
Terms for subject Business containing 重量 | all forms | in specified order only
交货重量delivery weight
以发票开列的重量为准invoice weight final
体积与重量比率cube-to-weight ratio
公共重量鉴定人public weighter
重量suttle weight
净载重量all told
重量delivered weight
到岸重量end weight
到岸重量即卸货上岸过磅的重量landed weight
到岸重量条件landed weight terms
到货重量end weight
到货重量outturn weight
到货重量arrived weight
卡车载重量truck load
原始重量initial weight
发票开列的重量invoice weight
发货人重量shiper's weights
合同重量contract weight
合计总重量gross combination weight
回归量的多重共线性multicollinearity of regressor
均分重量break-even weight
基本运行重量basic operational weight
多重共线性回归自变量multicollinear regressors
多重减量表multiple decrement table
如果您订购的数量很大,我们可以重新考虑给您的价格If your order is big enough, we may reconsider our price
完全法定重量full legal weight
实际重量effective weight
实际容积重量actual measurement weight
实际测量重量actual measurement weight
实验重量Experimental Weights
宣誓度量人重量证书sworn measurement weight certificate
容量计重inspection of weight by volume
容量计重〈法〉checking weight by volume
工厂出厂重量work's weight
已确认重量ascertained weight
常衡重量单位avoirdupois weight
平均单位重量average unit weight
强度重量特性strength-weight properties
当量载重equivalent load
很大重量lumping weight
重量与皮重之比ratio of gross to tare weight
总载重量dead weight
总载重量gross load
总载重量gross shipping weight
总载重量aggregate tonnage
报称重量指船公司承运散装货时在提单上批注语,意谓船货重量仅依据托运人声称,船方不负认定责任said to weigh
拆散为包车最低重量knocked-down in carloads
重量或容量交接货物handing over as per weight
重量分级grade by weight
重量或体积Weight and/or Measurement
重量by weight
重量配料weigh batching
按提单重量计算的运费freight on bill of lading weight
整理后重量dress weight
整车重量car load
重量单位= 32至72英国蒲式耳,常用作煤、焦炭等称量单位chaldron
最低重量minimum weight
最初重量initial weight
最大载重量maximum carrying tonnage
有效重量effective weight
标准重量standard weights
货币标准重量mint weight
标志重量marked weight
标明重量即标明每件货的重量marked weight
标记重量labeled weight
核对重量check weighing
核对重量对货物再次复量check weighing
检验重量inspect weight
货物检验时重量weight at time of survey
检验时货物重量weight at time of survey
汽车载重量capacity of wagon
法定重量指货物实重及其内包装的重量legal weight
船舶注册载重量register tonage
活畜重量lively weight
流量计重inspection of weight by flow
湿材重量green weight
满载重量和体积fully loaded weight and capacity
煤的重量单位等于47 488磅keel
理论重量即按商品规格、尺寸计算出的重量theoretical weight
生材重量green weight
离岸重量指装运时的重量shipping weight
空车重量light weight
空载重量empty weight
组合总重量gross combination weight
自变量之间的重复redundancy among independent variables
船舶货物载重量deadweight cargo capacity
船舶货物载重量dead-weight cargo capacity
船舶载重量carrying capacity of vessel
船舶载重总量吨数lightweight tonnage
船边交货重量weighing at overside delivery
补足重量make weight
装卸重量限度heavy handy deadweight
装船重量intake weight
装船离岸重量为准shipping weight final
装船重量条款shipped weight terms
装船重量标准shipping weight terms
装货重量intake weight
装运重量条件指卖方不负运途中短重的责任shipped weight terms
计价重量suttle weight
计算重量符号calculation weight
计费重量chargeable weight
计费装载重量charged weight of load
调和重量breakeven weight
货单内重量weight accounting to the manifest
货抵目的港的重量outturn of the shipment
货物重量cargo weight
货物单位体积重量density of cargo
货物量自然减重normal loss of quantity
货车载重量truck load
车辆载重量carrying capacity of vehicle
重量高能推进剂high energy lightweight propellant
轻载重量light weight
carrying power
carrying capacity
重量hauling capacity
重量deadweight capacity
重量dead weight
重量与容积deadweight ton and capacity
重量利用率coefficient of cargo carrying capacity
载货重量仓位weight and measurement capacity available
运费每吨以重量或体积计算W/M per ton
重合同、保质量、薄利、守信义honour all contracts signed, guarantee the quality, minimal profit, honour our words
重新订货量reorder quantity
重要变量important variable
重要性度量measure of importance
重量不足lazy weight
重量不重质prefer quantity to quality
重量与体积标志weight and measurement mark
重量与尺寸证明书certificate of weight and measurement
重量价值保险reinstatement value insurance
重量体积gravimetric volume
重量利用率coefficient of weight efficiency
重量由卖方开列weight list
重量单位short hundredweight
重量即以货物实重作为计算运费的计算单位weight ton
重量因子weight factor
重量容积gravimetric volume
重量容积表list of weight and measurement
重量成本保险replacement cost insurance
重量成本法折旧depreciation by replacement method
重量损失系数weight loss coefficient
重量检测报告survey report on weight
重量检验inspection of weight
重量百分率weight percent
重量耗损loss in weight
重量腐蚀指数weight corrosion index
重量/英尺weight per foot
重量计费weight charge
重量证明certificate of weight
重量货物heavy weight good
重量货物deadweight cargo
重量货物dead-weight cargo
重量货物如机械,五金类商品closeweight cargo
重量轻体积大的货载balloon freight
重量运费freight charged by weight
重量运费freight by weight
重量鉴定gravimetric survey
鉴定货物重量与体积inspection of cargo weight and measure
钱币重量误差remedy of weight
铠装总重量gross plated weight
额定起重量rated hoisting capacity
饱和单位重量saturated unit weight