
Terms for subject Environment containing 金属 | all forms | in specified order only
金属semi-metal An element having some properties characteristic of metals and others of non-metals. Many metalloids give rise to an amphoteric oxide (e.g. arsenic or antimony) and many are semiconductors (有一些金属特性和非金属特性的元素。很多非金属物质产生两性的氧化物(例如砷或锑)并且很多是半导体。)
有机金属化合物organometallic compound Molecules containing carbon-metal linkage; a compound containing an alkyl or aryl radical bonded to a metal (分子化合物含碳和金属链;或者含有烷基芳的粘结金属。)
毒性金属toxic metal Metals (usually heavy metals) which interfere with the respiration, metabolism or growth of organisms (妨碍呼吸、新陈代谢或肌体生长的金属(通常是重金属))
金属heavy metal A metal whose specific gravity is approximately 5.0 or higher (比重接近或高于5.0的金属。)
金属区隔化heavy-metal compartmentalization
金属胁迫heavy-metal stress
金属负荷heavy metal load The amount of stress put on an ecosystem by heavy metal pollution released into it (重金属污染排放到生态系统,对生态系统所造成的压力负荷。)
金属metal An opaque crystalline material usually of high strength with good electrical and thermal conductivities, ductility and reflectivity (一种不透明晶体材料,通常具有高强度及良好的导电性、热导率、延性和反射性。)
金属冶炼metal smelting A metallurgical process in which ore mixtures are heated above melting point to extract or yield a crude metal (一个冶金过程,在这个过程中, 矿石混合物被加热高于熔点以便提取或生成粗金属。)
金属制品metal product No definition needed (无需定义。)
金属制品产业metal products industry Industry related with the primary metal processing and fabricated metal products manufacturing. The most important end uses of the products of the metals industries are automobiles, machinery, appliances, electrical equipment, structures, furniture, and containers (与初级金属加工和装配金属制品制造相关的行业。最重要的产业制品的终端用户是汽车、机械、家电、机电设备、建筑、家具、集装箱。)
金属加工metal working
金属废料metal waste Metal material discarded during manufacturing or processing operations which cannot be directly fed back into the operation; Worn or discarded metal materials removed from service at the end of its useful life (制造、加工处理过程中被废弃的、不能直接回流使用的金属材料;达到其服务使用寿命的旧的或丢弃的金属材料。)
金属废物scrap metal Any metal material discarded from manufacturing operations and usually suitable for reprocessing (制造过程中丢弃的金属材料,通常可重用。)
金属氧化物metal oxide Any binary compound in which oxygen is combined with one or more metal atoms (氧结合一个或更多的金属原子的二元化合物。)
金属污染物metal contaminant
金属矿物metallic mineral Minerals containing metals, such as bauxite, pyrite, etc. (含有金属的矿物,如铝矾土、黄铁矿等等。)
金属表面处理metal finishing A process in which a chemical or some other substance is applied to metals as a way to clean, protect, alter or modify appearance or physical properties, especially surface properties (一个处理过程;在这个过程中,化学或其他物质作为一种清洁、保护、改变或改善外观或物理性质的方法用于金属,特别是其表面性质。)
金属镀层metal plating Forming a thin, adherent layer of metal on an object (在物体上形成一层薄的金属。)
金属non-metal A nonmetallic element, such as arsenic or silicon, that has some of the properties of a metal (非金属元素,如砷或硅,即具有某金属的一些性质。)
金属non-metallic mineral Minerals containing non-metals, such as quartz, garnet, etc. (含有非金属的矿物,如石英、石榴石等)
非铁有色金属non ferrous metal
非铁金属non-ferrous metal Any metal other than iron and its alloys (任何不是铁及铁合金的金属。)
非铁金属non-ferrous metal industry Industry that deals with the processing of metals other than iron and iron-base alloys (涉及不非铁和铁基合金等金属加工的产业。)