
Terms for subject China containing 重定 | all forms
依法就关系国家全局的重大问题作出决定make of decisions in accordance with law on major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State
全面分析了制定监督法的必要性和重要性fully analyze the necessity and importance of formulating the Law on Oversight
决定同外国缔结的条约和重要协定的批准和废除decide on the ratification or abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
决定国家大事,决定国家重大事项decide on important state affairs
决定国家大事,决定国家重大事项decide major issues of state
决定重大问题decide on major issues (concerning)
同外国缔结的条约和重要协定treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
因各方面对制定该法律的必要性、可行性等重大问题存在较大意见分歧owing to significant disagreement among the various quarters on the necessity and feasibility of making the bill into a law
国家重大事项决定权the power to decide major issues of state (key state issues)
处罚较重的规定provisions for a heavier punishment
对制定该法律的必要性、可行性等重大问题存在较大意见分歧significant disagreement on the necessity and feasibility of making the bill into a law
1966 年国际船舶载重线公约1988年议定书Protocol of 1988 Relating to International Convention on Loadlines, 1966
废除条约和重要协定abrogate treaties and important agreements
批准和废除同外国缔结的条约和重要协定ratify or abrogate treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
批准条约和重要协定ratify treaties and important agreements
条约和重要协定treaty and important agreement
同外国缔结条约和重要协定conclude treaties and important agreements (with foreign states)
规定本行政区域特别重大事项的地方性法规local regulations governing especially important matters of an administrative area
讨论、决定本行政区域内的重大事项discuss and decide on major issues in their respective administrative areas
重大事项决定权making decisions for important issues
重大事项决定权making decisions for major issues
重要协定important agreement
高度重视监督法的制定工作pay close attention to the formulation of the Law on Oversight