
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 重 载 | all forms | in specified order only
中型载重货车transportation medium truck
以重力加速度为单位的等效载荷equivalent g loading
大载重量汽车oversize vehicle
口语小载重量越野汽车载重量不大于0.25tpuddle jumper
总行程载重量total trip vehicle-km capacity
承载重量能力load-carrying ability
最大载maximum gross
最大重量和载质量maximum weight-and-load capacity
有效载重量在车桥上的分配payload weight distribution
液罐车满载液体时的重量filled weight
满载后总重量allowable gross weight
特大载重量汽车oversize vehicle
用起重机吊车装载crane loading
符合低排放车辆2阶段标准、装载后总重达 8500磅的轻型货车an LEV II light-duty truck with a loaded vehicle weight of 3751 pounds to a gross vehicle weight of 8500 pounds
自重卸载gravity dumping
荷重移动引起的载荷live loading
货车装载随车起重机装置loading crane
装载后总重不大于3750磅的轻型货车a light-duty truck with a loaded vehicle weight of up to 3750 pounds
装载后车重loaded vehicle weight
装载重量loading weight
货物载重吨位dead weight cargo capacity
起重机负载crane load
重载工况的extra heavy-duty
超重负载super high-duty
车载起重设备bonus loader
车载载重计量系统on-board weighting
重能力supporting power
重量load-carrying ability
载波感应多重存取carrier sense multiple access
载荷超重长,宽oversize load
载荷重weight of load
载重吨位deadweight capacity
载重吨位dead weight metric tonnage
载重吨位dead-weight tonnage
载重吨位dead-weight capacity
载重率tonnage rating
载重能力weight-carrying capacity
载重能力tonnage capability
重力自动装载gravity loading
参数识别缩写重型车载诊断装置儿童/部分heavy duty on-board diagnostics Child/Partial
重型运输载货车transport wagon
重复周期性拉伸载荷repeated tensile load
重复周期载荷repeated load
重车行程载重量loaded trip vehicle-km
重载发动机heavy-duty engine
轮胎侧壁标记重载extra load
重载工作发动机heavy duty engine
重载运输heavy transportation