
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 重量 | all forms | in specified order only
乘员重量传感器occupant classification sensor
体积重量weight by volume
体积重量volume weight
允许重量authorized weight
允许重量admissible weight
允许挂车重量authorized trailer weight
零部件减轻重量lightening hole
刮水区域重叠量wiper overlap
制动时重量转移braking weight transfer
车辆动态重量分配在行驶情况下,车桥或车轮的重量分配dynamic weight distribution
底盘动态重量转移移动dynamic weight shifttransfer
包裹重量package weight
单位重量功率weight horsepower
发动机重量weight of engine
发货重量shipping weight
变速器重量gearbox weight
可调节重量分布controlled weight transfer
车辆各种液体加满后的鉴定重量verified weight with all fluids filled up
外观重量apparent weight
大载重量汽车oversize vehicle
赛车对角测量重量分布diagonal cross-check
口语小载重量越野汽车载重量不大于0.25tpuddle jumper
工作重量对雪地车而言是整车整备质量+80kgoperation weight
平衡重量配重trial weight
总油耗与惯性重量total fuel consumption divided by inertia weight
总行程载重量total trip vehicle-km capacity
惯性重量级 IWDS德语集成轴密封环式传感器大众车上常用作曲轴位置传感器inertia weight class
成套机组重量package weight
承载重量能力load-carrying ability
挂车总重量包括自重及载重gross trailer weight
挂车牵引凸耳重量trailer nose weight (vertical coupling load, nose weight, drawbar load)
重量计的运费freight by weight
按汽车惯性重量计总油耗total fuel consumption divided by inertia weight
重量oscillating weight
车辆排放物测试重量emission test weight
排放物测试重量emission test weight
收费重量吨位pay weight
摩托车方向把重量handlebar weight
无制动器允许牵引重量authorized towed weight without brakes
挂车无制动器允许牵引重量authorized towed weight, unbraked
无制动器的挂车允许重量authorized trailer weight without brakes
无驾驶室和车身、加满燃料的空车重量stripped weight
最大重量和载质量maximum weight-and-load capacity
最小重量weight minimum
有制动器的挂车允许质重量authorized trailer weight with brakes
有效载重量在车桥上的分配payload weight distribution
车辆标准重量车辆整备质量加 75kgreference weight
横向重量转移lateral weight transfer
汽车列车验定总重量指无载荷的牵引车和挂车的空车质量加上额定载质量gross combination test weight
汽车总额定重量weight rating of gross vehicle
汽车额定总重量rating of gross vehicle
活塞重量piston weight
液罐车满载液体时的重量filled weight
滑阀的重叠量overlap of slide valve
满载后总重量allowable gross weight
牵引重量towing weight
牵引装置重量作用于牵引处的向下垂力hitch weight
特大载重量汽车oversize vehicle
空车重量含油料及附件vehicle empty weight
空车重量weight empty
空车重量tons deadweight
等价重量equivalent value weight
悬架簧下重量unspringing weight
组合车辆总重量combination gross vehicle weight
行李重量luggage weight
行李重量限额baggage allowance
装载重量loading weight
试验时的重量test weight
底盘量重新分布weight transfer
底盘量重新分布weight shift
起重机起重臂伸出量半径crane radius
起重机起重臂伸出量半径handling radius
车发配重量weight per axle
车桥分配重量weight on the
车桥分配重量weight carried per axle
车载载重计量系统on-board weighting
旋转件转动惯量重力inertia weight
转子发动机转子重量rotor weight
重量load-carrying ability
运输工具重量transport weight
重力式流量仪gravity flow meter
重车行程载重量loaded trip vehicle-km
重量偏置前后悬架支承重量不等weight bias
重量减少下降weight decrease
重量分力weight item
重量当量equivalent value weight
车辆重量测量器weight meter
重量补偿平衡weight compensation
重量调节装置weight-adjustment device
制动瞬重量转移weight transfer
轮式拖拉机驱动轮重量转移调节机构weight transfer adjuster
重量限制极限weight limitation
重量限度极限weight limit
车辆鉴定核实重量verified weight
附件重量accessory weight
降低重量mass reduction
底盘静态重量位移转移,移动static weight shifttransfer
额定重量rated weight
额定公称重量nominal weight
发动机验收重量homologation weight