
Terms for subject Technology containing 重力 | all forms | in specified order only
一次重力加荷线性弹性分析linear elastic gravity-turn-on analysis
一次加荷重力线弹性分析linear elastic gravity-turn-on analysis
一等重力primary gravity network
三度重力量板three-dimensional gravity graticule
三脚式重力擒纵机构three-legged gravity escapement
三角形断面的重力gravity dam of triangular section
不稳定式重力unstable type gravimeter
世界重力基点world-wide gravimetric basic point
世界重力测量系统world gravimetric system
中皮型重力构造mesodermal type of gravitative tectonic
中脊重力异常gravity anomaly over mid-ridge
主动土压力重分布active soil pressure redistribution
主动土压力重分布active earth pressure redistribution
主应力承重部件principal stress-carrying part
乱石圬工重力式挡土墙stone masonry gravity retaining wall
二度重力量板two-dimensional gravity graticule
二自由度系统的重力平衡binary mass balancing
井中重力borehole gravimetry
井中重力测量borehole gravity measurement
重力infra-gravity wave
伽尔型重力Gal gravimeter
体力重量锻炼房weight training room
重力异常图pseudo-gravity chart
入射重力incident gravity wave
重力出矿矿块full gravity block
全球重力基本点网world-wide gravity base station network
全球重力异常global gravity anomaly
公路载重能力highway tonnage capability
关节液力起重机articulated hydraulic crane
其他类型重力other type gravimeter
内插重力interpolation gravity
内燃电力浮式起重机diesel-electrical floating crane
内燃电力浮式起重机diesel-electric floating crane
冷凝水重力回水gravity return of condenser
净载重能力payload capacity
分离式重力结构separate gravity structure
切变重力shear gravity wave
制动重力的百分率braked weight percentage
制动的重力braked weight
前进重力progressive gravity wave
剖面重力测量profile gravity survey
剩余重力异常图residual gravity anomaly map
动力重力dynamical gravity meter
动力重力dynamic gravity meter
动力操纵的起重机power-operated crane
动力重量比power-to-weight ratio
动力驱动载重汽车power-driven truck
动态重力测量dynamical gravity survey
动态重力测量dynamic gravity survey
动态重力测量dynamical gravity measurement
助动重力astatic meter
区域重力异常图regional gravity anomaly map
区域重力测量regional gravity survey
重力式墙semi-gravity wall
重力式挡土墙semi-gravity type retaining wall
重力式桥台semi-gravity type abutment
重力抛物线形斜坡Montague profile
半自动重力送料semi-automatic gravity feeding
单位重牵引力unit weight haulage force
单管重力循环供热one-pipe gravity-type heating
单管重力循环供热one-pipe gravity heating
单管重力循环系统one-pipe gravity system
单管重力循环系统one-piping gravity circulation system
单管重力循环系统one-pipe gravity circulation system
卡辛尼重力公式Cassini formula of gravity
卫星重力梯度法method of satellite gravity gradient
卫星重力测量satellite gravimetrical survey
原油重力gravity energy of crude
双丝重力bifilar gravimeter
双摆重力two-pendulum gravimeter
重力式筛分机anti-gravity screen
重力anti-gravity machine
吊车起重能力lifting capacity of crane
重力作用下by gravity
在无外荷载时重力对构件产生的应力gravity prestress
圬工重力masonry gravity dam
圬工拱式重力masonry arch gravity dam
重力势高度geopotential height
地下重力gravity groundwater
地下水重力作用带gravitation zone of groundwater
地球重力terrestrial gravitation
地球重力位单位geopotential unit
地球重力位尺度因子geopotential scale factor
地球重力位模型earth gravity model
地球重力位模型earth gravitational model
地球重力半径gravity radius of the earth
地球重力测定earth gravity determination
地球内部重力gravity inside the earth
地球潮汐重力earth tide gravity meter
地球的重力gravity of the earth
地表重力异常surface gravity anomaly
地面潮汐重力surface tidemeter
均匀重力异常isotropic gravity anomaly
均衡重力分异isostatic gravity anomaly
均衡重力异常图isostatical gravity anomaly map
均衡重力异常图isostatic gravity anomaly map
均衡归正的重力isostatically reduced gravity data
均衡荷重应力balanced load stress
ZSM 型石英弹簧重力ZSM quartz-spring gravimeter
塑性应力重分布plastic stress redistribution
增重能力gaining ability
增重能力gained ability
外部重力external gravity field
多次重复应力multiple repeated stress
多重压力容器multi pressure vessel
大地重力geodetic gravimetry
大地重力学基本微分方程fundamental differential equation of geodetic gravimetry
大地重力测量geodetic gravimetry (学)
大地重力测量计geodetic gravimeter
大地型重力geodetic gravity meter
大地基准的重力定位gravimetrical datum orientation
大地基准的重力定位gravimetric datum orientation
天文重力水准astronomical gravity level
天文重力水准astronomic gravity level
天文重力水准astrogravimetric level (ling, 测量)
天文重力测量点astrogravimetric points
安全承重能力safe load carrying power
实体重力式岸壁solid gravity wall
实心重力solid gravity dam
实际重力actual weight
容积重力capacity gravimeter
宽缝重力slotted gravity dam
宽缝重力broad suturing gravity dam
重力加速度离心机low-g centrifuge
局部重力异常local gravity anomaly
局部重力循环local gravity circulation
岛弧重力异常island-arc gravity anomaly
岩体应力重分布rock mass stress redistribution
布朗重力Brown gravity gauge
布朗重力Brown gravity gage
布格重力Bouguer's gravity
布格重力对比Bouguer's gravity correlation
干法重力式捣击机dry gravity stamp
平均重力mean gravity
平均重力异常mean gravity anomaly
平均正常重力mean normal gravity
平均正常重力average normal gravity
1971年国际重力基准图International Gravity Standardization Net 1971
应力重分布系数coefficient of stress redistribution
应力重取向stress reorientation
应力重复循环repeated stress cycle
底重式活塞压力计deadweight piston pressure gauge
底重式活塞压力计deadweight piston pressure gage
废水重力分离处理法gravity separation of wastewater
张力重力自动补偿装置automatically tensioned catenary
张力载重tensile loading
张力载重tensile load
张力重tension weight
弦线重力linear gravimeter
重力reduced gravity field
弹性重力刚度elastic gravitational stiffness
弹性重力耦联振动elastic gravitational coupled vibration
弹簧重力spring gravimeter
强力起重机goliath crane
强力起重设备heavy lift equipment
强化快速重力渗滤enhanced rapid gravity filtration
CS 形阿斯卡尼亚重力CS Askania gravimeter
影响重力场因素the effect on gravity field
微起伏重力测量gravimetrical microrelief
微起伏重力测量gravimetric microrelief
悬挂重力式防撞装置gravity type fender
悬挂式重力护舷suspended gravity fender
悬挂式重力防撞装置suspended gravity fender
房屋重力排水系统building gravity drainage system
手力移动式起重机hand power track crane
手力起重器hand jack
扭转重力torsional gravimeter
重力系数coefficient of bearing capacity
承重能力load-carrying capability
承重能力supporting load
承重能力weight bearing power
承重能力load-carrying capacity
承重能力bearing value
承重能力weight capacity
承重能力supporting value
承重能力load-bearing power
重力anti-gravity machine
重力anti-gravity screen
重力装置anti-gravity device
重力过滤anti-gravity filtration
重力anti-g valve
重力anti-gravity valve
车辆的拉力与重量之比drag-to-weight ratio
拉科斯特一隆伯格重力Lacoste-Romberg gravimeter
振动重力vibration gravimeter
振弦式重力vibrating string gravimeter
振摆式重力vibrating-pendulum gravimeter
控制性热力严重度试验controlled thermal severity test
推力重量比thrust-weight ratio
推力-重量比thrust-weight ratio
推力重量比thrust to weight ratio
摆仪重力pendulum value
摆仪重力测量pendulum gravity survey
摆仪重力测量pendulum gravity measurement
摆仪重力pendulum station
摆仪重力pendulum point
摆式重力pendulum gravimeter
改化重力reduced gravity value
斗式重力输送机gravity bucket conveyor
斗式重力输送机gravity bucket conveyer
斜坡重力作用gravitational processes on slope
斜槽重力进料gravity chute feed
新国际正常重力公式new international normal gravity formula
施加重力weight application
旋转重力rotational gravity force couple
旋转式重力浓缩器rotating gravity concentrator
旋转式哑铃形人造重力航天站rotating dumbbell pseudo-gravity station
最佳标准重力optimum standard gravity
最小重力势能minimum gravitational potential energy
重力资料地区gravity coverage
有效重力异常effective gravity anomaly
有约束重力模型constrained gravity model
机械的有效载重能力machine payload capacity
机载重力air-borne gravity meter
重力polar gravity
极限荷重能力ultimate weight-carrying capacity
架空重力管路overhead gravity pipeline
标准重力standard gravity value
标准重力加速度standard gravity acceleration
标准重力加速度standard gravitational acceleration
标准重力加速度normal acceleration of gravity
格体式重力cellular gravity dam
格形扶壁式重力cellular buttress gravity dam
格拉夫海洋重力Graf sea gravimeter
桩承重力pile load capacity
模拟重力simulated gravity
模拟旋转重力rotational pseudo gravity
重力加速度容限positive g tolerance
正压重力barotropic gravity wave
正常重力位差数normal geopotential number
正常重力normal gravity value
正常重力加速度normal acceleration of gravity
正常重力线normal gravity line
正常地球位面上的正常重力normal gravity on the earth spheropotential
残余重力异常residual gravity anomaly
气体重力gas gravimeter
气体重力分异gas gravity differentiation
气力称重系统pneumatic weighing system
气力起重器pneumatic jack
气力起重器compressed-air jack
气力起重机gas lift
气力起重机pneumatic crane
气力起重机air hoist
气动重力运输机air-activated gravity conveyer
气压重力gas pressure gravimeter
气压重力barometrical gravimeter
气压重力barometric gravimeter
重力孤波solitary water gravity wave
重力循环系统water circulation gravity system
水下重力流沉积subaqueous gravity flow deposit
水力重力梯度hydraulic gravity gradient
水力悬臂起重机hydraulic slewing crane
水力旋臂起重机hydraulic slewing crane
水力桥式起重机hydraulic gantry crane
水力起重机hydraulic hoist
水力起重机hydraulic lift
水力起重机hydraulic crane
水力高架起重机hydraulic gantry crane
水力龙门起重机hydraulic gantry crane
水平重力梯度horizontal gradient of gravity
污水重力分离gravity separation of wastewater
污泥重力浓缩sludge gravity thickening
沃登重力Worden gravity meter
沃登重力Worden gravimeter
沉积物重力sediment gravity flows
流体重力fluid gravity flow
流体静力称重hydrostatic weighing
流量重力flux-gravity diagram
浆砌石重力paste lining gravity dam
测力称重传感器load and weigh cell
浮力式比重传感器buoyancy-type density transmitter
海上重力测量sea-borne gravity measurement
海中重力on-the-bottom sea gravimeter
海山重力异常gravity anomaly over seamount
海平重力异常free air gravity anomaly
海底重力on-the-bottom gravimeter
海底重力sea-floor gravimeter
海底重力sea-borne bottom gravimeter
海底重力bottom gravimeter
海底重力sea-bottom gravity meter
海底重力调查sea-floor gravity survey
海沟重力异常gravity anomaly over trench
海洋重力offshore gravity meter
海洋重力marine gravity meter
海洋重力勘探marine gravity prospecting
海洋重力chart of marine gravity anomaly
海洋重力异常marine gravity anomaly
海洋重力测量marine gravity survey
海洋质子重力梯度仪marine proton gradiometer
海盆重力异常gravity anomaly over basin
海福特重力异常Hayford gravity anomaly
涡流重力分离器cross current gravity separator
液体重力控制liquid gravity control
液力起重器hydraulic jack
液力起重机water crane
液力起重缸lifting cylinder
渥登重力Worden gravimeter
溢流重力overflow gravity dam
潮汐重力改正tidal gravity correction
激光绝对重力laser absolute gravimeter
激光绝对重力laser absolute gravimeter
燃料重力供油箱fuel gravity tank
燃油重力自供系统fuel gravity system
物探重力一级基点first-grade gravity base station for exploration geophysics
物探重力三级基点third-grade gravity base station for exploration geophysics
物探重力二级基点second grade gravity base station for exploration geophysics
牵引杆拉力重量比drawbar pull-weight ratio
特殊的重力specific gravity
玻璃球重力加球marble gravity feeding
理论重力公式theoretical gravity formula
理论重力公式formula for theoretical gravity
理论重力公式theoretic gravity formula
理论重力公式formula for theoretic gravity
电力升举载重汽车electrical lift truck
电力升举载重汽车electric lift truck
电力工业用汽车起重机electrical industrial truck crane
电力工业用汽车起重机electric industrial truck crane
电力移动式起重机electrical travelling crane
电力移动式起重机electric traveling crane
电力起重机electrical crane
电力起重机electric hoist
电力起重机electric power lift
电力起重机electrical power lift
电力起重机electrical hoist
电力起重机electric crane
电气磁力起重机crane electric lifting magnet
电流线圈重力式起动机coil and gravity starter
真实重力actual gravity
重力错觉oculogravic illusion
砌石重力stone masonry gravity dam
砖石重力masonry gravity dam
磁力线重接field line reconnection
磁力线重接magnetic merging
磁力线重接field line annihilation
磁力起重机magnetic crane
稳定重力stable gravimeter
稳定型重力stable-type gravimeter
穆斯堡尔重力Mossbauer gravity meter
空中重力air-borne gravimeter
空对地重力归算值down-ward-to-the-ground of gravity value
空气重力gravity flow of air
空气重力流速velocity gravitational air flow
空气重力落锤airlift gravity drop hammer
空间重力加速度gravity acceleration in space
重力势面geopotential surface
简单重力循环simple gravity circulation
简单重力环流simple gravity circulation
简单布格重力simple Bouguer gravity value
PVC 管重力污水管PVC gravity sewer pie
箱格式重力cellular gravity dam
簧下重力unsprung weight
粉尘重力沉降gravitational dust setting
粉尘重力沉降室gravitational dust setting chamber
精化布格重力refined Bouguer gravity value
繁重的体力劳动exhausting labour
繁重的体力劳动exhausting labor
重力shear gravity
线路系统重力gravimeter with linear system
聚氯乙烯大直径重力污水管polyvinyl chloride large-diameter plastic gravity sewer pipe
聚氯乙烯带肋重力污水管polyvinyl chloride ribbed gravity sewer pipe
脱顶重力滑动detachment gravity slide
航空重力air-borne gravity meter
航空重力air-borne gravimeter
航空重力测量air-borne gravity measurement
船上重力surface-ship gravimeter
船上重力surface ship gravity metre
船上自动重力automatic onboard gravimeter
船上自动重力automated onboard gravimeter
船用重力shipboard gravimeter
船用自动重力automated onboard gravimeter
船载重力调查shipboard gravity survey
蒸汽重力捣碎机组steam gravity stamp
蒸汽重力落锤airlift gravity drop hammer
蒸汽重力落锤air drop hammer
蒸汽电力浮式起重机steam electrical floating crane
蒸汽电力浮式起重机steam electric floating crane
蜗型重力介质选矿机snail type heavy-medium separator
螺旋重力分离器spiral gravity separator
螺旋重力溜子helical gravity chute
螺旋重力溜槽helical gravity chute
螺旋形重力滑槽spiral gravity shoot
螺旋形重力滑道spiral gravity shoot
行星重力planetary gravitational field
表皮型重力构造epidermal type of gravitate tectonics
装有滚柱的螺旋重力溜槽roller-fitted spiral gravity shoot
覆盖层自重压力overburden pressure
观测重力observed gravity value
设有重力传感器的计量料斗weighing hopper with loadcell
重力加速度容限negative g tolerance
重力异常带negative strip
货车载重力利用率wagon loading capacity utilization rate
货车载重力利用系数coefficient of utilization of the loading capacity of wagon
货车载重力利用系数coefficient of utilization for car loading capacity
货车载重能力capacity of wagons
赤道重力equatorial gravity
赤道重力equatorial gravity value
赫伯特重力公式Helmert's formula of gravity
重力portative force
重力elevating force
重力hoist moment
起重机起重能力lifting capacity
起重机提升能力crane capacity
起重机承载能力crane capacity
起重机起重能力hoisting power of crane
起重机起重能力load capacity of crane
起重机起重能力crane lifting capacity
起重机的起重能力crane output
钻塔起重能力weight supporting capacity
起重能力crane capability
起重能力装载能力loading capacity
起重臂提升能力blocked capacity
重力ultra-gravity wave
超低温重力cryogenic gravity meter
超导重力super-conductive gravimeter
超导重力super-conducting gravimeter
超导重力梯度仪super-conducting gravity gradiometer
超导磁重力梯度仪super-conducting magnetic gradiometer
车辆拉力重量比drag-to-weight ratio
车辆标准载重能力normal loading capacity
车辆标准载重能力normal carrying capacity of vehicle
转动重力不稳定性rotational gravitational instability
轮上不受载时的起重能力lifting capacity of free-on-wheels
轴对称式重力axially symmetrical gravimeter
轴对称式重力axially symmetric gravimeter
轻型重力式艇架free-standing gravity davit
重力矩限制器load moment limiter
载重能力weight-carrying power
载重能力deadweight capacity
载重能力lifting capacity
载重能力cargo capacity
重一型动力触探heavy 1 dynamical sounding
重一型动力触探heavy 1 dynamic sounding
重体力劳动heavy physical labour
重体力劳动heavy work
重体力劳动hard physical labour
重体力劳动heavy physical labor
重体力劳动hard physical labor
重分布应力secondary stress
重复内力peated stress
重复动应力试验repeated dynamical stress test
重复动应力试验repeated dynamic stress test
重复应力reversed stress
重复应力peated stress
重复应力repeated unit stress
重复应力alternating stress
重复应力reversal stress
重复应力alternate stress
重复应力变化repeated stress variation
重复应力变换repeated stress variation
重复应力试验repeated stress test
重复弯曲下应力强度repeated transverse stress strength
重复弯曲应力试验repeated bending stress test
重复拉伸应力试验repeated direct stress test
重复挠曲应力repeated flexural stress
重复联合作用力repeated simultaneous force
重锤压力计deadweight piston page
重锤张力垫圈oscillating weight tension washer
锥形重力平台conical gravity platform
锥形重力平台conic gravity platform
重力long gravity wave
长周期重力long period gravity wave
长周期重力infra-gravity wave
阿奎左尔重力式滤池Aquazur filter
陀螺稳定重力gyrostabilized gravimeter
陆地重力测量land gravity survey
陆坡重力异常continental slope gravity anomaly
陆架边缘重力异常gravity anomaly of continental shelf border
陆缘重力异常gravity anomaly of continental border
重力steep gravity wave
重力static gravity meter
静力重力static gravimeter
静力弹簧重力static spring gravimeter
静力轮子平衡重static wheel balancer
静力重结晶作用方式static recrystallization way
静压力重新恢复static regain
静态重力测量static gravity survey
重力式地下水fixed groundwater
重力non-gravity spring
非线性重力non-linear gravity wave
面积重力测量area gravity survey
预应力重分布prestressed redistribution
马力重量比horsepower to weight ratio
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