
Terms containing 钢铁 | all forms | in specified order only
comp.name.下塔吉尔钢铁公司Nizhny Tagil Iron & Steel Works
met.不合尺寸废钢铁off-size scrap
met.不合尺寸的废钢铁off-size scrap
met.不合标准化学成分的钢铁off-analysis scrap
met.不合标准废钢铁off-grade scrap
met.不合标准的废钢铁off-grade scrap
met.不规则废钢铁irregular scrap
met.世界钢铁工业world iron and steel industry
met.世界钢铁市场world iron and steel market
met.世界钢铁贸易world iron and steel trade
comp.name.丘索夫斯科伊钢铁Chusovskoy Iron & Steel Works
gen.东南亚钢铁协会South-East Asia Iron and Steel Institute
earth.sc.东南亚钢铁学会South-East Asia Iron and Steel Institute
gen.东南亚钢铁学会South-Eastern Asia Iron and Steel Institute
fin.中国钢铁业协会China's Steel industry Association
met.中国钢铁工业the steel industry in China (The steel industry in China has witnessed a remarkable growth in the last 25 years. 在过去 25 年中,中国钢铁工业展示出令人瞩目的发展。)
met.中国钢铁工业iron and steel industry in China
met.中国钢铁工业Chinese steel industry (Currently there are numerous small local steel companies in China, and in general view, the Chinese steel industry is ripe for a rapid consolidation state. 目前,中国拥有大量的小型地方钢铁公司。人们普遍认为,中国钢铁工业进行快速整合的时机已经成熟。)
met.中国钢铁工业China's iron and steel industry
met.中国钢铁工业协会China Iron and Steel Association
met.中国主要钢铁联合企业major integrated iron and steel works in China
gen.назв.комп. 中国国际钢铁投资公司China International Iron & steel Investment Corp.
met.中国地方钢铁工业local iron and steel industry in China
met.中国特色的钢铁工业iron and steel industry with Chinese characteristics
met.中国的小钢铁China's small iron and steel plant
met.中型钢铁medium-scale iron and steel plant
met.中小钢铁medium and small-sized steelworks
met.中小钢铁medium and small-sized iron and steel plant
comp.name.乌兹别克钢铁Uzbek Iron & Steel Works
comp.name.乔治敦钢铁公司Georgetown Steel Corp.
comp.name.仁川钢铁公司Inchon Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.
econ.他们为钢铁厂建造工程投了标They tendered for the construction of a steel plant
comp.name.伊兹密尔钢铁工业公司Izmir Demir Celik Sanayi AS
gen.伊利甘钢铁联合企业Integrated Steel Mills, Inc.
comp.name.伊斯坦布尔钢铁冶金工业公司Icdas Istanbul Celik ve Demir Izabe Sanayii AS
earth.sc.伊朗国家钢铁公司Iranian National Steel Corp.
gen.伊林萨德钢铁公司Elizalde Integrated Iron and Steel Corp.
met.优质铁素体不锈钢superferrite stainless steel
met.优质铁素体不锈钢quality ferrite stainless steel
met.优质铁素体不锈钢super ferrite stainless steel
met.传统钢铁生产流程conventional route of iron and steel production
comp.name.伦巴底-法尔克钢铁公司Acciaierie e Ferriere Lombarde Falck SpA
gen.伯利恒钢铁公司Bethlehem Steel Co.
gen.назв.комп. 伯利恒钢铁公司Bethlehem Steel Corporation
commer.伯利恒钢铁公司Bethlehem Steel Corporation (1919)
comp.name.伯利恒钢铁公司Bethlehem Steel Corp.
gen.伯利恒钢铁公司Bethlehem Steel Corp.
shipb.伯利恒钢铁公司圣佩德罗船厂San Pedro Shipyard of Bethlehem Steel Corporation
tech.低碳铁素体不锈钢stainless iron
gen.使钢棒成为一块磁铁make the steel bar a magnet
comp.name.俄罗斯联合钢铁公司United Metallurgical Company
tech.保持铁路轨距的钢标尺bridle rod
consult.假想的钢铁hypothetical steel plant
comp.name.克拉克托钢铁集团公司PT Krakatau Steel
gen.克虏伯钢铁公司西德Krupp Steel
gen.全国钢铁制造业联合会National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers
gen.全国废钢铁废金属业及有关行业联合会National Federation of Scrap Iron, Steel and Metal Merchants and Allied Trades
econ.全联合钢铁企业a fully integrated steel mill
gen.назв.комп. 共和钢铁公司Republic Steel Corporation
tech.内陆钢铁公司Inland Steel (美国)
tech.冠斯列待式钢铁防蚀法Coslett process
tech.冷还原取向性硅钢片铁芯cold-reduced grain-oriented silicon steel core
gen.назв.комп. 凯塞钢铁公司Kaiser Steel
comp.name.利比亚钢铁公司Libyan Iron & Steel Co-Lisco
earth.sc.利比里亚钢铁公司Liberian Iron and Steel Corp.
comp.name.别洛列茨克钢铁公司Beloretsk Iron & Steel Works (Beloretskiy Met Zavod)
tech.刺铁钢筋barbed wire reinforcement
comp.name.加拿大钢铁公司Stelco Inc.
gen.加拿大钢铁有限公司Steel Co. of Canada, Ltd.
comp.name.加拿大钢铁公司韦兰钢管分公司Welland Tube Co. - A Unit of Stelco Inc
earth.sc.加拿大钢铁有限公司Steel Company of Canada Ltd.
tech.钢铁composite iron and steel
construct.包钢的铁composite iron and steel
tech.半钢性铸铁件semi-steel casting
busin.半钢铸铁件semi-steel casting
gen.南非钢铁股份有限公司South African Iron and Steel Corp., Ltd.
gen.南非钢铁及工程工业联合会Steel and Engineering Industries' Federation of South Africa
commer.南韩钢铁公司South Korea Iron and Steel Corporation
gen.卡塔尔钢铁公司Qatar Steel Co., Ltd.
comp.name.卡托维兹钢铁公司Huta Katowice
comp.name.卡拉干达钢铁公司Karaganda Iron & Steel Works
earth.sc.印度钢铁公司Indian Iron and Steel Company
gen.印度钢铁公司Indian Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
gen.印度钢铁工厂建设公司Indian Steelworks Construction Co.
comp.name.印度钢铁管理局Sail-Steel Authority of India Limited
earth.sc.印度钢铁管理有限公司Steel Authority India, Ltd.
earth.sc.印度国营钢铁公司State-owned Steel Authority of India, Ltd.
earth.sc.印度斯坦钢铁公司特立尼达和多巴哥Hindustan Steel, Ltd.
gen.印度斯坦钢铁公司Hindustan Steel Company, Ltd.
econ.双边钢铁协定bilateral steel agreements
earth.sc.古德雷穆克山钢铁有限公司印度Kudremukh Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.
comp.name.史尼索钢铁工业有限公司Schnitzer Steel Industries, INC.
met.合尺寸废钢铁sized scrap
met.合格废钢铁specification scrap
met.含油废钢铁oily steel scrap
met.含铀废钢铁uraniferous scrap steel
refrig.国家钢铁与空气调节承包商协会Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association
econ.国家钢铁与造船公司National Steel and Shipbuilding Co.
earth.sc.国家钢铁公司National Steel Corporation
comp.name.国家钢铁公司Sider-Entreprise Nationale de Siderurgie
gen.国营钢铁与造船公司National Shipyards and Steel Corp.
gen.国际钢铁协会International Iron and Steel Institute
met.地方小型钢铁企业local small iron and steel enterprise
comp.name.埃及钢铁公司Egyptian Iron & Steel Co.
comp.name.埃雷利钢铁制造公司Ereğli Demir ve Celik Fabrikalari TAS (Erdemir)
comp.name.塔塔钢铁公司The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. (Tisco)
gen.塔塔钢铁公司Tata Iron and Steel Co.
earth.sc.塔特钢铁公司Tata Iron and Steel Co.
met.备用废钢铁emergency scrap iron and steel
met.外购废钢铁purchased scrap
met.外购废钢铁purchased scrap iron and steel
met.外购废钢铁bought scrap
comp.name.多瑙菲尔多瑙河钢铁公司Dunaferr Dunai Vasmu Rt
gen.多米尼翁铸造与钢铁公司Dominion Foundries and Steel, Ltd.
econ.多边钢铁协议Multilateral Steel Agreement
met.大件可破碎废钢铁heavy breakable scrap
met.大件废钢铁bulky scrap
met.大块废钢铁large-sized scrap
met.大块废钢铁heavy scrap
met.大型可破碎废钢铁heavy breakable scrap
busin.大型垄断钢铁企业Big Steel
met.大型废钢铁large scrap
met.大型废钢铁bulky scrap
comp.name.大西洋钢铁工业公司Atlantic Steel Industries Inc.
comp.name.奥切尔钢铁公司VSZ Ocel Ltd. (East Slovak Iron & Steel Works)
comp.name.奥尔斯科-哈利洛沃钢铁公司Orsk-Khalilovo Iron & steel Works
auto.奥氏体-铁素体型钢austenitic-ferritic steel
steel.奥氏体铁素体钢austenoferritic steel
gen.威拉买特钢铁公司Willamette Iron and Steel Co.
comp.name.孤星钢铁公司Lone Star Steel Co.
gen.宇宙独眼神钢铁公司Universal-Cyclops Steel Corp.
gen.安大略湖钢铁公司Lake Ontario Steel Co.
comp.name.安赛乐米塔尔钢铁公司Arcelor Mittal
comp.name.宝山钢铁股份有限公司Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd
econ.钢铁little steel
met.钢铁small-size iron and steel works
met.钢铁small iron and steel works
steel.小型钢铁mini mill
met.小型钢铁mini steel plant
steel.小型钢铁mini steel mill
met.小型地方钢铁公司small local steel company (Currently there are numerous small local steel companies in China, and in general view, the Chinese steel industry is ripe for a rapid consolidation state. 目前,中国拥有大量的小型地方钢铁公司。人们普遍认为,中国钢铁工业进人快速整合的时机已经成熟。)
earth.sc.尼日利亚钢铁联合公司United Nigerian Iron and Steel Co.
hobby山区钢缆铁道mountain lift
comp.name.川崎钢铁公司Kawasaki Steel Corp.
comp.name.巴基斯坦钢铁公司Pakistan Steel Mills Corp Ltd.
tech.市内地下铁道钢轨metropolitan railroad track
tech.市内铁道钢轨metropolitan railway track
tech.市内铁道钢轨metropolitan railroad track
met.C- 布莱特超级铁素体不锈钢C-Brite
met.C-布莱特超级铁素体不锈钢C-Brite (0.01C, 0.25Si, 0.02Mn, 29Cr, 4Mo,余量Fe)
met.E- 布赖特超级铁素体不锈钢E-Brite
comp.name.库兹涅茨克钢铁公司Kuznetsk Steel Works
econ.钢铁the iron and steel scrap
auto.钢铁scrap iron
auto.钢铁broken iron
gen.钢铁业协会Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel
comp.name.钢铁协会Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel
tech.钢铁水炼钢法scrap and hot metal practice
earth.sc.钢铁研究所Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel
tech.钢铁破碎机scrap breaker
tech.建筑用钢铁建筑用钢constructional iron (材)
met.开铁口钢钎tapping iron
met.开铁口钢钎tapping bar
met.开铁口钢钎tap bar
archit.σ形钢铁double T-iron
comp.name.美国得克萨斯钢铁公司Texas Iron Work Inc.
tech.循环废钢铁circulating scrap
gen.悉尼钢铁公司Sydney Steel Corp.
comp.name.惠林-匹兹堡钢铁公司Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp.
met.成分不合格的废钢铁off-analysis scrap
tech.扎钢箍铁丝stirrup wire
comp.name.攀枝花钢铁集团公司Panzihua Iron and Steel Group Corporation
comp.name.斯托玛纳钢铁公司Stomana Iron & Steel Works
tech.斯马雷钢铁脱硫法Smalley process
comp.name.新利佩茨克钢铁公司Novolipetsk Iron & Steel Corporation
commer.新日本钢铁公司Nippon Steel Corporation (1934)
comp.name.新日本钢铁公司Nippon Steel Corp.
gen.назв.комп. 新日本钢铁公司Nippon steel
earth.sc.新西兰钢铁有限公司New Zealand Steel Ltd.
gen.日本钢铁公司Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
gen.日本钢铁公司新日本制铁株式会社,"新日铁"Nippon Steel Corp.
comp.name.日本钢铁协会The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISU)
gen.日本钢铁学会"日本铁钢联盟"Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
gen.日本钢铁工业联合会Japanese Iron and Steel Federation
commer.日本钢铁联盟Japan Iron and Steel Federation
met.未掺杂废钢铁contaminant-free scrap
met.未污染废钢铁contaminant-free scrap
met.未污染的废钢铁contaminant-free scrap
tech.未镀锌钢铁ungalvanized iron and steel
econ.本协议一经执行,美国钢铁公司同意付给东方饭店有限公司 5000美元作预付租金Upon execution of this agreement, the United, States Steel Corporation agrees to pay to the Oriental Hotel Ltd. $5000 as advance royalties
met.本厂废钢铁revert scrap
met.本厂废钢铁home scrap
met.标准废钢铁standard scrap steel
met.标准废钢铁specification scrap
comp.name.森吉米尔钢铁公司Huta im Tadeusza Sendzimira (Sendzimir Iron & Steel Works)
met.欧洲钢铁工业iron and steel industry in Europe
met.欧洲钢铁工业European iron and steel industry
comp.name.欧洲钢铁工业联盟European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries
tech.欧洲煤炭钢铁工业European coal and steel industry
earth.sc.欧洲煤炭钢铁联合体标准委员会Standards Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community
earth.sc.欧洲煤炭和钢铁共同体European Coal and Steel Community
met.L.D.K. 氧气转炉内高磷生铁块状石灰炼钢法L.D.K. process
met.氧气转炉高磷生铁块状石灰炼钢法LDK process
comp.name.沙特钢铁公司Saudi Iron & Steel Co. (Hadeed)
met.洁净废钢铁contaminant-free scrap
met.洁净废钢铁clean scrap steel
comp.name.津巴布韦钢铁公司Ziscosteel-Zimbabwe Iron & Steel Co.
comp.name.浦项钢铁公司Posco-Pohang Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.
comp.name.韩国浦项钢铁公司Pohang Iron and Steel Corporation
gen.浦项钢铁公司南朝鲜Pohang Iron and Steel Co.
steel.混合废钢铁mixed scrap
auto.渗碳钢铁carbide of iron
earth.sc.澳大利亚钢铁有限公司Australian Iron and Steel Pty., Ltd.
tech.钢铁iron and steel works
tech.钢铁iron and steel plant
gen.炼钢与炼铁Ironmaking & Steelmakhig
tech.炼钢生铁conversion pig
tech.炼钢生铁pig-iron for steel making purposes
tech.炼钢生铁basic pig iron
tech.炼钢生铁steel y iron
shipb.炼钢生铁conversion pig iron
tech.炼钢生铁炉渣steel pig slag
tech.炼钢用铁steely iron
tech.炼钢用铁steel y iron
tech.炼钢用铁矿石steelmaking iron ore
dril.熟铁或铸钢件装配或焊接的阀fabricated valve
construct.熟铁搅炼钢puddled steel
comp.name.爱尔巴桑钢铁Elbasan Steelworks
gen.琼斯与拉福林钢铁公司Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp.
comp.name.瑞典钢铁公司SSAB-Svenskt Stal AB
met.生铁和废钢的平衡balance between pig iron and scrap steel
met.生铁废钢炼钢pig and scrap method
met.生铁废钢炼钢pig iron scrap process
met.生铁废钢炼钢pig-iron scrap process
met.生铁废钢法pig and scrap method
met.【钢】 生铁炼钢法pig process
met.生铁炼钢法pig process
gen.用铁炼钢make steel from iron
earth.sc.田纳西州煤炭和钢铁分公司Tennessee Coal & Iron Division
auto.电镀铁锌合金钢板electrodeposited iron-zine alloy steel sheet
gen.省际钢铁与管子公司Interprovincial Steel and Pipe Corp.,Ltd.
comp.name.加拿大省际钢铁与钢管有限公司Interprovincial Steel and Pipe Corp. Ltd
tech.磁铁钢带magnetic belt
comp.name.神户钢铁公司Kobe Steel Ltd. (Kobe Seikosho)
gen.神户钢铁公司Kobe Steel Ltd.
econ.美国科罗拉多燃料与钢铁总公司Colorado Fuel and Iron Corp.
earth.sc.科罗拉多燃料和钢铁公司Colorado Fuel and Iron Corp.
tech.突出钢铁生产play up steel production
met.紧凑型钢铁mini steel plant
comp.name.维克萨钢铁Vyksa Iron & Steel Works
comp.name.维特科维策钢铁Vitkovice AS
comp.name.维琴察贝尔特拉梅钢铁公司AFV Beltrame SpA
tech.综合钢铁integrated iron and steel plant
tech.综合性钢铁integrated iron and steel works
gen.综合连续炼铁炼钢法combined and continuous ironmaking and steelmaking
gen.罗得西亚钢铁公司Rhodesia Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
earth.sc.罗得西亚钢铁有限公司Rhodesian Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
comp.name.美国钢铁公司United States Steel Co.
consult.美国钢铁公司United States Steel Corporation
earth.sc.美国钢铁公司United States Steel Corp.
gen.назв.комп. 美国钢铁公司U.S. Steel Corporation
comp.name.美国钢铁公司/浦项钢铁公司合资公司USS/Posco Industries Inc.
comp.name.美国钢铁公司/神户钢铁公司合资钢公司USS/Kobe Steel Co.
earth.sc.美国钢铁出口公司American Steel Export Company
gen.美国钢铁制造业协会Association of American Steel Manufacturers
gen.美国钢铁制造业协会技术委员会Association of American Steel Manufacturers' Technical Committee
econ.美国钢铁制造商协会Association of American Steel Manufactures
comp.name.美国钢铁加工学会American Society for Steel Treating
tech.美国钢铁协会American Iron and Steel
avia.美国钢铁协会American Iron and Steel Institute
gen.美国钢铁协会标准钢号Designations for American Iron and Steel Institute Standards Steels
gen.美国钢铁基金会United States Steel Foundation
avia.美国钢铁学会American Institute of Steel Industries
earth.sc.美国钢铁研究院American Iron and Steel Institute
shipb.美国国家钢铁和造船公司National Steel & Shipbuilding Corporation of America
shipb.美国造船企业伯利恒钢铁公司的造船企业the shipbuilding enterprises of Bethlehem Steel Corporation
comp.name.美国铸铁管公司钢管分公司American Steel Pipe-A Division of American Cast Iron Pipe Co.
consult.美洲钢铁协会American Iron and Steel Institute
org.name.美洲钢铁学会American Iron & Steel Institute
comp.name.耶纳基耶沃钢铁Enakiyevsky Iron & Steel Works
earth.sc.联合钢铁公司United Steel Companies
gen.联邦钢铁公司南非Union Steel Corp.
earth.sc.苏格兰西部钢铁研究所West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute
gen.назв.комп. 英国钢铁公司British steel
commer.英国钢铁公司British Steel Corporation (1951)
earth.sc.英国钢铁公司British Steel Corporation
earth.sc.英国钢铁公司British Iron and Steel Corp.
gen.英国钢铁公司British Steel Corp.
comp.name.英国钢铁协会British Iron and Steel Institute
gen.英国钢铁工业翻译处British Iron and Steel Industry Translation Service
gen.英国钢铁工业联合会British Iron and Steel Federation
earth.sc.英国钢铁联合会British Iron and Steel Federation
shipb.英国钢铁铸造研究协会British Steel Castings Research Association
gen.英国私营钢铁业协会British Independent Steel Producers Association
gen.英格兰钢铁公司England Steel Corp.
comp.name.莱茵钢铁公司Rheinstahl (Rheinische Stahlwerke)
gen.菲律宾钢铁学会Philippine Iron and Steel Institute
comp.name.萨特卡钢铁Satka Iron & Steel Works
tech.装卸废钢铁的吊货工具scrap box sling
gen.西卡特钢铁公司墨西哥Siderurgica Lazaro Cardenas-Las Truchas, S.A.
gen.西苏格兰钢铁学会West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute
comp.name.西西伯利亚钢铁公司West Siberian Steel Corp.
tech.角钢挡铁angle stop
comp.name.谢罗夫钢铁Serov A.K. Steel Works
comp.name.车里雅宾斯克钢铁股份公司Cheliabinsk Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.
tech.转炉炼钢用生铁converter pig
busin.连续炼铁与炼钢continuous ironmaking and steelmaking
met.适合炼钢用的直接还原铁steelmaking-grade DRI
met.适合炼钢用的直接还原铁steelmaking-grade direct reduced iron
gen.道曼.朗钢铁公司Dorman Long Steel Ltd.
tech.配套的小型钢铁联合企业small self-contained iron and steel complex
comp.name.金策钢铁Kimchaek Works
tech.钢化铁steel iron
tech.钢带铁芯ribbon-wound core
tech.钢性生铁steely pig
tech.钢性生铁half steel
gen.钢性铁铸件semi-steel casting
tech.钢性铸铁gun iron
gen.钢性铸铁cast semi-steel
auto.钢或铸铁的浸铝法Al-Fin process
steel.钢筋铸铁armored cast iron
tech.钢筋铸铁armoured cast iron
tech.钢索铁cable iron
tech.钢芯铸铁焊条cast-iron electrode with steel core
railw.钢轨铁垫板rail steel pad
tech.钢轭铁steel yoke
gen.钢铁业雇主协会Iron and Steel Trades Employers' Association
tech.钢铁丝材iron and steel wire
tech.钢铁ferrous component
gen.钢铁供销管理局Iron and Steel Holding and Realization Agency
steel.钢铁公司steel corporation
comp.name.EKO 钢铁公司EKO Stahl GmbH
busin.钢铁公司iron and steel company
tech.钢铁冶金ferrous metallurgy (学)
chem.钢铁黑色冶金学ferrous metallurgy
tech.钢铁分析学ferrous analysis
busin.钢铁制品ferrous metal products
tech.钢铁制品processed steel products
avia.钢铁制品工程公司steel products engineering company
tech.钢铁制造iron and steel manufacture
ecol.钢铁制造业废水iron manufacture industry sewage
tech.钢铁制造厂steel maker
gen.钢铁制造局Bureau of Steel Manufacturers
tech.钢铁加工摩擦学tribology in iron and steel works
compr.钢铁iron works
tech.钢铁steel works
tech.钢铁steel plant
archit.钢铁iron work
tech.钢铁steel mill
ecol.钢铁厂废水iron manufacture industry sewage
gen.钢铁厂设备制造公司Steel Equipment Co.
gen.钢铁商业联盟Iron and Steel Trades Confederation
econ.钢铁国营法案the iron and steel bill
econ.钢铁国营法案iron and steel bill
econ.钢铁垄断资本家the steel monopoly
tech.钢铁型材iron and steel material shaped
tech.钢铁基地iron and steel base
busin.钢铁基本金属业basic metal
econ.钢铁大王steel king
avia.钢铁学会Iron and Steel Institute
earth.sc.钢铁学会Iron and Steel Institute
gen.钢铁学会英国Iron & Steel Institute
earth.sc.钢铁学会Iron and Steel Society
gen.钢铁学会Iron and Steel Society of AIME (AIME 所属的)
earth.sc.钢铁学会会员Member of the Iron and Steel Institute
gen.钢铁学会杂志Journal of Iron and Steel Institute
consult.钢铁小组委员会iron and steel sub-committee
earth.sc.钢铁Iron and Steel Board
gen.钢铁Iron and Steel Board
econ.钢铁工业steel industry
environ.钢铁工业iron and steel industry Sector of the metallurgical industry dealing with the production of cast iron, steel and iron alloys. Emissions from these industries tend to settle quickly from the atmosphere and can lead to rising concentrations in the soil. The main raw material input to the production process is iron ore. Also recycled scrap is used (涉及铸铁、炼钢和铁合金行业的生产的冶金工业领域。这些行业中排放的废弃物往往迅速进入大气,并可能导致土壤溶液浓度上升。投入到生产过程的主要原料是铁矿石,另外也使用回收的废料。)
tech.钢铁工业steel manufacture
consult.钢铁工业iron and steel industry
tech.钢铁工业废水wastewater of steel industry
tech.钢铁工业废水steel industry waste (water)
ecol.钢铁工业废水iron and steel industry waste
earth.sc.钢铁工业有限公司南非Iron and Steel Industrial Corp, Ltd.
gen.钢铁工业概貌英国一种文摘周报Iron and Steel Industry Profile
tech.钢铁工业环境steel industry environment
gen.钢铁工业管理协会Steel Industry Management Association
tech.钢铁工人iron man
steel.钢铁工人steel maker
tech.钢铁工人iron worker
tech.钢铁工程steel works
earth.sc.钢铁工程师协会Association of Iron and Steel Engineers
avia.钢铁工程师协会association of iron and steel engineers
busin.钢铁巨头Big Steel
org.name.钢铁成分检查计划Programme of Inspection of Steel Components
gen.钢铁技术——美盲钢铁工程师学会会志AISE Steel Technology
gen.钢铁文摘英国杂志名Iron and Steel Abstracts
gen.钢铁显微分析用腐蚀液Oberhoffer reagent
shipb.钢铁材料steel and iron materials
tech.钢铁板材iron and steel sheet and plate
tech.钢铁模板steel formwork
gen.钢铁消费指数steel consumption index
consult.钢铁滑模系统steel slipform jacking units
tech.钢铁熔炼manufacture of iron and steel by melting
gen.钢铁熔炼manufacture of iron and steel by by melting
tech.钢铁生产steel production
econ.钢铁生产产业委员会industrial committee for iron & steel production
tech.钢铁生产厂steel producer
tech.钢铁生产商steel producer
gen.钢铁生产者Iron & Steelmaker
gen.钢铁研究所Institute of Iron and Steel Studies
earth.sc.钢铁研究院协会Association of Iron and Steel Institute
econ.钢铁联合企业a steel complex
tech.钢铁联合企业integrated iron and steel works
tech.钢铁联合企业integrated steelworks
econ.钢铁联合企业steel complex
consult.钢铁联合企业iron and steel complex
steel.钢铁联合工厂integrated iron and steel works
tech.钢铁联合工厂integrated iron and steel plant
manag.钢铁iron and steel unit
securit.钢铁iron and steel stock
gen.钢铁般的意志iron will
tech.钢铁薄铅涂层terne plate
environ.钢铁行业steel industry Industry that deals with the processing of iron (涉及铁处理的产业。)
tech.钢铁表面磷酸膜皮处理法Coslett process
earth.sc.钢铁贸易联盟iron and steel trades confederation
gen.钢铁Iron and Steel Division (AIME 所属的)
tech.钢铁铸件iron and steel casting
archit.钢铁防蚀的磷化处理法Coslett process
tech.钢铁黏合胶steel adhesive
tech.铁及钢板桩法凿井iron and steel sheet piling
CNC铁板不锈钢plate iron
tech.铁氧体不锈钢ferrite stainless steel
railw.铁素体不锈钢焊接ferrite stainless steel welding
nautic., tech.铁素体受压钢管ferritic steel pressure pipe
avia.铁素体合金钢管ferric alloy steel pipe
gen.铁素体系耐热钢铬12%,钼0.4% ~ 1%,钒 0.3% ~0.4%,锰 0.6% ~1%,少量铌Ascalloy
steel.铁素体轧钢ferrite rolling
tech.铁素体钢ferrite steel
compr.铁素体钢ferric steel
auto.铁素合金耐热钢铬7.5〜13%、镍2.5〜3%ferritic heat resisting steel
construct.铁路用钢steel for railways
tech.铁路钢rail iron
railw.铁路钢轨运输系统railway wheel/ rail transportation system
chem.铁道用钢railway structural steel
tech.铁铝锰钢ferro-aluminium-manganese steel
tech.铁铝锰钢ferro-aluminum-manganese steel
tech.铁镍合金钢invar steel
steel.铸铁/铸钢工作辊cast-iron and steel work roll
tech.锻造钢磁铁forged steel magnet
gen.阿•勒德隆钢铁公司Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp.
comp.name.阿沙钢铁Asha Iron & Steel Works (Ashinskiy Met Zavod)
avia.钢铁other than iron or steel
steel.非联合的钢铁nonintegrated steelworks
comp.name.韩国钢铁公司Korea Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.
earth.sc.韩国国际钢铁公司Korean International Steel Associates
comp.name.顿涅茨克钢铁Donetsk Iron & Steel Works
comp.name.马格尼托哥尔斯克钢铁公司Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works Combine
gen.назв.комп. 马鞍山钢铁公司Maanshan Iron & Steel Co.
comp.name.马鞍山钢铁股份有限公司Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd
comp.name.鲁斯塔维钢铁公司Rustavi Iron & Steel Works
comp.name.鲁日钢铁公司Rouge Steel Co.
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