
Terms for subject International trade containing 金融 | all forms | in specified order only
个人金融公司personal finance company
全球银行同业金融电讯协会Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
其他金融业务other financial operations
出口资金融供应,出口筹资export financing
分期销售的资金融financing of installment sales
后门融通资金backdoor financing
商业金融trade financing
商业金融栏编辑city editor
国家金融debt obligations of national financiers
国际金融公司International Financial corporation
国际金融公司偿付的劳务和支助费用IFC service and support fee
国际金融制度international financial system
国际金融危机international financial crisis
国际金融市场international money market
国际金融流动能力international liquidity
国际金融international financial agencies
国际金融统计International Financial Statistics
国际金融行情the viewpoint of current international financial markets
国际货币金融问题国家咨询委员会National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems
国际货币基金组织的《国际金融统计档案》IMPS International Financial Statistics IES File
墨西哥全国金融公司National Financiera, S.A. (Mexico)
复兴金融公司Reconstruction Finance Corporation
复兴金融公司美国在20世纪30年代为对付经济危机而设立的金融公司reconstruction finance corporation
外币金融foreign currency finance
外汇金融foreign currency finance
金融big banking
大批资金融wholesale financing
大批资金通融wholesale financing
家庭金融公司household finance corporation
对外贸易资金融foreign trade financing
工业资金融industrial financing
工商业金融公司Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation
市场金融market finance
市场金融周转financing of the marketing program
开发金融公司development finance company
无追索资金融non-recourse finance
滞销品资金融finance for dead stock
澳大利亚金融投资银行Australian Finance and Investment Corp
短期金融市场short term money market
私营的非金融机构private nonfinancial institutions
经常账户的差额及其资金融current account balance and their financing
联合国货币金融会议United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
融通性的金融交易accommodating financial transaction
融通资金安排financing arrangements
融通资金总额total financing
融通资金的租凭公司financial leasing companies
融通资金项目筹备统制项目project preparation facility
证券金融公司securities finance company
财政金融危机financial and monetary crisis
财政金融综合政策fiscal monetary mix
财政或金融措施fiscal or monetary action
货币金融危机monetary and financial crisis
购买的资金融finance purchase
贸易金融trade finance
资金通融票据preferential bill
进口石油的低收入发展中国家的国际收支资金融balance of payments financing of low income oil-importing developing countries
通融资金贷款背书人endorser for accommodation
重要金融指标principal financial indicators
金融专论money article
金融业者moneyed interest
金融中介financial intermediaries
金融中心地点承兑信用状financial center acceptance credit
金融中心地点承兑信用证financial center acceptance credit
金融买办banking compradore
金融买办banking comprador
金融公司moneyed corporation
金融公司financial house
金融公司finance corporation
金融公司存款市场market in finance house deposits
金融公司联合会1954年成立,由英国大公司组成Finance House Association
金融危机financial crisis
金融商行financial house
金融媒介活动financial intermediation
金融季节性financial seasonableness
金融money man
金融寡头financial oligarchy
金融居间人financial intermediaries
金融巨头shark of high finance
金融市场Lombard street
金融市场finance market
金融市场money market
金融市场压力pressure on the money market
金融市场松动easing of money rates
金融市场通货money-market money
金融性外围不经济pecuniary external diseconomies
金融掮客broker financier
金融改组financial reorganization
金融政策financial policy
金融数量管制financial quantitative control
金融数量管理financial quantitative regulation
金融新闻money article
英国金融时报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
英国金融时报》工业普通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
英国金融时报》股票价格指数Financial Tinies Stock Indices
金融机构monetary facilities
金融机构financial organ
金融机构finance house
金融机构financial institution
金融机构投资家institutional investor
金融条例financial regulation
金融money article
金融正常化financial normalization
金融比率financial ratio
金融financial circle (world)
金融moneyed interest
金融financial community
金融,伦巴第街伦敦金融中心Lombard street
金融界败类指不当的经纪人financial pest
金融管制monetary control
金融结构financial structure
金融缓和政策easy-money policy
金融融通monetary facilities
金融货币危机financial and monetary crisis
金融资本finance capital
金融集团financial clique
银根紧的金融市场tight money market
销售金融公司sales finance company
长期金融市场long-term money market
非洲金融共同体法郎African Financial Community Franc (CFA Franc)
非阿拉伯的金融和货币机构non-Arab financial and monetary institutions
麦格金融有限公司Megal Finance Company Limited (Megal Finance Co. Ltd.)