
Terms for subject Finances containing 金券 | all forms | in specified order only
与指数挂钩的金融证券index-linked gilt
中国证券业协会基金公会Chinese Association of Securities Investment Funds
中国证券投资者保护基金有限责任公司China Securities Investor Protection Fund Corporation Limited (简称"中投保",成立于2005年9月29日,由国务院独资设立,证监会、财政部、央行有关人士出任董事)
中证债券型基金指数CSI Bond Fund Index
亚洲债券基金Asian Bond Fund
人民币债券基金renminbi bond funds
人民币计价债券基金renminbi denominated bond funds
信用等级在投资级以上的金融债券financial debentures with the credit rating at the investment grade or above
债券偿还基金fund for retirement of bond
债券偿还基金bond retirement fund
债券基金产品bond fund products
债券指数基金bond index fund
债券销售所筹资金proceeds of the bond sale
偿债基金债券公司债sinking fund bonds
偿债基金证券sinking fund securities
公司债券基金corporate bond funds
公司债券本金偿还retirement of debt
单一市政债券基金single-state municipal bond fund
可兑换金券convertible gold note
可变利率金边证券variable-rate gilts
国库券偿还基金fund for redemption of treasury bills
垃圾债券基金junk bond fund
外汇基金债券exchange fund note
奖学金融资债券scholarship funding bond
封闭式证券投资基金closed-end securities investment fund
市政债券基金municipal bond fund
年金债券pension bond
年金债券annuity bonds
开放式证券投资基金open-end securities investment fund
支持为金融服务和跨境证券投资领域营造开放的投资环境support open environments for investment in financial services and cross-border portfolio investment
新兴市场债券基金emerging market debt funds
本金登记债券bond registered as to principal
欧洲金融稳定安排债券EFSF bonds
泛亚债券指数基金Pan Asia Bond Index Fund (又称"沛富基金" "泛亚基金",2005年7月7日正式在香港证券交易所挂牌上市,是首家被准许进人我国银行间债券市场的境外机构投资者,该基金的管理人是道富环球新加坡有限公司 (SSGA))
浮动利率金边证券variable-rate gilts
港元金库债券Hong Kong dollar treasury bill
特别债券基金special bond fund
特种金融债券special financial bond
现金加畅销证券对流动负债比率ratio of cash plus marketable securities to current liabilities
现金礼券cash coupon
现金管理国库券cash management bill
短期债券基金short-term bond fund
短期市政债券基金short-term municipal bond fund
短期金边证券short-dated gilts
短期金边证券short gilts
系列年金债券serial annuity bond (分期还本年金债券)
累进利息金融债券progressive increase interest of financial bond
美国黄金债券yellow back
融券保证金账户short-margin account
融券保证金限制short-margin restriction
记名证券本金和利息分离交易美国财政部United States Treasury Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
记名证券本金和利息分离交易美国财政部Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
证券交易补偿基金stock exchange compensation fund
证券保证金融资securities margin financing
证券保证金融资人securities margin financier
证券投资信托基金securities investment trust fund
证券投资基金securities investment fund
证券行业及金融市场协会Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
证券金融公司securities finance corporation
证券金融控制control on security finance
财政部利息本金分离交易注册债券Treasury Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal Securities (简称"国债零息券",指利息剥离后的政府固定收益债券)
资金非预置合成型资产证券化unfunded synthetic securitization
资金预置合成型资产证券化funded synthetic securitization
超短期债券基金ultra-short-term bond fund
迷你垃圾债券基金junk mini-bond fund
金融债券financial bonds
金融资产证券化financial asset securitization
金边债券gilt securities
金边债券gilt-edged securities
金边债券gilt-edged bond
金边证券gilt-edged securities (指风险很小的优质证券,因其带有金边而得名)
金边证券交易商gilt-edged jobber
金边证券市场gilt-edged market
ABF 香港创富债券指数基金ABF Hong Kong Bond Index Fund
香港证券培训赞助基金Hong Kong Securities Training Sponsorship Foundation
高收益债券基金high-yield bond fund
黄金债券gold bond
黄金挂钩债券gold-linked bond