
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 量 M 的尺寸 | all forms
供给的能量supplied energy
单桩静载试验的沉降量amount of settlement of static loading for single pile
单桩静载试验的沉降量amount of settlement of single pile static loading test
合格的质量标准acceptable quality level
土的压缩模量modulus of compressibility of soil
土的压缩模量compressive modulus of soil
大量含水的地层heavily watered ground
大量钢筋的结构heavily reinforced structure
完成的工作量completed amount of works
弱融沉地基的最终沉降量final settlement of light thaw-sinkage subgrade
弱融沉、融沉、强融沉土的地基最终沉降量thaw-sinkage subgrade and heavy thaw-sinkage subgrade
弱融沉、融沉、强融沉土的地基最终沉降量final settlements of light thaw-sinkage subgrade
当量均布土层的厚度thickness of equivalent uniform distributing soil layer
很大的重量tremendous weight
未平衡的质量的加速度acceleration of unbalanced mass
正常固结黏土的沉降量的计算calculation of settlement for normally consolidated clay
法定计量单位与非法定计量单位的关系表relative table of legal measurement units and illegal measurement units
端点带质量的杆bar with mass at the end
膨胀土地基的胀缩量value of swelling-shrinkage of foundation soil
质量的速度mass velocity
质量随速率的变化mass variation with speed
量出的应力measured stress
钢的弹性模量modulus of elasticity of steel