
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 钢铁 | all forms | in specified order only
不合尺寸废钢铁off-size scrap
不合尺寸的废钢铁off-size scrap
不合标准化学成分的钢铁off-analysis scrap
不合标准废钢铁off-grade scrap
不合标准的废钢铁off-grade scrap
不规则废钢铁irregular scrap
世界钢铁工业world iron and steel industry
世界钢铁市场world iron and steel market
世界钢铁贸易world iron and steel trade
中国钢铁工业the steel industry in China (The steel industry in China has witnessed a remarkable growth in the last 25 years. 在过去 25 年中,中国钢铁工业展示出令人瞩目的发展。)
中国钢铁工业iron and steel industry in China
中国钢铁工业Chinese steel industry (Currently there are numerous small local steel companies in China, and in general view, the Chinese steel industry is ripe for a rapid consolidation state. 目前,中国拥有大量的小型地方钢铁公司。人们普遍认为,中国钢铁工业进行快速整合的时机已经成熟。)
中国钢铁工业China's iron and steel industry
中国钢铁工业协会China Iron and Steel Association
中国主要钢铁联合企业major integrated iron and steel works in China
中国地方钢铁工业local iron and steel industry in China
中国特色的钢铁工业iron and steel industry with Chinese characteristics
中国的小钢铁China's small iron and steel plant
中型钢铁medium-scale iron and steel plant
中小钢铁medium and small-sized steelworks
中小钢铁medium and small-sized iron and steel plant
人炉废钢铁charge scrap
人炉废钢铁charged scrap
仙牌镍铜铁录音钢丝合金Sen alloy
以矿石为原料的钢铁联合工厂ore-based integrated steelworks
优质铁素体不锈钢quality ferrite stainless steel
优质铁素体不锈钢superferrite stainless steel
优质铁素体不锈钢super ferrite stainless steel
传统钢铁生产流程conventional route of iron and steel production
低密度炼钢用废钢铁low-density scrap for steelmaking
低温铁素体钢cryogenic ferritic steel (【技】一种适合于低温条件下使用的低合金铁素体钢。在脆性转变温度以上使用。碳含量较低,铁素体晶粒度小,并要求导致脆性的磷、砷等有害杂质尽可能低,主要用于液体丙烷与丙烯、液氨等液化气的储存和输送装置;寒冷地带野外作业的设备和工程结构;一些冷冻、低温设备等。)
低温铁锰铝奥氏体钢cryogenic Fe-Mn-Al austenitic steel (【技】一种无铬、无镍的低温奥氏体不锈钢。由中国最先研制开发成功。具有密度小、强度和韧性好、耐低温等优点。适用于石油、化工等行业的低温用部件。)
低碳铁素体不锈钢stainless iron (C< 0.1,Cr11 〜30)
兑铁水前废钢温度temperature of scrap prior to charging hot metal
入炉废钢铁charge scrap
冷碎废钢铁cold cropping
劣质废钢铁junk scrap
勒夏特列 1 号钢铁侵蚀剂Le Chatelier No:1 reagent
半联合钢铁semiintegrated works
南非钢铁学会South African Iron and Steel Institute
厂内本厂钢铁internal scrap
厂内废钢铁revert scrap
厂内废钢铁plant revert scrap
厂内废钢铁in-house scrap
厂内废钢铁in-plant scrap steel
厂内废钢铁domestic scrap
压块废钢铁briquetted steel scrap
压块废钢铁briquetted scrap
压块废钢铁faggoting scrap
压块废钢铁fagoting scrap
厚壁球铁钢锭模thick-walled nodular cast iron mold
厚板坯钢铁联合生产厂thick slab integrated steel producer
双相奥氏体-铁素体不锈钢duplex austenitic-ferritic stainless steel (【技】以18-8型奥氏体不锈钢为基础添加铬、钼、硅元素,或通过降低含碳量获得。其中的一种相通常不低于30%。集奥氏体、铁素体的优点于一体,获得广泛运用。)
钢铁ferrous salvage
可利用的废钢铁utilizable iron and steel scrap
可利用的废钢铁ferrous salvage
合尺寸废钢铁sized scrap
合格废钢铁specification scrap
含油废钢铁oily steel scrap
含铀废钢铁uraniferous scrap steel
商品废钢铁resalable scrap
商品废钢铁merchantable steel scrap
商品废钢铁merchantable iron and steel scrap
商品废钢铁commercial iron and steel scrap
商品废钢铁merchantable scrap
回收的废钢铁recycled steel and iron scrap
回收的废钢铁recycled iron and steel
回收的废钢铁reclaimed scrap steel
回收的废钢铁recovered steel scrap
回收的废钢铁collected scrap steel and iron
回炉废钢铁return steel
回炉废钢铁recycled iron and steel
回炉废钢铁recirculated scrap iron and steel
回炉废钢铁scrap for remelting
回炉废钢铁revert scrap
回炉废钢铁recycled scrap
国际钢铁学会技术委员会Technology Committee of International Iron and Steel Institute
国际钢铁学会技术委员会International Iron and Steel Institute Technology Committee
国际钢铁工业international steel industry
地方钢铁企业local iron & steel enterprise
地方钢铁企业local iron and steel enterprise
地方钢铁公司local iron & steel corporation
地方钢铁公司local iron and steel corporation
地方钢铁公司local iron & steel company
地方钢铁公司local iron and steel company
地方钢铁local iron & steel works
地方钢铁local iron and steel works
地方小型钢铁企业local small iron and steel enterprise
地方骨干钢铁企业local key iron & steel enterprise
地方骨干钢铁企业local key iron and steel enterprise
地方骨干钢铁local key iron & steel works
地方骨干钢铁local key iron and steel works
块度分级废钢铁sized scrap
坦纳感应炉生铁矿石炼钢法Tanna process
塔塔钢铁公司the Tata Iron & Steel Co Ltd
备用废钢铁emergency scrap iron and steel
外购废钢铁purchased scrap iron and steel
外购废钢铁purchased scrap
外购废钢铁bought scrap
大件可破碎废钢铁heavy breakable scrap
大件废钢铁bulky scrap
大块废钢铁large-sized scrap
大块废钢铁heavy scrap
大型可破碎废钢铁heavy breakable scrap
大型废钢铁large scrap
大型废钢铁bulky scrap
完整的钢铁联合工厂fully integrated steel plant
室温废钢铁scrap at ambient temperature
家庭用品废钢铁household scrap steel
家庭用品废钢铁household scrap
钢铁small-size iron and steel works
钢铁small iron and steel works
小型钢铁mini steel plant
小型地方钢铁公司small local steel company (Currently there are numerous small local steel companies in China, and in general view, the Chinese steel industry is ripe for a rapid consolidation state. 目前,中国拥有大量的小型地方钢铁公司。人们普遍认为,中国钢铁工业进人快速整合的时机已经成熟。)
川崎制铁 K-BOP 复吹炼钢法Kawasaki basic oxygen process
工厂清理废钢的铁路网scrapworks trackage
已掺杂废钢铁contaminated scrap
已污染废钢铁contaminated scrap steel
已污染废钢铁contaminated scrap
C- 布莱特超级铁素体不锈钢C-Brite
C-布莱特超级铁素体不锈钢C-Brite (0.01C, 0.25Si, 0.02Mn, 29Cr, 4Mo,余量Fe)
E- 布赖特超级铁素体不锈钢E-Brite
平炉炼钢生铁open-hearth pig iron
钢铁scrap (The EAF components fall into the functional groups: furnace structures for containment of the scrap and molten steel, components which allow for movement of the furnace and its main structural pieces, components that support supply of electrical power to the EAF, and auxiliary process equipment which may reside on the furnace or around its periphery. 电弧炉组件分成几个功能组:容纳废钢和钢水的炉体结构、用于炉体和主要结构件运动的组件、电弧炉供电组件及炉体上或周边的辅助设备等。)
钢铁scrap material
钢铁scrap iron and steel
钢铁iron and steel waste
钢铁iron and steel scrap
钢铁scrap metal
钢铁ferrous wastes
钢铁ferrous waste
钢铁件的处理disposal of pieces of scrap steel
钢铁价值scrap steel value
钢铁价值scrap value
钢铁准备工段scrap steel preparation section
钢铁准备工段scrap iron and steel preparation section
钢铁准备车间scrap steel preparation shop
钢铁准备车间scrap iron and steel preparation shop
钢铁准备车间scrap preparation shop
钢铁利用scrap steel utilization
钢铁利用scrap usage
钢铁利用scrap usage
钢铁剪切机scrap steel shearing machine
钢铁剪切机scrap steel shear
钢铁剪切机scrap shearing machine
钢铁压力打包机scrap press
钢铁压块briquetted scrap
钢铁商品scrap steel commodity
钢铁商品resalable scrap
钢铁回收利用scrap metal reclamation
钢铁场起重机scrap yard crane
钢铁scrap steel pile
钢铁scrap pile
钢铁堆放场scrap steel stockyard
钢铁堆放场scrap yard
钢铁堆放场scrap stockyard
钢铁收购价scrap steel purchasing price
钢铁收购价scrap iron and steel purchasing price
钢铁收购站scrap steel purchasing station
钢铁收购站scrap iron and steel purchasing station
钢铁收集站scrap steel collecting station
钢铁iron and steel scrap material
钢铁waste iron and steel charge
钢铁iron and steel waste
钢铁料场scrap yard
钢铁料场scrap steel stockyard
钢铁料桶scrap steel charging bucket
钢铁料桶scrap charging bucket
钢铁炼钢scrap and hot metal practice
钢/铁水价格比scrap steel/hot-metal price ratio
钢/铁水价格比ratio of scrap to hot-metal prices
钢/铁水比scrap steel/hot-metal ratio
钢/铁水比scrap metal ratio (炉料中的)
钢铁炉料waste iron and steel charge
钢铁炉料scrap iron and steel charge
钢铁破碎scrap handling
钢铁装箱跨scrap box filling bay
钢铁装运scrap handling
钢铁装运scrap shipment
钢铁解体scrap handling
钢铁解体scrap steel disintegration
钢铁解体破碎scrap handling
钢铁运输scrap steel transportation
钢铁运输机scrap steel conveyer
钢铁重新利用scrap steel recycling
钢铁重新利用scrap steel recovery
钢铁重新利用recycling of steel
钢铁重新利用scrap metal reclamation
钢铁链式运输机scrap chain conveyer
废钢与铁水比scrap-metal ratio
废钢和/或铁水scrap and/or hot metal
废钢生铁炼钢scrap-and-pig iron practice
【钢】 废钢生铁各半法fifty fifty practice
废钢生铁各半法fifty fifty practice
废钢生铁炼钢法scrap-and-pig iron practice (平炉的)
建设钢铁厂意向书letter of intent for construction of steelworks
开铁口钢钎tapping bar
开铁口钢钎tapping iron
开铁口钢钎tap bar
当地废钢铁local scrap
循环废钢铁recirculating steel scrap
循环废钢铁recirculating scrap
德国钢铁协会还原试验法V.D.E. method
您如何看待钢铁联合工厂和小钢厂之间的关系?How do you view the relationship between integrated mill and mini mill?
您对钢铁学会的看法如何?What are your thoughts about the Iron and Steel Society?
成分不合格的废钢铁off-analysis scrap
扁平材钢铁联合生产厂integrated steel production plant for flat products
打包废钢铁packed scrap
打包废钢铁faggoting scrap
打捆打包钢铁faggoting scrap
打捆打包钢铁fagoting scrap
打捆废钢铁bundled scrap
打捆废钢铁faggoting scrap
打捆废钢铁packed scrap
打捆废钢铁baled scrap
无污染的废钢铁nonpollution iron and steel scrap
日本钢铁协会Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
未掺杂废钢铁contaminant-free scrap
未污染废钢铁contaminant-free scrap
未污染的废钢铁contaminant-free scrap
本厂废钢铁revert scrap
本厂废钢铁home scrap
机器废钢铁machinery scrap
杰索普 H₄₀ 铁素体耐热钢Jessop H₄₀
松散废钢铁loose scrap
标准废钢铁standard scrap steel
标准废钢铁specification scrap
格斯纳钢铁表面蒸黑处理法Gesner process
欧洲钢铁工业iron and steel industry in Europe
欧洲钢铁工业European iron and steel industry
L.D.K. 氧气转炉内高磷生铁块状石灰炼钢法L.D.K. process
氧气转炉高磷生铁块状石灰炼钢法LDK process
汽车废钢铁automotive scrap
油污染的废钢铁oily steel scrap
油污染的废钢铁oily scrap
法国钢铁研究院Institut de Recherches de la Sidérurgie Française
法国钢铁研究院连续炼钢法IRSID continuous steelmaking process
洁净废钢铁contaminant-free scrap
洁净废钢铁clean scrap steel
混杂的废钢铁contaminated scrap steel
炉料废钢铁charge scrap
炉渣中回收的废钢铁slag scrap
炉渣中回收的废钢铁scrap recovered from slag
钢铁hot metal for steelmaking (【技】铁水是转炉炼钢的主要原料。适当的铁水温度和化学成分对于炼钢操作具有重要意义。应保证兑人转炉的铁水具有较高较稳定的温度,以利保持炉子热行,迅速成渣,减少喷溅。通常温度应保证在 1200 ~ 1300°C。 硅是重要的发热元素。对于大中型转炉而言,用废钢作为冷却剂时,铁水含硅量以0.5% ~ 0.8%为宜;用矿石冷却时,铁水含硅量应适当降低。铁水的含磷量越低,转炉的冶炼工艺操作越简单。因此,转炉炼钢一般要求铁水含磷量越低越好。通常要求铁水含磷量小于等于0.2%为宜。降低转炉钢中的硫含量,首先应降低炼钢铁水中的硫含量。尤其是用于吹炼低硫钢的铁水,其含硫量应小于0.015%。)
炼钢生铁steel iron
炼钢生铁steel-making iron
炼钢生铁steel pig
炼钢生铁steelmaking iron
炼钢生铁steelmaking pig iron (【技】由于平炉现已退出炼钢生产,炼钢生铁主要指转炉炼钢用的生铁。通常含硅量和含硫量都比较低,是转炉炼钢的主要原材料,约占生铁产量的90%。随着对钢洁净度要求的不断提高,高炉铁水的绝大部分都要进行脱硫、脱磷、脱硅处理,然后装人转炉冶炼成钢。)
炼钢生铁pig iron for steelmaking
炼钢生铁conversion pig (iron)
炼钢用钢铁ferrous charge for steelmaking
炼钢用生铁pig iron for steel-making
热钢锭运送铁路线hot steel track (进人加热炉跨)
熔化废钢铁melting scrap
熔渣中回收的废钢铁slag scrap
熟铁吹炼钢bloomery steel
生铁和废钢的平衡balance between pig iron and scrap steel
生铁废钢炼钢pig iron scrap process
生铁废钢炼钢pig and scrap method
生铁废钢炼钢pig-iron scrap process
生铁废钢法pig and scrap method
【钢】 生铁炼钢法pig process
生铁炼钢法pig process
电弧炉炼钢用废钢铁scrap for electric arc furnace steelmaking
电弧炉炼钢用热压块铁hot-briquetted iron for EAF steelmaking
直接还原铁-电弧炉炼钢流程DRI-EAF steelmaking route
短流程钢铁生产工艺compact iron and steel process
破碎废钢铁fragmented scrap
砸铁机破碎的废钢铁drop-broken scrap
碎铁机破碎的废钢铁drop-broken scrap
碱性转炉炼钢生铁phosphoric pig iron
碱性转炉炼钢用生铁pig iron for basic converter
碱性转炉炼钢用生铁Thomas pig iron
碱性转炉炼钢用生铁phosphoric pig iron
米希罗姆铁铬系不锈钢Mischrome (16 ~ 30Cr, 0.25 〜2.5C,余量 Fe)
精整烧结打包废钢铁prolerizing scrap
紧凑型钢铁mini steel plant
纯铁电工钢板pure iron electrical sheet
经格雷纳尔铁合金处理的一炉钢水Grainal-treated heat
经清理的废钢铁macerated scrap
经破碎清理的废钢铁macerated scrap
美国钢铁学会American Iron and Steel Institute
美国钢铁工人联合会United Steelworkers of America
联合钢铁公司integrated iron and steel company
脱锌处理过的钢铁dezinced scrap steel
脱锡废钢铁detinned scrap
落锤破碎的废钢铁drop-broken scrap
西德钢铁协会还原度指数V.D.E. index
西德钢铁协会还原试验法V.D.E. method
西方钢铁工业western steel industry
西方钢铁工业western iron and steel industry
计算机在钢铁工业中的应用computer application to iron and steel industry
超级钢铁材料ultra steel materials (【技】具有超高洁净度、超细组织、超高均匀性和超高精度的钢铁材料。亦称新一代钢铁材料或21世纪高性能结构钢。拟定的目标是强度提高一倍,使用寿命提高一倍,大幅度提高钢的耐热性、耐蚀性和加工成形性,使钢铁材料成为21世纪具有竞争力的、环境友好的主要材料。)
超纯铁素体不锈钢ultrapure ferritic stainless steel
适合炼钢用的直接还原铁steelmaking-grade DRI
适合炼钢用的直接还原铁steelmaking-grade direct reduced iron
重型可破碎废钢铁heavy breakable scrap
重型废钢铁heavy steel scrap
重型废钢铁heavy scrap
重点钢铁企业key iron and steel enterprise
针状铁素体钢acicular ferrite steel (【技】含碳量低于0.08%的超低碳钢。其显微组织为针状铁素体(低碳贝氏体)或是针状和等晶铁素体的混合。针状铁素体钢具有高强度和良好的低温韧性、焊接性及可锻性,适于作为制造大口径石油和天然气管线用钢。)
钢性低碳铸铁gun iron
钢性生铁semisteel (【技】一种含碳量过高的过共析铸钢。钢的含碳量通常低于2%,而半钢的含碳量常高于此值,实际上已进人铸铁范畴,故称半钢。常用于制造轧辊,称之为半钢轧辊。)
钢性铸铁steely iron
钢性铸铁件semisteel casting
钢性铸铁件semi-steel casting
钢索铁道funicular railway
钢绳铁cable iron (制做钢丝绳的熟铁或低碳钢)
钢铁产品iron and steel products
钢铁产品成本核算系统cost accounting system of iron and steel products
钢铁企业决策支持系统decision-making support system for iron and steel enterprise
钢铁公司iron and steel corporation
钢铁公司steel company (① The Steel Company has completed the following technical improvement projects: increased capacity of pellet plant from 3. 20 to 3. 55 million tonnes/year; relined No.2 blast furnace and highly automated No.3 blast furnace. 该钢公司现已完成了下述技术改造项目:将球团矿厂的年生产能力由 320 万 t 提高到355万 t, 对2号高炉进行了大修,提高了 3 号高炉的自动化水平。② Several steel companies have converted to slag splashing in an effort to lower refractory replacement costs and increase furnace availability by reducing the delays associated with furnace refractory relines. 一些钢铁公司转而采用溅渣护炉技术,努力降低耐火材料更换费用,通过降低炉子更换耐火衬耽搁的时间提高炉子的作业率。)
钢铁公司iron and steel Co.
钢铁冶金metallurgy of ferrous metals (学)
钢铁冶金siderology (学)
钢铁冶金iron and steel metallurgy (学)
钢铁冶金metallurgy of ferrous metals
钢铁冶金metallurgy of iron and steel (学)
钢铁冶金ferrous metallurgy (学)
钢铁冶金原料raw materials for ironmaking and steelmaking (【技】冶炼钢、铁用的原材料,主要有铁矿石、锰矿石、含铁废料及熔剂等。随着钢铁工业的发展,矿物资源中的富铁矿日趋枯竭,贫铁矿资源相继被开发和利用,制成铁精矿,进而生产出人造富矿。根据原料条件和加工方法的不同,人造富矿包括烧结矿和球团矿两种,现已成为现代钢铁冶金的主要原料。)
钢铁冶金原理principle of ferrous metallurgy
钢铁分析技术analysis technology of iron and steel
钢铁制品steel (【技】钢:以铁元素为主要组分,含碳量一般在2%以下并含有少量其他元素的铁碳合金。钢中除主要组分铁以外,通常尚含有一定量的 C、 Si、 Mn、 P 和 S 元素的钢为碳素钢;为改善钢的某一或某些性能而加人一定量合金元素的钢为合金钢。钢按主要质量等级可分为普通质量、优质和特殊质量三级;也可按主要性能及使用特性分类。钢主要采用转炉、电炉、炉外精炼、连铸、轧制、精整等生产工艺生产,通过不同的热处理得到所要求的力学性能、工艺制造性能、化学性能和物理性能。钢是产量最高,品种规格最多、应用范围最广的金属材料,广泛用于机械制造、交通运输、建筑施工、能源开发、石油化工、国防工业等诸多领域。: Before the Industrial Revolution, steel was an expensive material, produced in only small quantities for such articles as swords and springs, while structural components were made of cast iron or wrought iron. 工业革命前,钢是一种价格不菲的材料,只能少量生产供制造刀剑和弹簧等制品使用,而结构部件则用铸铁或熟铁制造。)
钢铁加工工业steel-working industry
钢铁加工工业iron-working industry
钢铁iron and steel works
钢铁iron & steel works
钢铁iron and steel plant
钢铁工业炉iron-and-steel furnaces
钢铁厂已有生产能力existing capacity of steelworks
钢铁厂废料steel plant wastes
钢铁厂废料steel plant waste
钢铁厂废料回收steel plant's waste recycling
钢铁厂废料回收recycling of iron and steel works wastes
钢铁厂废料球团steel plant by-product pellet
钢铁厂废料造块steel plant by-product agglomeration (法)
钢铁厂废料造块steel plant by-product agglomeration
钢铁厂现有生产能力existing capacity of steelworks
钢铁厂用工业炉iron and steel furnaces
钢铁厂粉尘steel plant dust
钢铁厂粉尘造块agglomeration of metallurgical dust
钢铁大亨steel tycoon
钢铁大王steel magnate (指垄断钢铁业的财阀)
钢铁大王steel king (指垄断钢铁业的财阀)
钢铁工业steel industry (The steel industry in the twenty-first century will be significantly changed from the industry that existed in the 1990s. 与 20世纪 90 年代的钢铁工业相比,21世纪的钢铁工业将发生巨大变化。)
钢铁工业iron and steel industry
钢铁工业ferrous metals industry
钢铁工业ferrous metals industry
钢铁工业新纪元new era in the steel industry (The use of a lubricant and the introduction of a reciprocating movement of the mould were two of the many developments which helped to overcome the sticking problems and enabled continuous casting to begin a major 'new era' in the steel industry. 结晶器使用润滑剂和采用往复运动是克服粘结难题取得的两大进展,它使连铸由此开启了钢铁工业的一个重要新纪元。)
钢铁工业用炉furnaces for iron and steel industry
钢铁工业用电磁设备galvanomagnetic equipment for iron and steel industry
钢铁工业结构structure of steel industry
钢铁工业结构steel industry structure
钢铁工业结构iron and steel industry structure
钢铁工程师iron and steel engineer
美国钢铁工程师协会Association of Iron and Steel Engineers
钢铁巨子steel tycoon
钢铁巨子steel magnate
钢铁废料ferrous wastes
钢铁废料iron and steel scrap (【技】废钢铁是钢铁工业的主要原料之一。氧气转炉一般可使用20%左右的废钢,经过改进的转炉在添加外来热源的情况下废钢比甚至可高达80%以上;而特殊钢厂和小钢厂几乎全部用废钢炼钢。钢铁工业充分利用废钢铁,对于节省铁矿资源、发展循环经济、降低能耗和生产成本都具有十分重要的意义。)
钢铁废料iron and steel waste
钢铁废料steel scrap
钢铁废料steel offals
钢铁废料ferrous waste
钢铁ferruginous burden
钢铁料消耗ferrous charge consumption (【技】炼一吨钢所消耗的生铁和废钢量。表示炼钢过程中钢铁料的利用程度。)
钢铁显微分析用腐蚀液Oberhoffer solution
钢铁材料iron and steel material
钢铁材料ferrous metallic material
钢铁黑色金属 材料ferrous materials
钢铁材料ferrous material
钢铁标准iron and steel standard (【技】对钢铁产品及其生产、贸易、检测等有关事项作出统一规定并实施标准化的技术文件。大多数国家都有自己的钢铁标准。我国的钢铁标准分为国家标准、部颁标准和企业标准。)
钢铁浸酸退火acid annealing of iron-and-steel
钢铁熔炼manufacture of iron and steel by fusion
钢铁生产废水waste water from steel production system (【技】钢铁生产过程中产生的各类废水。按污染程度分为净废水和浊废水。废水控制途径是采用先进环保工艺,尽量减少废水产生量,提高水的循环利用率。)
钢铁生产者steel producer (①This version of the L-D process is known as the LD-AC process, and has enabled steel producers to treat a much wider range of irons, produced from imported and indigenous ores. 这种 L-D 炼钢法的改进型称之为 LD-AC 炼钢法;炼钢生产者使用这种改进型炼钢法就能处理范围大的多的进口和本地矿石生产的铁水。② The experience of many years and the close cooperation between steel producers and consumers have led to the development of mold steels that can be divided into the following groups: nitriding steels, case-hardened steels, prehardening steels, fully hardening steels, corrosion-resistant steels and maraging steels. 依靠多年经验和钢厂与用户的密切合作,现已研发出的铸型用钢可分为以下类型:氮化钢、表面硬化钢、预硬化钢、全硬淬透钢、耐蚀钢以及马氏体时效钢等。)
钢铁联合integrated (的)
钢铁联合integrated iron-and-steel works
钢铁联合integrated steel plant
钢铁联合integrated steel-works
钢铁联合integrated iron-and-steel plant
钢铁联合企业integrated company (In the United States, with a loss of annual steel capacity of 45 million net tons, none of the integrated companies are planning any increase in steel production for the remainder of the last decade of the 20 th century. 在20 世纪的最后几年,美国钢的年生产能力下降了4500万美吨,美国没有一家钢铁联合公司计划提高钢产量。)
钢铁联合企业integrated iron and steel company
钢铁联合企业integrated iron and steel enterprise
钢铁联合企业integrated producer
钢铁联合企业integrated steelmaker (Granite City Steel is an integrated steelmaker with two blast furnaces, two basic oxygen furnaces, one LMF, two argon stir stations, and two slab casters. 格拉尼特城钢公司是一家钢铁联合公司,它有两座高炉、两座氧气顶吹转炉、一台钢包冶金炉、两个氩气搅拌站和两台板坯连铸机。)
钢铁联合企业steelmaking complex (During 1979 the corporation commissioned a 10000 tonne per day blast furnace, forming important part of the new steelmaking complex. 1979 年该公司投产了一座日产万吨的高炉,成为了这家新建钢铁联合企业的重要组成部分。)
钢铁联合企业integrated mill
完整的钢铁联合企业fully integrated steel plant
钢铁联合企业流程integrated route
钢铁联合公司integrated iron and steel company
钢铁联合公司integrated iron and steel corporation
钢铁联合公司integrated steelmaker
钢铁联合公司integrated steel producer (LTV is the third largest integrated steel producer in the U.S. with plants in Cleveland, Ohio and Indiana Harbor, Indiana. LTV 钢公司是美国第三大钢铁联合公司,在美国俄亥俄州的克利夫兰市和印第安纳州的印第安纳港均有其下属钢厂。)
钢铁联合公司steel complex
钢铁联合公司integrated producer
钢铁联合公司integrated company
钢铁联合工厂integrated steel producer
钢铁联合工厂integrated steelworks
钢铁联合工厂integrated steel mill (In 1967 when the government of the Republic of Korea began to think about building an integrated steel mill, production in the country stood at 300, 000 tonnes, made basically in the obsolete open hearth. 1967 年,当韩国政府开始考虑建设一座钢铁联合工厂的时候,其全国钢产量仅为30万 t, 且基本上都是用老式平炉生产的。)
钢铁联合工厂integrated steel plant (① The Sparrows Point Division of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation is a fully integrated steel plant located on the Chesapeake Bay In Baltimore, Md. 伯利恒钢公司雀点厂是一家完全的钢铁联合工厂,它位于马里兰州巴尔的摩市切萨皮克湾。②High quality flat products are mainly produced by the BF-BOF steelmaking route in integrated steel plants. 优质扁平材主要由钢铁联合企业的 BF-BOF 炼钢长流程来生产。)
钢铁联合工厂integrated steelmaker
钢铁联合工厂integrated producer
钢铁联合带钢生产厂integrated strip works
钢铁联合钢integrated plant (In developing its steel industry during the 1980s, China erected a new integrated plant near Shanghai, known as Baoshan Steel Works. 20 世纪 80 年代,正致力于发展钢铁工业的中国在上海附近建设了一座新的钢铁联合企业一宝山钢铁厂。)
钢铁联合钢integrated mill
钢铁股份有限公司iron & steel Co., Ltd.
钢铁股份有限公司iron and steel Co., Ltd.
钢铁连续生产工艺continuous iron and steelmaking process
钢铁集团公司iron and steel group corporation
钢铁集团公司iron and steel group company
铁水加废钢冶炼法hot metal and scrap process
铁水和废钢价格差price differential between liquid iron and cold scrap (Price differentials between liquid iron and cold scrap have motivated steel-makers to provide extra heat to melt more scrap than the process could handle under normal operating conditions. 铁水和废钢的价格差,驱使炼钢生产者提供更多的热量,去熔化比正常生产条件下更多的废钢。)
铁水和废钢的相对费用relative cost of hot metal and scrap
铁水废钢价格差price differential between hot metal and scrap
铁水废钢法hot-metal and scrap process
铁水脱氧转炉炼钢法killed Bessemer process
铁硅基高强度钢Fe-Si-base high tensile strength steel
铁硅基高抗拉强度钢Fe-Si-base high tensile strength steel
铁素体不锈钢ferritic stainless steel (【技】含铬量一般在12% - 30% ,金属组织为铁素体相的铁基合金。按铬含量的高低,铁素体不锈钢分为:高铬铁素体不锈钢、中铬铁素体不锈钢和低铬铁素体不锈钢。: Ferritic stainless steels normally contain about 17 per cent chromium with about 0.1 per cent carbon and can be used for motor-car trims. 铁素体类不锈钢通常含17%左右的铬、0.1%左右的碳,可用于制造汽车饰件。)
铁素体不锈钢ferritic stainless steel (<0.12C, < 1Mn, < 0.04P, <0.03S, <1Si, 14~18Cr)
铁素体合金钢ferritic alloyed steel
铁素体时效不锈钢ferritic aging stainless steel (【技】在铁素体不锈钢的基体上添加适量时效硬化元素而使钢强度提高的一类超高强度不锈钢。是20世纪80年代发展起来的一种新型高强度不锈钢。)
铁素体珠光体钢ferrite-pearlite steel
铁素体珠光体钢hypopearlitic steel
TAF 铁素体耐热合金钢TAF steel
铁素体耐热钢heat-resistant ferritic steel (【技】具有单相铁素体组织的耐热钢,通常含有较高的铬和一定数量的硅和铝。)
杰索普 F₄₀铁素体耐热钢Jessop H₄₀
铁素体钢ferritic steel
铁素体铬不锈钢ferritic chromium stainless steel
铁芯硅钢薄板electric core sheet
铁道用钢steel for railway
铁道结构用钢railway structural steel
铁钢比iron to steel ratio (【技】一定时期内(通常为一年)生铁产量与钢产量的比值。铁钢比的高低与一个国家的经济结构、废钢资源等有关。)
铸铁钢锭模cast iron mould
镀锌铁合金退火薄钢板Galfan sheet
镀锌铁薄钢板Zn-Fe coated steel sheet
镀锌铁钢板Zn-Fe plated steel plate
除锡废钢铁detinned scrap
非联合钢铁企业nonintegrated steel enterprise
非联合钢铁nonintegrated steel works
非联合钢铁nonintegrated steel plant
非联合型钢铁企业nonintegrated steel works
非联合型钢铁工厂nonintegrated steel plant
顶吹氧气和石灰粉的托马斯生铁转炉炼钢法Oxygene-Chauh Pulverisee process
顶吹氧气和石灰粉的托马斯生铁转炉炼钢法OCP process
OCP 顶吹氧气和石灰粉的托马氏生铁转炉炼钢法OCP process
OCP 顶吹氧气和石灰粉的托马氏生铁转炉炼钢法Oxygene-Chauh Pulverisee process
预热废钢铁preheated scrap
高温废钢铁hot iron and steel scrap
高级铁素体不锈钢high-grade ferrite stainless steel
高级铁素体不锈钢superferrite stainless steel
高级铁素体不锈钢super ferrite stainless steel
高纯铁素体不锈钢high purity ferritic stainless steel (【技】 C + N ≤ 0.006% 的铁素体不锈钢。它可避免一般铁素体不锈钢耐点蚀能力差、韧性差、焊后耐晶间腐蚀性以及延性较低等缺点。适用于各种条件要求较高的零部件。)
高质量回炉废钢铁high-grade melting scrap
齿条式废钢铁装料机rack scrap-charging machine