
Terms for subject Fishery fishing industry containing | all forms
模型production model
模式production model
产卵种群生物stock spawning biomass
亲体与补充的关系S-R relation
亲体与补充的关系stock and recruitment relationship
亲体与补充的关系SR relationship
亲体与补充的关系stock-recruitment relation
动物蛋白摄入animal protein intake
努力单位effort unit
努力控制effort control
努力的目标fishing effort target
努力的目标effort target
努力的目标effort reduction target
努力配额quota on effort
努力配额effort quota
努力限制effort limitation
单位努力渔获量catch per unit effort
单位努力渔获量数据catch per unit of effort data
单位努力渔获量数据CPUE data
单位努力渔获量数据data on catch per unit of effort
单位补充产卵群生物spawning stock biomass per recruit
卸鱼fish landing
原始生物virgin biomass
原条鱼重round weight
可捕allowable catch
多年度的总可捕multi-annual TAC
多鱼种的总可捕multispecies total allowable catch
多鱼种的总可捕multispecies TAC
定期产standing crops
容许捕捞allowable catch
开发前产卵生物pre-exploitation spawning biomass
当前年产current annual yield
总可捕total allowable catch
总许可捕捞努力total allowable effort
总许可捕捞努力total allowable fishing effort
拖网作业努力trawl effort
持续产sustainable yield
持续渔获sustained catch
捕捞和努力量记录catch and effort logbook
捕捞努力制度fishing effort regime
捕捞努力制度fishing effort management regime
捕捞努力水平level of fishing effort
捕捞努力的目标fishing effort target
捕捞努力的目标effort target
捕捞努力的目标effort reduction target
捕捞努力管理制度fishing effort regime
捕捞努力管理制度fishing effort management regime
捕捞努力趋势fishing effort trend
捕捞能力测估算capacity indicator
捕捞能力测估算capacity measurement
捕捞能力测估算capacity measure
捕捞限catch limit
捕鱼harvesting rate
捕鱼exploitation rate
捕鱼rate of exploitation
捕鱼amount of fishing
日产卵估算法daily egg production method
最低可接受生物水平minimum biological acceptable level
最低可接受生物水平minimum biomass acceptable level
最佳重阈值optimum weight threshold
最大不变产简写为MCYmaximum constant yield
最大产卵生物maximum spawning biomass
最大可持续产生物量biomass associated with maximum sustainable yield
最大可持续产生物量biomass corresponding to maximum sustainable yield
最大可能产maximum potential yield
最大平均产maximum average yield
最高可持续产maximum sustainable yield
最高可持续渔获maximum sustainable yield
板鳃鱼类产构成elasmobranch catch composition
某世代中的个体数number of individuals of a stock
某世代中的个体数number of individuals of a cohort
某年龄组中的数number of individuals of a stock
某年龄组中的数number of individuals of a cohort
某种群或股群中的数number of individuals of a stock
某种群或股群中的数number of individuals of a cohort
浮游生物的大繁殖plankton blooms
渔获衰退declining catch
渔获评估catch assessment
渔获重catch in weight
潜在渔获potential catch
牵引测draught survey
现存standing crops
生物固有增长率intrinsic rate of the biomass growth
生物的内禀增长率intrinsic rate of the biomass growth
生物行动计划biomass proposed action
稳定产sustainable yield
稳定的成本和产sustainable costs and yields
精细测fine measurement
船舶载重单位vessel capacity unit
资源指数abundance index
降低努力的目标effort target
降低努力的目标fishing effort target
降低努力的目标effort reduction target
预防性总可捕precautionary total allowable catch
预防性总可捕precautionary TAC
鱼上岸fish landing
鱼产fish production
鳗鱼质数据库eel quality database