
Terms containing 银行 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.一夜之间就破产的银行bank going bust overnight
securit.一流银行prime bank
gen.назв.комп. 三井银行Mitsui Bank
gen.назв.комп. 三和银行Sanwa Bank
securit.三月期香港银行同业放款利率期货three-month HIBOR futures
securit.三月期香港银行同业放款利率期货合同three-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate futures contract
gen.назв.комп. 三菱银行Mitsubishi Bank
securit.上市公司参股非上市银行listed companies taking stakes in non-listed bank
securit.不稳定的银行wildcat bank
securit.不良银行发行的纸币wildcat money
securit.不良资产管理银行bad bank
gen.#不起,我们银行不兑换国外支票I'm sorry. Our bank doesn't negotiate foreign checks
securit.银行有关的经纪人bank-related broker
securit.世界银行债券World Bank Bonds
gen.世界银行经济发展研究所Economic Development Institute
securit.东京银行同业拆出利率/放款利率Tokyo interbank offered rate
securit.东京银行同业拆放利率Tokyo interbank offered rate
securit.东南亚中央银行South-East Asian Central Bank
securit.个人银行服务private banking
securit.个月期香港银行同业拆借利率期货one-month HIBOR futures 1
securit.个月期香港银行同业拆借利率期货合同one-month HIBOR futures contract 1
avia.中信银行China Citic Bank
gen.назв.комп. 中国银行Bank of China
securit.中国银行业监管委员会中国银监会China Banking Regulatory Commission
securit.中国银行同业拆放利率China interbank offered rate
comp.name.中国银行股份有限公司Bank of China Limited
securit.中国人民银行The People's Bank of China (PBC)
securit.中国人民银行People's Bank of China, The
comp.name.中国人民银行PBC The People's Bank of China
securit.中国人民银行上海总部Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China
securit.中国人民银行信用报告系统credit reporting system of the People's Bank of China
securit.中国人民银行反洗钱监测分析中心央行上海总部Laundry Monitor Analysis Center PBC
securit.中国人民银行外汇储备运作中心央行上海分部Foreign Exchange Reserve Operation Center PBC
securit.中国人民银行数据处理中心人行上海总部Data Processing Center
securit.中国人民银行黄金储备运作中心央行上海分部Gold Reserve Operation Center PBC
securit.中国信托商业银行China Trust Commercial Bank, Limited
securit.中国农业银行Agriculture Bank of China
securit.中国工商银行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
comp.name.中国工商银行股份有限公司Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
securit.中国建设银行China Construction Bank
avia.中国招商银行China Merchants Bank
avia.中国民生银行China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd
avia.中国浙商银行China Zheshang Bank
comp.name.中国进出口银行EIBC The Export-Import Bank of China
securit.中央银行的中立性neutrality of the central bank
securit.中央银行贴现率bank rate
securit.中央股票储存银行central scrip bank
securit.中小企业银行medium business bank
securit.临时银行bridge bank
securit.为公司财务服务的银行业务corporate banking
securit.主办银行leading bank
securit.主办银行originating bank
securit.主办银行lead bank
securit.主导银行leading bank
securit.主流银行prime bank
securit.银团中的主要银行majority bank
gen.乘环线到银行站,然后换乘一号线Take the Loop Line to Bank station and then transfer to Line
securit.二元银行体制dual system of banking
securit.二元银行dual banking
securit.二元银团股本发行dual syndicate equity offering
securit.二类银行对商业银行之外资金较少的银行的称呼second tier bank
securit.二级银行储备secondary bank reserve (银行储备资产中易转换为现金的高级别证券)
securit.互惠储蓄银行mutual savings bank
comp.name.亚洲发展银行Asian Development Bank
securit.亚洲开发银行Asian Development Bank (ADB)
gen.亚洲开发银行Asian Development Bank
securit.交收银行settlement bank
securit.交通银行Bank of Communications
securit.产业银行业务industrial banking
gen.银行提出make a draught on a bank
securit.从属银行secondary bank
securit.付息银行债券interest bearing bank debenture
securit.付款人银行payer bank
securit.代库银行government depository
gen.代理银行correspond band
securit.代理银行业务correspondent banking
securit.代理银行业务体制correspondent banking system
securit.银行为基础的公司治理体制bank-based corporate governance system
securit.以开证银行为收货人unto issuing bank
securit.优等银行票据fine banknote
securit.优质银行承兑汇票fine bank bill
securit.会员银行联邦储备系统成员的银行member bank
securit.伦敦银行同业借款利率London interbank bid rate
securit.伦敦银行同业平均利率London interbank mean rate
gen.伦敦银行同业往来存款市场的买方出价London interbank bid rate
securit.伦敦银行同业拆人利率London interbank bid rate
securit.伦敦银行同业拆人或储蓄利率London interbank bid or deposit rate
securit.伦敦银行同业拆借中间利率London interbank mean
securit.伦敦银行同业拆出利率London interbank offered rate
securit.伦敦银行同业放款利率London interbank offered rate
securit.伦敦银行清算所London bankers clearing house
gen.назв.комп. 住友银行Sumitomo Bank
securit.作为合伙人的投资银行investment firms as partners
gen.你知道怎样开通网上银行吗?Do you know how to open an online banking account?
securit.依赖于商业票据市场的投资银行investment bank relied on commercial paper market
securit.保证银行confirming bank
securit.倒闭的投资银行investment bank collapsed
securit.债券银行bond bank
securit.债券投资银行bond house
securit.储备银行reserving bank
securit., germ.储蓄证券的银行专营证券交割的企业kassenverein
securit.克夫国内银行评级Keefe's domestic foreign bank rating
securit.兑付银行accepting house
securit.兑换黄金的银行gold bank
securit.全国银行及证券监察委员会墨西哥National Banking and Securities Commission Commision Nacional Bancariay de Valores, CNBV, Mexico
securit.全国银行同业拆借中心National Interbank Funding Centre China
securit.全国银行National Bank Act
securit.全国银行系统national banking system
securit.全国性银行nationwide bank
securit.全国投资银行公会巴西National Association of Investment Banks ANBID, Brazil
securit.全套银行业务步到位银行业务one-stop banking
comp.name.全球范围银行财务电讯协会Society for World-wide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
securit.全能型银行业务universal banking
securit.公司银行业务firm banking
securit.公库存款保管银行government depository
securit.关联银行associated bank
securit.兴业银行industrial bank
avia.兴业银行Industrial Bank Co., Ltd
securit.兼业银行side-work bank
securit.再融通银行refinancing bank
securit.银行储备金secondary bank reserve
securit.银行机构near banking institution
securit.动产银行证券银行中专门对工矿企业提供信贷的银行credit mobiler
securit.劳动银行labor bank
gen.назв.комп. 劳埃德银行Lloyds Bank
securit.劳工银行labor bank (股票由工会拥有)
securit.包销银行集团underwriting group
gen.назв.комп. 化学谷物交易银行Chemical Corn Exchange
securit.协作银行associated bank
securit.单一银行的控股公司one bank holding company
securit.卡塔尔国家银行Qatar National Bank
securit.卢森堡银行同业拆放利率Luxembourg interbank offered rate
securit.即期汇票银行买人价格demand draft buying price
securit.原始银行的确认confirmation of originating bank
securit.参与银行participant banks
securit.参考银行参考银行的报价决定了浮动利率票据的参考利率reference bank
securit.参议院银行委员会Senate Banking Committee
securit.双重银行业务dual banking
securit.货币发行银行bank of emission
securit.货币发行银行bank of issue
securit.货币发行银行bank of circulation
securit.发行银团issuer syndicate
gen.取卡需要您本人带着护照去银行办理To get your card back, you have to go to the bank with your passport
securit.受托储蓄银行trustee savings bank
gen.只有在你能证明自己的身份时,银行才会为你兑换支票The bank will not change the cheque unless you can identify yourself
gen.银行应确保所有的电子银行业务交易均留存清楚的稽核记录Banks should ensure that clear audit trails exist for all e-banking transactions
securit.合作银行bank for cooperatives
securit.合格银行票据利率eligible bank bill rate
securit.合格的银行承兑汇票eligible bank's acceptance bill
securit.合股银行joint equity bank
securit.合股银行joint bank
securit.合资银行joint-stock bank
securit.合资银行joint bank
securit.同业银行cooperative bank
securit.同业银行利差interbank spread
securit.告别投资银行2008 年 9 月21日美联储宣布批准高盛和大摩提出的转为银行控股公司的申请,这个转型意味着华尔街从此再无纯粹意义上的投资银行Goodbye Investment Bank
securit.哥本哈根银行同业拆放利率Copenhagen interbank offered rate
securit.商业银行德国Commerzbank AG
gen.назв.комп. 商业银行Commerzbank
securit.商业银行merchant banker
securit.商业银行指数Commerzbank index
securit.商业银行集团merchant banking group
securit.商业结算银行commerce clearing house
gen.嗯,任何银行都会以我们现在的旅游支票购买率来兑换,我们在某些方面比酒店更便宜一点是因为服务费Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge
securit.四大银行Big Four
comp.name.国家开发银行China Development Bank
gen.назв.комп. 国民劳动银行Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
gen.назв.комп. 国民威斯敏斯特银行National Westminster Bank
gen.国际银行间金融电信协会Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
gen.国际复兴幵发银行联合国所属专门机构之一International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
gen.国际复兴开发银行联合国机构,美国International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
comp.name.美国国际石油银行联合公司International Petrobank Inc.
securit.辅助不动产交易的 土地银行land bank
securit.在线银行业务online banking
securit.地区储备银行regional reserve bank
securit.地方银行债券local bank bond
securit.城市银行municipal bank
securit.城市储蓄银行reserve city bank
securit.城市准备银行reserve city bank
securit.城市商业银行municipal commercial bank
securit.城市经营的银行municipal bank
securit.境外银行overseas bank
securit.境外银行单位offshore banking unit
securit.处于困境的银行troubled bank
securit.外国银行票据foreign agency bill
securit.外汇结算银行exchange clearing house
securit.大举买进银行类股权massive buy banking ownership
securit.大型银行large bank
gen.назв.комп. 大通银行Chase National Bank
securit.套利银行spread bank
securit.奥地利国家银行Osterreichische National Bank
gen.如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill
gen.如果这样,则必须提供证明其个人经济状况的文件,如银行存款证明In this case, you must produce documents, like certificate of bank deposit, so as to reflect your actual economic capability
securit.委托银行付款凭证banker's order
securit.存在银行同业的钱款金额amount due from banks
securit.存在国外银行同业的钱款金额amount due from banks abroad
securit.存款货币银行deposit money banks
securit.实业银行家协会Industrial Banker Association
gen.назв.комп. 富士银行Fuji Bank
gen.对不起,您的信用卡已经止付。根据银行规定要取消Sorry, your credit card has stopped paying. According to the regulations of bank, it must be cancelled
gen.对不起,酒店不能为您兑现旅行支票,您可以去银行办理Sorry, travelers checks are not allowed to be cashed in our hotel. You could have this service in the bank
securit.尼泊尔国家银行Nepal Rastr Bank
securit.州立银行state bank
gen.назв.комп. 巴克莱银行Barclays Bank
gen.巴林银行间同业往来拆放利率Bahrain interbank offered rate
gen.назв.комп. 巴黎国民银行Banque Nationale de Paris
gen.назв.комп. 巴黎联合银行Banque de 1'Union Parisienne
gen.назв.комп. 巴黎荷兰银行Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas
securit.布达佩斯银行同业拆借利率Budapest interbank offer rate
securit.布达佩斯银行同业拆放利率匈牙利Budapest interbank offer rate
securit.布鲁塞尔银行同业拆借利率Brussels interbank offered rate (BIBOR)
securit.布鲁塞尔银行同业拆放利率Brussels interbank offered rate
securit.1956 年银行控股公司法Bank Holding Company Act of 1956
securit.并购银行M&A banker
securit.应在银行付款的票据note payable at bank
securit.应由本地银行支付的凭证document payable through local bank
securit.开户银行our bank
securit.强势银行strong bank
securit.影像银行image bank
securit.德国商业银行指数Comer Bank Index
gen.назв.комп. 德意志银行Deutsche Bank
securit.德意志联邦银行德国中央银行Deutsche Bundesbank
gen.назв.комп. 德累斯顿银行Dresdner Bank
gen.必胜客经理说,他正要把钱放在夜间存款箱子里的时候,那个持枪歹徒从黑暗中闪出,用手枪指着他,抢走了银行帆布袋A manager of Pizza Hut said, when he was about to drop the money in a night depository, the gunman stepped out of the shadows, pointed a pistol at him and grabbed the canvas bank pouch
securit.恒生银行有限公司Hang Seng Bank Limited
gen.您可以联系发卡银行询问情况You could contact the issuing bank for information
gen.您的旅行支票的发行银行是哪家?What is the issuing bank of your traveler's checks ?
gen.您认为在不久的将来电子银行还会有哪些进一步发展?What further advances do you think e-banking will make in the near future?
gen.назв.комп. 意大利信用银行Credito Italiano
gen.назв.комп. 意大利商业银行Banca Commerciale Italiana
securit.成员银行准备金指美国联邦储备系统的成员银行的准备金member-bank reserve
gen.我们只能兑换外汇牌上的这些外币,其他外币您可以去银行兑换We can only change the foreign currencies listed on the foreign currency board. If you have other currencies to change, please go to the bank
gen.我想兑换一些钱,请问银行在哪?I want to change some money. Where is the bank?
gen.我本来打算在酒店兑换的,但是我一个朋友说银行的兑换率会更低一点I was going to cash it at hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates
gen.我没有美国的银行户头,那我用信用卡吧I don't have a bank account with an American bank, then I can use my credit card
securit.或有状态银行监管state-contingent bank regulation
securit.打击非法利用银行贷款进行证券投机crackdown on illegal bank Ioans used for securities speculation
securit.托管银行custodian bank
securit.批准接受政府存款的银行government depository
securit.批发银行业务wholesale banking
securit.承兑银行certifying bank
securit.承兑银行委员会acceptance house committee
securit.投资银行investment banking firm
securit.投资银行业的收费investment banking fees
securit.投资银行中有创意的证券设计人rocket scientist
securit.投资银行公司investment banking house
securit.投资银行内部隔离墙Chinese Wall
securit.投资银行和商业银行在企业兼并中的作用role of investment and commercial banks in M&A
securit.投资银行商协会Investment Bankers Association
securit.投资银行服务investment banking
securit.投资银行竞标 IPOIPO bake-off
securit.抵押银行hypotheken bank
securit.不转移财产所有权的抵押银行债券debenture of hypothec bank
securit.抵押银行mortgage banker
securit.押租银行deposit money banks
securit.持有多家银行股份的公司multibank holding company
securit.持照银行licensing bank
securit.指定的银行nominated bank
securit.指定的银行designated bank
securit.指定的银行账户designated bank account
securit.指示银行ordering bank
securit.指示银行instructing bank
gen.换旅行支票,银行要收取5%的手续费The bank adds on a 5 % handling charge for changing the traveler's cheque
securit.接受存款的银行deposit taker
securit.控制银行的公司one bank holding company
securit.提供银行担保giving of a banker's guarantee
securit.提取银行贷款drawdown on bank loans
securit.提高伦敦银行同业贷款利率获利能力的票据LIBOR-enhanced accrual note
securit.摩根士丹利成为银行控股公司Morgan Stanley becoming bank holding companies
gen.支票是客户要求银行从自己账户付出一笔钱的书面指示A cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account
securit.收益人银行beneficiary's bank
securit.收证银行recipient bank
securit.政府指派的银行查账员bank examiner
securit.政策性银行policy-lending bank
securit.政策性银行policy bank
securit.新上市银行newly-listed bank
securit.新加坡银行同业放款利率Singapore interbank offered rate
gen.新加坡银行间同业往来拆放利率Singapore interbank offered rate
securit.无分行银行unit bank
securit.无存款业务的银行经理处non-depository agency
securit.无抬头的银行票据bankers dean bill
securit.日本银行中央银行Bank of Japan
gen.назв.комп. 日本兴业银行Industrial Bank of Japan
avia.日本长期信贷银行long-term credit bank of Japan
securit.有照银行licensing bank
securit.有破损的银行torn notes
securit.有限服务银行limited service bank
securit.未兑现的银行本票cashier's order outstanding
securit.未授权的银行unauthorized bank
securit.未注册银行unincorporated bank
securit.本地银行透支overdraft by local banks
securit.本地注册银行locally incorporated bank
securit.来自国外银行同业的存款amount due to banks abroad
gen.杨先生的房子就在银行对面Mr. Yang's house is across the bank
gen.назв.комп. 标准渣打银行Standard & Chartered Banking Group
gen.назв.комп. 梅隆国民银行及信托公司Mellon National Bank & Trust Co.
securit.次级银行secondary bank
securit.次级银行准备金secondary bank reserve
securit.欧元区银行同业拆借利率Euro interbank offered rate
securit.欧洲银行票据清算交易中心Euroclear operation Center
securit.欧洲复兴及开发银行European Bank of Reconstruction and Development
gen.欧洲投资银行European Investment Bank (EEG 所属的)
securit.欧洲日元东京银行同业拆息期货Euroyen Tibor Futures
gen.每天下午银行都会来人对自动柜台机进行维护,并补充现金The ATM is maintained by the staff of the bank every afternoon, and they will put money in it
securit.比例制银行业务fractional banking
securit.汇丰银行Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Corporation
securit.汇丰银行Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Corporation
comp.name.汇丰银行Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
securit.汇丰银行资本市场HSBC Capital Markets
securit.汇丰投资银行亚洲有限公司HSBC Investment Bank Asia Ltd.
securit.汇款银行remittance house
securit.法兰克福银行同业拆放利率Frankfurt interbank offered rate
gen.назв.комп. 法兰西银行Banque de France
gen.назв.комп. 法国商业信贷银行Crédit Commercial de France
gen.назв.комп. 法国工业信贷银行Crédit a l'Industrie Francaise
securit.法定银行准备金legal bank reserve
securit.注册银行licensed bank
avia.深圳发展银行Shenzhen Development Bank Co., Ltd.
securit.清算数据银行liquidity data bank
securit.牵头银行leading bank
securit.环球银行业务global banking service
securit.环球银行同业金融通讯系统society for worldwide interbank financial telecom
securit.现金及银行到期存放cash and due from banks
securit.瑞士银行Swiss Bank
securit.瑞士银行同业清算中心Swiss Interbank Clearing
gen.用户场景为客户提供自助服务,使用户可以管理他们的银行账户,查找支行和自动取款机,以及与银行雇员联系Consumer scenarios provide customers with self-services where they can manage their banking accounts, find branch offices and ATMs, and initiate communications with banking staff
gen.电子银行是以网络为媒介的非柜台业务E-banking is a kind of off-counter bank service on the platform of the Internet
gen.电子银行服务也许会淘汰柜台交易E-banking may make the counter transactions obsolete
gen.电子银行正迅速改变着客户操作银行业务的方式E-banking has radically changed the way customers can do banking
securit.电子化银行服务electronic banking services
securit.监管机构每年要求银行提供的报表call report
securit.破产的银行insolvent bank
securit.票据交换所会员银行member bank of the clearing house
securit.票据发行银行note issuing bank
securit.离线银行offline bank
securit.私人银行业务private banking
securit.私人银行业务personal banking
securit.私人承兑银行private accepting bank
securit.私营银行汇票private bill
securit.稳健的银行系统a sound banking system
gen.站内小银行station mini bank
gen.назв.комп. 第一劝业银行Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank
gen.назв.комп. 第一花旗银行First National City Bank
securit.策划投资银行originating house
securit.管理银行management bank
gen.назв.комп. 米德兰银行Midland Bank
securit.紧急银行Emergency Banking Act
securit.纯粹的投资银行pure investment bank
gen.назв.комп. 纽约银行Bank of New York
securit.纽约银行同业拆人利率或拆进利率New York interbank bid rate
securit.纽约银行同业拆人利率New York interbank bid rate
securit.纽约银行同业拆放利率或拆出利率New York interbank offer rate
securit.纽约银行同业拆放利率New York interbank offered rate
securit.纽约银行同业相互补偿规则New York interbank compensation rules
gen.назв.комп. 纽约第一国民银行First National Bank of New York
securit.经允许的银行借款permitted bank borrowing
securit.经办银行originating bank
securit.经营全面业务的银行fully fledged bank
securit.经营利率差价的银行业务differential-interest banking
securit.结算银行clearing house
securit.结算银行setting bank
securit.结算银行clearing bank
securit.结算银行同业支付系统clearing house interbank payment system
securit.结算银行账户clearing house account
securit.结算所参与者的交收银行clearing house settlement bank
securit.统一银行体制mono-bank system (all-in-one)
securit.网上银行业务web banking
securit.网上银行业务internet banking
securit.网上银行服务online banking
securit.网上银行服务electronic banking services
securit.网上投资银行online investment bank
securit.网下银行offline bank
securit.网下银行业务操作offline banking (由于互联网的不安全性,为了防止网上转账时可能出现的偷窃,而建立一个网下脱机的银行业务操作程序)
gen.назв.комп. 罗马银行Banca di Roma
gen.美因河畔法兰克福银行间同业往来拆放Frankfurt interbank offered rate
gen.美国银行业协会American Bankers Association
securit.美国银行体系的解救策略bailout strategy for the US banking system
avia.美国银行家协会American Bankers' Association
securit.美国银行家协会交换号码ABA transit number
securit.美国银行家抵押贷款协会Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA)
securit.美国投资银行US investment bank (2008年9月金融海啸以后,华尔街上此类银行已不复存在)
securit.美国抵押银行家协会Mortgage Banker Association of America
gen.назв.комп. 美洲银行Bank of America
securit.联合银行consortium banks
securit.联邦中介信贷银行Federal intermediate credit bank
securit.联邦住宅贷款银行Federal Home Loan Bank
securit.联邦住宅贷款银行系统Federal Home Loan Bank System
securit.联邦住宅贷款银行联合贴息证券Federal Home Loan Bank consolidated discount notes
securit.联邦储备银行储备规则Federal Reserve Bank reserve requirement
securit.联邦储备银行Federal Reserve Bank note
securit.联邦储备银行支票收款制度Federal Reserve check collection system
securit.联邦储备银行收款账户Federal Reserve Bank collections account
securit.联邦储备银行浮动Federal Reserve Bank float
securit.联邦储备银行系统Federal Reserve Bank system
securit.联邦储备银行账户Federal Reserve Bank account
securit.联邦准备银行股票Federal Reserve Bank stock
securit.联邦注册银行national bank
securit.联邦融资银行Federal Financing Bank
securit.联邦贷款银行Federal Loan Bank
securit.联邦金融银行Federal Financing Bank
securit.股东委托公司将其股息存人银行的委托书dividend mandate
securit.股份储蓄银行stock savings bank
securit.股份制银行joint-stock bank
securit.芬兰银行Suomen Pankki-Finlands Bank
securit.花旗银行City Bank
securit.花旗银行National City Bank of New York
avia.花旗银行Citi Bank
gen.英国银行休假日5月31 日Bank Holiday
securit.荷兰银行de Nederlandsche Bank
securit.荷兰银行Algemene Bank Nederland N.V.
securit.莫斯科银行间外汇交易指数Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange
securit.莫斯科银行间外汇交易所指数Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange
securit.获准银行recognized bank
securit.营业银行operating bank
securit.虚拟银行virtual bank
securit.融资银行financing corporation
securit.袋鼠银行辛迪加Kangaroo syndicate
securit.许可银行借款permitted bank borrowing
securit.证券银行securities bank
securit.证券银行chattel bank
securit.证券银行merchant banker
securit., germ.证券保管银行Wertpapiersammelbank
securit.证券商银行dealer bank
securit.财政挤银行fiscal pressure on the central bank (over monetary policy)
securit.货币市场银行报价Banxquote Money Markets
securit.购票银行negotiation bank
securit.跨境银行业务cross-border banking
securit.辅助银行secondary bank
securit.过于依赖银行贷款overwhelming dependence on bank loans
securit.过渡银行bridge bank
securit.近似银行的机构near banking institution
gen.这里是大华银行,有什么可以效劳的吗?This is United Overseas Bank. How may I help you?
securit.适合银行买人的证券bank eligible issue
securit.部分银行业务fractional banking
gen.назв.комп. 里昂信贷银行Crédit Lyonnais
securit.重点银行prime bank
securit.野猫式银行发行的纸币wildcat money
gen.银行公司bancorp (oration)
gen.银行卡支付ATM card payment
gen.银行可以拒绝兑换支票,却不可以拒绝兑换银行汇票A bank cannot refuse to a banker's draft, whereas it can refuse to a cheque
gen.银行同业往来划拨清算电子系统Clearing House Interbank Payments System
gen.银行帆布袋canvas bank pouch
gen.银行街教育学院Bank Street College of Education
securit.长期信贷银行long term credit bank
securit.附属银行affiliated bank
securit.限制性的银行业务 例如有些国家规定银行不能从事证券和保险业的经营活动_limited banking
securit.集团银行group bank
securit.集团银行业务group banking
securit.银行投资人non-bank investor
securit.银行放款人non-bank lender
securit.银行板块non-banking sector
securit.银行部门non-banking sector
securit.银行金融中介机构non bank financial intermediary
securit.非法经营银行业务wildcat banking
securit.非法经营的银行wildcat bank
securit.非结算银行non-settling bank
securit.非认可银行unauthorized bank
securit.顶级银行汇票prime bank bill
securit.领头银行lead bank
securit.香港银行同业拆借利率Hong Kong Inter bank Offered Rate
securit.香港银行同业拆借港元利率期货叠做期权HIBOR futures strip
securit.香港银行同业拆借港元利率期货合同HIBOR futures contract
securit.香港银行同业拆放利率Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate
securit.香港银行同业拆放市场Hong Kong Interbank Market
securit.香港银行同业结算有限公司Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited
securit.香港银行同业隔夜拆息率overnight Hong Kong interbank offered rate (HIBOR)
securit.马德里银行同业拆人利率Madrid interbank bid rate
securit.马德里银行同业拆人利率马德里银行Madrid interbank bid rate
securit.马德里银行同业拆出利率Madrid interbank offered rate
securit.马德里银行同业拆放利率Madrid interbank offered rate (表示该银行愿意放贷的利率)
gen.назв.комп. 马雷兄弟银行Banque Mallet Fréres et Cie
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