
Terms containing 银票 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.不合格的银行承兑汇票ineligible acceptance
commer.不合格的银行汇票承兑ineligible acceptance
tech.不合格银行汇票non-eligible bank bills
tech.不抬头的银行票据banker's clean bill
tech.不用支票的银行制度checkless banking system
fin.不能兑现的银行票据irredeemable bank note
econ.不能兑现的银行票据irredeemable banknote
gen.#不起,我们银行不兑换国外支票I'm sorry. Our bank doesn't negotiate foreign checks
commer.中国银行照付的支票cheque on the Bank of China
securit.中央股票储存银行central scrip bank
fin.中央银行开出的票据bill drawn by the central bank
busin.中央银行开出的票据bill drawn by central bank
proj.manag.乙银行本票banker's draft
econ.他们将出具保证书,通过你方银行向你们提示汇票They will present the draft to you through your bankers under their Letter of Guarantee
econ.他到银行兑现支票He went to the bank to cash a check
busin.代兑银行支票者collecting banker
econ.以票据向银行贴现negotiate a bill to a bank
econ.优等银行汇票fine bank bill
textile优等银行票据prime bank bill
securit.优等银行票据fine banknote
securit.优质银行承兑汇票fine bank bill
commer.伦敦银行业票据交换所London Bankers' Clearing House
earth.sc.伦敦银行业票据交换所London Bankers, Clearing House
busin.伦敦银行票据交换所清算所London Bankers' Clearing Houses
econ.但是,我们愿意每个季度向你方开具以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票We would, however adv., prefer to draw a sight bill on you quarterly in favour of the Export Bank of Singapore
securit.依赖于商业票据市场的投资银行investment bank relied on commercial paper market
fin.兑换金银票gold and silver certificate
econ.再向银行兑支票represent a check at the bank
busin.再向银行兑现支票represent a cheque at the bank
proj.manag.几天后我们将会寄给你方我们的售货清单以及银行汇票We will send you our account sales together with the banker s draft in a few days
proj.manag.凭中国银行票据支付pay to the order of Bank of China
busin.凭支票取款的银行存款bank deposit subject to withdrawal by check
fin.凭支票取款的银行存款bank deposits subject to withdrawal by cheque
tech.凭支票取款的银行存款bank deposits subject to withdrawal by check
proj.manag.凭银行票据支付pay to the order of bank
gen.务必核对餐厅收银发票和收银机上显示的金额是否一致Do verify restaurant cashier's receipts against machine tape reading
fin.即期汇票银行买人价demand draft buying
securit.即期汇票银行买人价格demand draft buying price
busin.即期汇票银行买入价demand draft buying
fin.即期汇票银行买入价格demand draft buying
econ.即期汇票银行兑价demand draft buying
tech.参加票据交换的银行clearing bank
busin.双具名银行承兑汇票acceptance with two bank names
interntl.trade.受票银行drawee bank
econ.受票银行drawable bank
gen.只有在你能证明自己的身份时,银行才会为你兑换支票The bank will not change the cheque unless you can identify yourself
proj.manag.可在银行贴现的票据bankable bill
tech.可通过银行承兑的票据bankable bill
fin.合格的银行承兑汇票eligible banker's acceptance
fin.合格的银行承兑汇票eligible banker's acceptance bill
securit.合格的银行承兑汇票eligible bank's acceptance bill
fin.合格银行商业票据利率eligible bank bill rate
securit.合格银行票据利率eligible bank bill rate
fin.向银行兑支票present a check at the bank
commer.向银行兑现支票present a check at the bank
commer.向银行再兑支票represent a check at the bank
interntl.trade.商业承兑汇票和银行承兑汇票commercial acceptance bill and bankers acceptance bill
fin.商业汇票和银行汇票commercial bill and bankers' bill
gen.嗯,任何银行都会以我们现在的旅游支票购买率来兑换,我们在某些方面比酒店更便宜一点是因为服务费Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge
busin.国民银行发行的钞票national bank notes
econ.国民银行钞票national bank notes
busin.国际银行汇票international bank money
commer.在按跟单信用证支付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller
fin.在银行付款的票据note payable at bank
commer.在银行兑现之前他必须在支票背面签字He had to endorse the check before the bank would cash it
busin.地方银行发行的钞票country note
busin.〔英〕地方银行支票country cheque
busin.地方银行支票country cheque
busin.地方银行支票country check
busin.地方银行钞票country note
econ.外国银票foreign note
busin.外国银行伦敦分行承兑的汇票agency bill
tech.外国银行票据foreign bank bill
fin.外国银行票据foreign bank notes
interntl.trade.外国银行票据foreign bank bills
securit.外国银行票据foreign agency bill
fin.外资银行承兑票据foreign acceptances
econ.如果这张支票不能兑取现金,应将其退回银行,以追索款项If the check can't be cashed, it shall be returned on recourse to the bank
econ.委员会投票通过关闭这家银行The committee voted to close the bank
gen.对不起,酒店不能为您兑现旅行支票,您可以去银行办理Sorry, travelers checks are not allowed to be cashed in our hotel. You could have this service in the bank
fin.将支票解入银行pay a cheque into the bank
textile将支票转入银行pay a check into the bank
busin.小额银行钞票fractional bank note
econ.应付银行的票据note payable to banks
busin.应付银行票据note payable to banks
busin.应付银行票据note due to bank
securit.应在银行付款的票据note payable at bank
textile应收银行票据note receivable from banks
commer.开一张纽约银行支票draw a check on New York Bank
exhib.开具银行汇票draw a bank order
econ.当时他们要求其银行再次向你方提示该汇票Meanwhile they are requesting their bank to represent the draft to you
gen.您的旅行支票的发行银行是哪家?What is the issuing bank of your traveler's checks ?
econ.我们一经从银行取得货运单据就立即兑付你们的汇票We shall honour your draft as soon as the documents are received from the bank
econ.我方 5000 元人民币的汇票可向中国人民银行提款Our draft for RMB ¥5000 will be drawn on the People's Bank of China
brit., busin.批发合作社票据交换银行Co-operative Wholesale Society Bank
commer.把支票交银行出纳员兑换现金give one's check to the bank teller
commer.按代收银行向伦敦开出的即期汇票售出牌价付款payable at collecting bank's selling rate for sight drafts on London
busin.按期结清银行支票take up one's note at the bank when due
commer.按经认可的银行向伦敦丹出的汇票售出牌价付款,汇率以背书时为准payable by approved bank's drafts on London, exchange per endorsement
gen.换旅行支票,银行要收取5%的手续费The bank adds on a 5 % handling charge for changing the traveler's cheque
econ.接英格兰银行通知,他们的支票被拒付了They are informed by the Bank of England that their cheque has been dishonoured
securit.提高伦敦银行同业贷款利率获利能力的票据LIBOR-enhanced accrual note
gen.支票是客户要求银行从自己账户付出一笔钱的书面指示A cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account
fin.支票银码机check protector
fin.支票银码机check signing machine
fin.无抬头人银行票据banker's blank bill
securit.无抬头的银行票据bankers dean bill
busin.无抬头银行票据banker's clean bill
fin.无支票化银行系统checkless banking system
busin.有信誉的银行汇票fine bank bill
securit.未兑现的银行本票cashier's order outstanding
proj.manag.未承兑的银行本票cashier's order outstanding
proj.manag.本地银行付款令票native bank order
econ.本次发货的票据由装运港中国银行见票即付Draft under this delivery are to be drawn at sight on the Bank of China at the port of shipment
econ.根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favour, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
econ.根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favor, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s
securit.欧洲银行票据清算交易中心Euroclear operation Center
fin.汇丰银行股票期货合同futures contract on HSBC stock
tech.汇票付款银行drawee bank
commer.汇票已交银行进行光票托收The draft has been handed to the banker for clean collection
econ.汇票已送交银行按光票托收The draft was sent to the Bank on clean collection
proj.manag.汇票是由银行还是由邮局汇来的?Is the money order from the bank or the post?
commer.汇票送交银行按跟单托收收取款项The draft was sent through the banker on documentary collection
econ.流通中银行票据平均额average outstanding bank notes issued
tech.票据交换后银行借差debit bank balance
tech.票据交换后银行贷差credit bank balance
tech.票据交换所会员银行clearing member
securit.票据交换所会员银行member bank of the clearing house
IMF.票据交换所银行间支付系统clearing house interbank payments system
tech.票据交换轧差银行debtor bank
interntl.trade.票据交换银行clearing bank
econ.票据交换银行banker's bank
fin.票据再转让银行renegotiating bank
securit.票据发行银行note issuing bank
econ.票据承兑银行accepting house
busin.票据承兑银行acceptance house
tech.票据承兑银行acceptance bank
securit.私营银行汇票private bill
interntl.trade.经银行人员签字证明真实的支票initialed check
proj.manag.经银行证明可兑现的支票certified cheque
commer.美元银行汇票D/D on New York
econ.美国国民银行发行的钞票national bank notes
interntl.trade.美国联邦储备银行接受再兑现的票据eligible bill
econ.美国联邦准备银行接受再兑现的票据eligible bill
securit.联邦储备银行支票收款制度Federal Reserve check collection system
securit.联邦准备银行股票Federal Reserve Bank stock
fin.英格兰银行票据bank of England bill
commer.英镑银行汇票D/D on London
interntl.trade.被发票银行drawee bank
proj.manag.因存款不足被银行退回的支票bounced cheque
interntl.trade.让购汇票银行negotiating bank
fin.记名式银票票据special note
busin.记名式银票special note
econ.请保证,一经从银行取得装船单据就立即兑付我们的汇票We need your assurance that you will honor our draft as soon as you receive the ship ping document from the bank
econ.购票银行negotiating bank
securit.购票银行negotiation bank
textile远期银行汇票usance banker's bill
textile远期银行汇票long-term bank draft
econ.远期银行汇票a usance bankers' bill
fin.远期银行汇票usance bankers'bill
busin.远期银行汇票usance bankers' bill
fin.退回银票return bill
fin.通知银行止付支票stop pavment on a cheque
fin.通过交换托收的银行票据bank exchanges
busin.钞票 〈英〉银行汇票bank bill
busin.流通的钞票、银行券bank paper
securit.银团承购票据grantor underwritten note
busin.银票silver certificate
fin.银票bandar's note
securit.银票banker's note
econ.银行对外国银行开出的汇票banker's bill
commer.银行对外国银行开出的汇票banker's draft
securit.银行不付款的支票dishonored check
econ.银行与银行之间的汇票bank bill
securit.银行与银行之间的汇票agency bill
securit.银行业股票banking stocks
econ.银行中的票据贴现negotiate a bill to a bank
commer.银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill
securit.银行交换托收票据bank exchange
busin.银行交换票据bank exchanges
securit.银行交换票据bank exchange
textile银行付款票据bank payment voucher
IMF.银行保付支票marked check
IMF.银行保付支票certified bank check
IMF.银行保付支票certified check
textile银行保兑支票marked check
econ.银行保兑的支票marked check
securit.银行偿付票据banker's deposal draft
commer.银行出纳员开立的内部支票teller's check
tech.银行卖出汇票bank selling rate
fin.D/D 银行即期汇票bank demand draft
fin.银行即期汇票banker's sight bill
textile银行即期汇票banker's demand credit
textile银行即期汇票bank demand draft
oil银行即期汇票banker's demand draft
tech.银行即期汇票bank's demand draft
securit.银行即期汇票banker's sight draft
interntl.trade.银行发票bank invoice
interntl.trade.银行发票banker's invoice
busin.银行发票指出口方向银行办理押汇或结汇时应提供的发票bank invoice
gen.银行可以拒绝兑换支票,却不可以拒绝兑换银行汇票A bank cannot refuse to a banker's draft, whereas it can refuse to a cheque
econ.银行可承兑的票据bank paper
econ.银行可接受再贴现的汇票bill eligible for rediscount
securit.银行可接受票据bankable paper
securit.银行可贴现的汇票bankable bill
econ.银行可贴现票据a bankable bill
securit.银行同业票据清算支付系统clearing house interbank payment system
fin.银行同业融资票据inter-bank financing bills
securit.银行同业融通票据interbank financing bills
econ.银行售出票据超过购入票据的差额nostro overdraft
securit.银行商业票据bank's commercial bill
interntl.trade.银行委托外国银行承兑其本票的信函letter of indication
textile银行存款支票户checking account at a bank
securit.银行家股票banker's shares
fin.银行对国外代理机构所发支票或即期汇票banker's check or demand of draft on their correspondents abroad
busin.银行对国外代理机构所发支票或即期汇票banker's checks or demand draft on their correspondents abroad
securit.银行小额汇票money order
securit.银行小额汇票money orderMO
fin.银行应收未收票据bank float
securit.银行开票据banker's draft
fin.银行承兑汇票bank acceptance bill
busin.银行承兑汇票指以进口银行为付款人,并已经其承兑的远期汇票bank acceptance bill
IMF.银行承兑汇票bank acceptance
IMF.银行承兑汇票banker's acceptance
interntl.trade.银行承兑汇票banker's acceptance bill
securit.银行承兑汇票banker's acceptance draft
securit.银行承兑汇票费率banker's acceptance rate
tech.银行承兑的票据bank note
econ.银行承兑的票据bank notes
tech.银行承兑的票据bank paper
textile银行承兑票banker's acceptance
securit.银行承兑票banker's acceptance bill
econ.银行承兑票据bank note
archit.银行承兑票据bank paper
fin.银行承兑票据bankable bill
fin.银行承兑票据bank acceptance
textile银行承兑票据banker's acceptance
textile银行承兑票据banker's acceptance bill
commer.银行承兑票据bank acceptance bill
busin.银行承兑票据bankers' acceptance
securit.银行接受作担保的票据eligible paper
busin.cheque银行支票即由银行开出,并由该行自己付款的支票,又称本票bank check
textile银行支票bank check
fin.银行支票banker's check (cheque)
oil银行支票cashier's check
tech.银行支票bank cheque
econ.银行支票bank check (cheque)
interntl.trade.银行支票bank check
interntl.trade.银行支票banker's check
interntl.trade.银行支票bank cheque
busin.银行支票banker's cheque
securit.银行支票banker's check/cheque
commer.银行支票亦用bank check
securit.银行支票号码transit number
interntl.trade.银行支票员third teller
fin.银行支票存款账户checking accounts at a bank
fin.银行支票户bank checking account
fin.银行支票户bank check account
fin.银行支票户头帐户bank checking account
tech.银行支票户头bank checking account
fin.银行支票电报bank check telegram
textile银行支票证bank's card
econ.银行支票证a banker's card
telecom.银行支票读取终端draft capture
textile银行支票账户bank checking account
el.银行支票账户bank-checking account
busin.银行支票账户bank check account
IMF.银行本票bank check
exhib.〈美〉银行本票cashier's check
textile银行本票bank order
textile银行本票cashier's note
securit.银行本票official check
commer.银行本票banker's check
econ.银行本票cashier's cheque
fin.银行本票officer’s check
fin.银行本票treasurer’s check
fin.银行本票cashier order
fin.银行本票promissory bank note
fin.银行本票bank cheque
IMF.银行本票cashier's check
IMF.银行本票treasurer's check
IMF.银行本票official check
fin.银行本票bank cashier order
econ.银行本票a treasurer's check
econ.银行本票treasure's check
busin.银行本票cashier's cheque (check)
tech.银行本票bank's order
busin.银行本票bank note
busin.银行本票banker's order
interntl.trade.银行本票cashier's order
interntl.trade.银行本票officer's check
busin.银行本票office's check
securit.银行本票banker's promissory note
econ.银行查核支票付款时,检查出票人账户上是否有足够的资金兑付支票When the bank certifies a check, it examines the writer's account to see that sufficient funds are available to cover the check
fin.银行水兑票banker's acceptance
commer.银行汇票bank banker's cheque
busin.银行汇票即银行签发给另一银行,请其代为付款的票据bank draft
securit.银行汇票finance acceptance
tech.银行汇票bill of exchange
busin.银行汇票bank's draft
commer.银行汇票sight bill
fin.银行汇票bank paper
fin.银行汇票bankas bill
fin.银行汇票order on a bank
fin.银行汇票bank remittance
commer.银行汇票sight draft
econ.银行汇票bank post bill
econ.银行汇票bank draught
econ.银行汇票a banker's bill
commer.银行汇票demand bill
interntl.trade.银行汇票bank bill
interntl.trade.银行汇票banker's bill
interntl.trade.银行汇票bank money order
commer.银行汇票demand note
commer.银行汇票sight sight bill
commer.银行汇票draft on demand
IMF.银行汇票bank draft
IMF.银行汇票banker's draft
exhib.银行汇票bank order
commer.银行汇票draft of sight
commer.银行汇票demand draft
securit.银行汇票bank draftBD
securit.银行汇票cashier's order
securit.银行汇票bankers bill
busin.银行汇票向其国外分行、支行或代理行开出banker's bill
busin.银行汇票bank's money order
busin.银行汇票bank's bill
busin.银行汇票支票,汇票兑换bank exchanges
securit.银行汇票审核verifying of bank of draft
securit.银行特许登记支票registered check
econ.银行的支票员third teller
securit.银行票据bankers bill
tech.银行票据bank bill
busin.银行票据支票、 汇票bank money
busin.银行票据bank notes
interntl.trade.银行票据banker's bill
interntl.trade.银行票据banker's draft
econ.银行票据a banker's bill
fin.银行票据bank bill (banker’s draft, bank draft, bank paper)
fin.银行票据bank's bill
textile银行票据bank paper
IMF.银行票据bank money
textile银行票据bank note
econ.银行票据包括支票和汇票bank money
commer.银行票据bank paper (包括支票、本票、汇票)
tech.银行票据bank draft
securit.银行票据bank draftBD
econ.银行票据交换bank clearing
interntl.trade.银行票据交换所bank clearing house
proj.manag.银行票据交换所bankers' clearing house
interntl.trade.银行票据交换所banker's clearing house
interntl.trade.银行票据员note teller
fin.银行票据承兑率banker's acceptance rate
securit.银行票据结算bank clearing
proj.manag.银行票据结算所bankers' clearing house
securit.银行票据贴现bank discount
fin.银行类股票bank shares
busin.银行股票banker's share
busin.银行股票bank stock
securit.银行股票登记簿bank's stock ledger
el.银行自动化票据交换业务banker automated clearing service
el.银行自动化票据交换系统banker automated clearance system
fin.银行见票4个月付款bank 4 month's sight
securit.银行见票付款bank demand
interntl.trade.银行见票即付bank demand
fin.银行见票即付band demand
fin.银行见票后4个月付款bank 4 months sight
fin.银行贴现票据bankable bill
econ.银行资金融通票据banker's long bills drawn for purpose of raising money
fin.银行远期汇票banker's time bill
securit.银行远期汇票usance banker's bill
busin.银行透支票据bank overdraft paper
interntl.trade.银行邮政汇票bank post bill
fin.银行邮汇票据bank post bill
econ.银行钞票bank note
busin.银行钞票平均发行额average outstanding bank notes issued
bank.银行钞票率bank note rate
busin.银行钞票进出次数frequency of receipt and payment of bank notes
fin.银行长期汇票banker's long drafts
econ.银行长期汇票banker's long bill
interntl.trade.银行长期汇票banker's long bills
textile银行长期汇票banker's long draft
busin.银行长期汇票bankers long bills
commer.银行长期票据banker's long draft
commer.银行长期票据banker's long bill
interntl.trade.银行长期票据bank long bill
securit.银行长期票据banker's long bills
fin.银行间汇票bank bill banker’s draft, bank draft, bank paper
fin.银邮汇票英格兰发行的bank post bill
fin.附息票银行债券coupon bank debenture
tech.非合格银行汇票non-eligible bank bills
securit.顶级银行汇票prime bank bill