pipe in sand moulds
tech.离心法金属模制铸铁管centrifugally cast-iron pipe in metal moulds
tech.移动模铸造法moving mould casting process
tech.移动模铸造法moving mold casting process
plast.空心模铸塑hollow mould casting
plast.空心模铸塑hollow mold casting
oil粉末金属模铸powder metal molding
gen.精密蜡模浇梨铸造〔法〕precision investment casting
tech.组合压铸模unit die
gen.美国压模铸造学会American Die Casting Institute
tech.耐热铸铁模heat-resistant cast iron mould
tech.耐热铸铁模heat-resistant cast iron mold
gen.耐用铸模pennanent mould
gen.耐用铸模pennanent mold
met.腊模铸造hot investment casting
tech.自动硬模铸造机automatic gravity die casting machine
archit.自动硬模铸造机automatic gravity die casting machine
archit.自动硬模铸造机automatical gravity die casting machine
archit.自动硬模铸造机automatical chill casting-machine
tech.自动硬模铸造机automatic chill casting-machine
tech.蚀刻的树脂铸模etched resin cast
plast.蛤壳式模铸造法clam shell moulding process
plast.蛤壳式模铸造法clam shell molding process
oil蜡模铸造lost wax casting
busin.蜡模铸造lost-wax casting
chem.蜡模铸造investment casting
shipb.蜡模铸造hot investment casting
tech.蜡模铸造法lost wax casting
steel.蜡模铸造法lost wax process
met.蜡模铸造法lost-wax process
chem.蜡模铸造法lost wax process wax emulsion
tech.蜡模铸造法investment casting
tech.蜡模铸造用耐火材料investment compound
el.装罐铸模potting mold
met.试验室规模的连铸机bench-scale caster
tech.这些模具是用铸铁做的The moulds are made of cast iron
met.连铸坯传热数学模型mathematic model for heat transfer of strand
met.连铸坯凝固传热数学模型mathematical model of heat transfer during solidification of strand
met.连铸坯凝固模型model for strand solidification
met.连铸坯计算机模拟computer simulation for strand
met.连铸诊断用模糊专家系统fuzzy expert system for continuous casting diagnostics
tech.重力硬模铸造gravity die foundry
oil重荷铸模load cast
tech.金属铸模metal mould
tech.金属铸模metal pattern
busin.金属铸模metal mold casting
tech.金属铸模metal mold
met.金属-铸模界面metal-mould interface
oil金属冷铸模chill mould
tech.金属模铸造die cast
met.金属模铸造试样chill cast sample
avia.金属铸件模型metal casting pattern
met.金属铸型,压件,铸造模子casting die
met.铸模steel mold (铸铁机的)
tech.钢模压铸机die-casting machine
tech.铁类金属压模铸造ferrous die casting
tech.铝压模铸件aluminium die casting
tech.铝压模铸件aluminum die casting
tech.draw mold
tech.draw mould
tech.铸件模数casting modulus
plast.铸压模具coining die
industr.铸压模制的加料室transfer pot
met.铸坯传热数学模型heat transfer mathematical model of strand
tech.铸型起模mold stripping
tech.铸型起模mould lifting
tech.铸型起模mould stripping
tech.铸型起模mold lifting
auto.铸塑树脂模塑件cast-resin molding
auto.铸塑树脂模塑件cast-resin moulding
auto.铸塑树脂模塑件cast resin moulded part
auto.铸塑树脂模塑件cast resin molded part
tech.铸塑模drawn mould
plast.铸塑模casting mold
plast.铸塑模casting mould
tech.铸塑模drawn mold
plast.铸塑模芯foundry core
tech.铸塑软模具flexible mould
tech.铸塑软模具flexible mold
tech.铸模foundry mold
tech.铸模foundry mould
oil铸模draw mould
tech.铸模casting mould
plast.铸模hollow mold
plast.铸模hollow mould
compr.铸模cast die
el.mach.铸模foundry mould
met.铸模moulding die
met.铸模steel mould
met.铸模casting form
tech.铸模casting die
tech.铸模casting mold
tech.铸模charging box
el.铸模介质mold medium
steel.铸模内渣mold slag
plast.铸模剥落peel back
met.铸铁机的铸模喷洒液槽mold spray tank
met.铸模喷洒液槽mould spray tank
steel.铸模型腔mold cavity
met.铸模复杂程度die complexity
tech.铸模moulded head (extrusion head)
tech.铸模molded head (extrusion head)
met.铸模寿命mould life
met.铸模型芯干燥炉foundry stove
steel.铸模托台mold saddle
industr.铸模制模,造型,切模,线条moulding machine
tech.铸模casting machine
tech.铸模树脂potting resin
oil铸模树脂casting resin
tech.铸模铸塑,充填树脂casting resin
el.铸模树脂装置resin casting plant
met.铸模涂料mould facing material
met.铸模涂料mould wash
tech.铸模涂料mould-proofing wash
tech.铸模涂料mold-proofing wash
met.铸模润滑mould lubrication
tech.铸模润滑剂die lubricant
tech.铸模用润滑油light slushing oil
tech.铸模用粘土moulding clay
tech.铸模用粘土forming clay
tech.铸模die case
tech.铸模石膏casting plaster
oil铸模foundry sand
el.铸模moulding sand
el.铸模molding sand
gen.铸模硬度mold hardness
steel.铸模膨胀mold dilatation
tech.铸模pan car
tech.铸模面料foundry facing
tech.铸管模segment block
anim.husb.铸蜡模型beeswax mould
agric.铸蜡模型bees wax mould
tech.铸造模casting pattern (型)
tech.铸造模casting die
chem.铸造模型casting pattern
plast.surg.铸造模型cast model
shipb.铸造模型casting mold
gen.铸造过程在于把熔化了的金属浇注到铸模中去the casting process consists in pouring molten metals into moulds
avia.铸造陶瓷模型castable ceramic mold
met.铸钢模cast steel die
tech.铸铁型模cast iron swage block
met.铸铁机铸模pig mold
met.铸铁机铸模pig mould
tech.铸铁模型iron pattern
met.铸铁钢锭模cast iron mould
tech.铸锭模ingot mould
tech.铸锭模ingot mold
tech.锭模吹氧铸造法quasi-Besse meriting
met.锭模浇铸direct casting
met.阳极铸模anode mould
met.阳极浇铸模anode casting moulds
met.阳极浇铸模anode casting mould
tech.阴模压铸混合机cavity transfer mixer
met.阿达普提熔模铸造法Adapti investment casting process
plast.预塑化槽压铸模separate pot mould
plast.预塑化槽压铸模separate pot mold
met.预测连铸过程的数学模型mathematical model for predicting continuous casting process
met.高压模铸high pressure die casting
tech.黄铜模铸brass die casting
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