
Terms for subject Drilling containing 钢丝绳 | all forms | in specified order only
上提井内管柱时滚筒、天车或游动滑车上的钢丝绳的起始受力点pick-up point
顿钻下套管钢丝绳casing line
从滚筒上倒出的钢丝绳back the line of the hoist
近绳帽处剪断钢丝绳jack-boot off
反绞钢丝绳reverse lay rope
钢丝绳上做记号flag a rope
备用钢丝绳滚筒reserve line reel
拖行钢丝绳carriage rope
钢丝绳marry the rope
提升钢丝绳hoisting line
提升钢丝绳hoisting cable
搬出钻机、钻具和钢丝绳moving out rig, tools, cable
撬装钢丝绳绞车skid-mounted wire line unit
正绞逆捻钢丝绳right regular lay cable
游动系统钢丝绳drilling line
游动系统钢丝绳line to travelling block
游动系统钢丝绳hoisting cable
钻机游动系统钢丝绳block line
滚筒钢丝绳容量drum capacity
滚筒上钢丝绳上下层交叉点"crossover" section
滚筒上钢丝绳上下层交叉点"angle control" section
滚筒上钢丝绳长度coiling length
滚筒上的钢丝绳上下层之间的交叉点"crossover" section
滚筒上的钢丝绳上下层之间的交叉点"angle control" section
滚筒的钢丝绳容量capacity of drum
滚筒的钢丝绳长度容量coiling length
滚筒直径与钢丝绳直径之比drum to rope ratio
灌锌钢丝绳绳帽spelter socket
猛拉钢丝绳whip off
钢丝绳丈量wireline measure
直径变小的钢丝绳tapered drilling line
穿钢丝绳的工具marline spike
钢丝绳heavy gauge wire
绞股钢丝绳strand rope
绳股右绞股丝左捻的钢丝缆绳right regular lay cable
绳芯是钢丝的钢丝绳结构filler wire construction
钢丝绳绳芯钢丝core wire
滚筒缠绕钢丝绳的容量spooling capacity
螺旋式钢丝绳打捞矛drag twist
起下电缆/钢丝绳作业wireline trip
起下电缆/钢丝绳的工具wireline tool
起放井架的钢丝绳raising line
起重机钢丝绳crane rope
逆绞钢丝绳regular lay rope
钢丝绳hoist cable
钢丝绳rig line
钢丝绳取心钻杆wireline drill rod
钢丝绳井底导向工具wireline downhole guidance tool
钢丝绳刮泥器wireline wiper
钢丝绳刮泥器cable wiper
钢丝绳割刀rope knife
切断井中钢丝绳割刀hook rope knife
钢丝绳卡子wire line grip
钢丝绳卡子wire-line shoe
钢丝绳卡子wire rope clip
钢丝绳卡子wire rope clamp
钢丝绳卡子bulldog grip
钢丝绳卡子cable clamp
钢丝绳卡子wire line clamp
钢丝绳卡子bull dog grip
钢丝绳吊测wireline survey
钢丝绳四爪打捞钩wireline grapnel
钢丝绳固定压板wire rope clamp
钢丝绳头套环钩thimble hook
钢丝绳bull dog grip
钢丝绳夹子gripping fork
钢丝绳导向器wireline guide
钢丝绳导向器wire line guide
钢丝绳导向器cable guide
钢丝绳局部扭结bird caging
钢丝绳总下深wireline total depth
钢丝绳打扭松股pigeon cage
钢丝绳打捞矛wireline rope spear
钢丝绳打捞钩spud spear
钢丝绳挡板rope guard
钢丝绳排卷导绳器wireline entry guide
钢丝绳排绳器wireline guide
钢丝绳排绳器wireline entry guide
钢丝绳接头wireline adapter
钢丝绳连接接头cable splice
钢丝绳接头cable joint
美国石油学会出版物钢丝绳操作和程序Wireline Operation and Program
钢丝绳死绳端dead end
钢丝绳润滑剂rope lubricant
钢丝绳滑程wire-line slippage
钢丝绳滑轮wire rope block
钢丝绳滚筒wireline reel
钢丝绳滚筒cable drum
钢丝绳的弹力spring of the line
钢丝绳磨损wireline wear
钢丝绳绞车cable winch
钢丝绳绞车cable work
钢丝绳绞车wireline unit
钢丝绳绞车cable reel
顿钻钢丝绳绳卡drilling clamps
钢丝绳绳头箍wire rope thimble
钢丝绳绳套wireline sling
钢丝绳绳套wire line hitch
钢丝绳绳帽wire rope socket
钢丝绳绳帽wireline adapter kit
钢丝绳绳扣wire line hitch
钢丝绳绳股右绞right-hand lay
钢丝绳绳股右绞right-hand twist
钢丝绳股芯wire-strand core
钢丝绳wire rope core
钢丝绳芯子cable core
钢丝绳运行速度rope speed
钢丝绳devil’s steel hand
钢丝绳铰接wire rope splicing
钢丝绳防喷器wire line preventer
钢丝绳防喷器防喷芯子wire line ram
钻井钢丝绳drill rope
钻井钢丝绳wireline rope
钻井钢丝绳drilling wire
钻井钢丝绳drilling line
钻井钢丝绳卷筒drilling line reel
钻井用钢丝绳drilling cable