
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 钻机 | all forms | in specified order only
中心钻机center drill
中心取样回转钻机Center Sample Rotary
共振钻探机组resonant drill units
地面钻机扩孔器的供应supply of hole-openers for surface drill
快速自动钻机rapid automatic drill
球表钻机lunar surface drill
机械钻进速度rate of penetration
检修钻机overhauling drilling rig
深海勘探钻机系统deep-sea boring machine system
激光焊机laser welder drillers
激光焊机/laser welder/driller
研究性螺旋钻土机Research Earth Borer
立式钻机upright drilling machine
计算机化钻井控制系统computerized drilling control
计算机辅助钻进computer aided drilling
计算机钻进控制computer drilling control
轻便钻机制造商协会Portable Drilling Rig Manufacture Association
连续取样回转钻机continuous sampling rotary
通用钻机公司universal drill rigs
金刚石岩心钻机制造商协会Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers Association
钻机供应种类order of rig supplies
钻机壳体drilling shell
钻机材料供给delivery of rig materials
钻机的选择drilling rig selection
钻机运出rig transport out
钻机运输transportation of rig
钻机运进rig transport in
阿波罗月球表面钻机Apollo Lunar Surface Drill
附属钻探机件accessory boring organ