
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一切购事务都集中到他们的总公司All purchasing has been centralized in their head office
一揽子购协议blanket purchase agreements
一揽子购协议blanket purchase agreement
一旦发生事故,你方应取一切可能的措施以避免经济损失Upon the occurrence of the accident, you shall take all steps possible to prevent economic loss
不附带购条件的贷款free loan
不附带购条件的贷款untied loan
业已取恰当的安全措施以保护装运Proper safety measures have been taken to protect the shipment
为了大力发展该商品在国内外的销售,我们同意取所说的这些措施In order to energetically develop the sale of the goods at home and abroad, we have agreed to take the said measures
美国与北约的互惠防务购谅解备忘录Reciprocal Defense Procurement Memoranda of Understanding
市场purchase fruits from (market, 水果)
他们取一切预防措施,以保证该轮安全抵达目的港They took every precaution to ensure that the ship would arrive at the port of destination in safety
他们取必要的行动来保护及保管公共财物They took necessary action for the protection and preservation of the public property
他们取恰当步骤发展国内贸易They took proper steps to develop their domestic trade
他们必须为公司的注册登记取必要的措施They have to take necessary steps for the incorporation of their company
他们渴望政府取措施促进贸易复苏They keenly expect the government to introduce measures to revive trade
他那个切实可行的提议被公司用了His practicable proposal was adopted by the company
以 "东风"轮来代替是我们所能取的最快行动The replacement of steamer by "EAST WIND" was the soonest possible action we could take
体积开权益volumetric overriding royalty interest
你们并不很愿意帮助购这些食品You are not sufficiently forthcoming with the purchase of these foodstuffs
你方应该按照我们在规划中大致规定的方案取必要的措施You should take the necessary measures as what we have outlined in the scheme
全球性购办法global procurement arrangement
ABC 公司取必要行动以促进其销售The ABC company took such action as it deemed necessary to promote its sales
美国军用石油购署Armed Services Petroleum Purchasing Agency
加勒比盆地经济开法案Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
加拿大石油费用Canadian Production Expense
动力购协议power purchase agreement
勘探和开协议exploration and production agreement
即兴购的货物impulse goods
原油crude oil purchasing
双方同意用看用证付款方式It is agreed by both parties that the payment shall be made by way of letter of credit
双方同意不取任何妨害销售的行动Both parties agree not to take any action which would encumber the sales
储备workable reserves
可以取正当的措施和手段来取回属于我方的利润Proper steps and proceedings may be taken for getting back profit due to us
可经济地开的石油economically recoverable oil
合同contract purchasing
合格的购经理certified purchasing manager
合资企业用借贷复式记账法The joint ventures shall adopt the debt and credit double entry bookkeeping
商品购的筹资方案commodity purchase financing programme
extraction stages
percentage recovery
recovery rate
recovery rate
国外offshore purchases
国外foreign procurement
国外购费用foreign procurement cost
国外油气开所得收入foreign oil and gas extraction inc ome
在出现危及生命和财产的紧急情况时,承包商必须取必要的救助措施The contractor is to take necessary measures for relief during the emergency causing the danger of life or property
在建立合资企业过程中,我方将负责一切设备购事宜In building up the joint venture, our party will be responsible for the purchases of all the equipment
在此情况下,他们取措施补救由地震造成的损失In this case, they took measures to remedy such damage by earthquake
壳牌公司国际勘探与开业务Shell International Exploration and Production business
壳牌国际勘探开公司研究和技术服务处Shell International Exploration and Production B. V., Research and Technical Services
大批量购更经济实惠A bulk purchase of goods is quite economical
天然气购合同gas purchase contract
如果这种违约行为在六天内未取补救措施,则你方可立即废止合同If such default remains unremedied within 6 days, you may annul this contract immediately
定性访采访深度qualitative interview depth interview
对拖欠的税款必须立即予以汇报,以便取适当的行动The delinquent tax payments shall be reported immediately for proper actions to be taken
对销售与购买此类货物的协议可用正式合同的形式An agreement for the sale and purchase of goods may take the form of a formal contract
就地购单local purchase order
局部local lighting
工程与购人员engineering and procurement staff
工程设计、购与投产合同engineering, procurement and commission contract
工程设计、购与施工管理engineering, procurement and construction management
工程设计、购、安装与投产engineering, procurement, installation and comissioning
工程设计、购、安装与施工engineering, procurement, installation and construction
工程设计、购、施工与项目管理engineering, procurement, construction and project management
工程设计、购、施工与投产合同engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning contract
市场purchases from market
希望贵方这次取主动,弥补差距We hope you will take the initiative to bridge the gap
常数用值the adopted value of constants
常设购代表resident buying representation
取些什么措施由船长决定What measures should be taken is at the discretion of the captain
取措施禁止擅自使用商号权Measures should be taken to prohibit any unauthorized use of the trade name
矿山权益overriding royalty interest
必须取措施防止货物变质Some measures must be taken to guard against deterioration of the goods
快开完的油层marginal reservoir
总价basket purchase
我们决心用上述的管理制度We are determined to adopt the above-mentioned management system
我们厂的工资支付方法用计件和奖金制The method of payment in our factory is on the piece-rate and bonus basis
我们可以取灵活的态度We can adopt a flexible attitude
我们将用富有特色的设计图样来改进床单的质量We shall adopt distinctive designs to improve the quality of our sheets
我们应取一切必须措施,以获得该著名外国公司的新产品在中国的独家经销权We shall take all measures requisite to get the sales exclusive right in China for the new product of that famous foreign corporation
我们应取必要的活动完成这笔交易We shall take necessary action to consummate this transaction
我们应在竞争性招标的基础上办全部材料和设备We shall procure all materials and equipment on a competitive bid basis
我们必须取一切必要措施以防发生损坏We must take all necessary steps to prevent any damage
我们必须取可以影响施工效率的措施We have to adopt the measures that may affect the efficiency of the project
我们必须迅速取严厉措施以遏止危机的发展We must take severe measures rapidly to stop a crisis developing
我们想了解一下建立合资企业应取哪些步骤?We'd like to know what steps should be taken to establish a joint venture?
我方应取有效措施来防止他人非法使用我方之特许专利We should take effective measures to prevent the unauthorized use of our licensed patent by others
我方必须取一切措施防止任何他方非法制造我方产品All measures should be taken to prevent unlawful manufacture of our product by any other party
承包商必须负责设计、工程、购、建造等等的工作The contractor must be responsible for the design, engineering, procurement n., construction and so on
按年购法a year purchase method
政府用进口控制来解决经济危机The government adopted import controls to solve the current economic crisis
政府购协定agreement on government procurement
政府购和海关估价守则协定Agreement on Government Procurement and the Customs Valuation Code
美国政府购政策与实践government procurement policies and practices
政府购的优先原则priority in government procurement
政府决定用反通货膨胀的手段来控制局势The government has decided to take anti-inflationary measures to control the situation
数量上值得开的石油economical quantities oil
旅行购员travelling buyers
最低最大min-max procurement
最初收率primary recovery
最大收率maximum efficient rate
最大经济收率maximum economic recovery
最有效开油气most efficient recovery oil and gas
最高收指数maximum producible oil index
有开价值的铁矿床promising iron deposit
未开的矿藏an unwrought mine
未开的自然资源undeveloped natural resource
材料material purchases
材料购凭证material purchase document
比较各类布置取有效的方法comparing effectiveness of methods between alternative layout
油层收率the reservoir recovery
油气开oil concession
海外办处Overseas Procurement Office
清理程序中债权证据的纳和驳回liquidation admission and rejection proofs
现场购组织field procurement organization
现金cash purchase
直接原材料购预算direct material purchase budget
看来他取了观望态度It seems that he has adopted a wait-and-see attitude
石油回能力的提高enhanced oil recovery
石油开先驱者Petroleum Production Pioneers
石油开公司petroleum producer
石油开租借地合同oil mining leases
石油开the oil royalty
石油开许可证petroleum production licenses
石油开许可证petroleum winning licenses
石油开许可证petroleum production license
石油开许可证petroleum mining licenses
石油开许可证petroleum mining license
矿山开mining concession
管理部门正在取必要的措施以克服遇到的各种困难The management is taking necessary steps to overcome the difficulties encountered
粮食援助food aid procurement
经乙方的认可,甲方将购和销售全部货物及商品Party A shall buy and sell, with the approval of Party B, all goods and merchandise
经济收率economic recovery
经济购批量economic order quantities
经济购量economic purchase quantity
经济极限收率economic ultimate recovery
经理不允许我们只从一个地方购原料The manager didn't permit us to purchase the materials from only one source
经营购营业所operate a buying office
缔约一方在任何时候不得取任何干扰执行合同的行动One party shall not at any time commit any act which will interfere with the execution of the contract
联合joint buying
联合cooperative buying
联邦政府购管理法规Federal Procurement Management Regulations
若我们在 5 月 18日前得不到你方肯定消息,我们将不得不取法律行动索回贷款If we do not hear from you favorably by May 18, we shall have to take legal means for collection
英国购和供应学院Institute of Purchasing and Supply
俄罗斯萨哈林油气开项目Sakhalin Oil & Gas Projects
计算机控制computer production control (生产)
设备购单facility purchase order
设备购申请facility procurement application
设计、购与施工合同engineering, procurement and construction contract
设计、购与营运合同engineering, procurement and operation contract
美国设计、购和建设专业组Design-Procurement Construction Specific Interest Group
设计、购、施工与安装项目engineering, procurement, construction and installation projects
该公司在这个地区勘探金矿,发现这些矿大有开前途The company prospect-ed the area for gold, and found the mines prospect very well
该工厂正在取一切负责的措施,以保证扩充生产设施The factory is taking all responsible steps to ensure the expansion of production facilities
调整后购成本adjusted acquisition cost
贴现累积净开能源discounted cumulative net energy recovered
美国资源开法案Resource Recovery Act
进口货import procurement
开采到的原油produced crude oil
出原油produced crude oil
出量produced quantity
区回采率rate of stopping coal from the coal deposit of stopping district (area)
resort to (stalling tactics, 拖延手法)
取一致步骤fall into line
取一致步骤come into line
取国外的习惯做法adopt customary methods abroad
取措施take measures of
取措施take measures
取紧急措施take crisis measures
取这些措施是为了保护投资者免受通胀时期内的损失The measures are adopted to guard the investors against the loss incurred during inflation
取重大步骤take a significant step
取降低物价的慎重措施take deliberate action to lower prices
取预防火灾措施take precautions against (fire)
地制度the manorial system
地制度manorial system
地经济manorial economy
掘业生产能力raw-material capacity
掘完work off a debt (矿)
掘工业an extractive industry
掘工业primary production
掘工业extracting industry
掘工业中的收费权益fee for interests in extractive industries
掘工业中的收费权益fee interests in extractive industries
掘工业的废弃the abandonment in excavation industry
掘工业的无形开发成本intangible development costs in extractive industries
收法percentage recovery
收率percentage recovery
棉机cotton-picking machine
油商oil producer
油费用lifting expenses
油量petroleum production
珠业pearl fishery
用先进工艺技术adoption of progressive technological programmes
用先进技术utilize the advanced technology
用先进技术adopt advanced techniques
用外界承包的办法an outside contracting approach
用寿命appropriate life
用新技术the adoption of new technology
新技术等的用期implementation period
用网络的计划管理network-based project management
矿业mining industry
矿业结构structure of mining
矿工业——采矿与冶金学会汇刊A辑Mining Industry Section A of the Institutions of Mining & Metallurgy
矿权mineral rights
纳过程adoption process
纳通告an adoption notice
purchasing station
购与供应purchase and supply
购与物资管理purchasing and material management
购主任chief purchasing agent
购代办处purchasing agency
购件组装详图assembly detail purchased part
购供应站purchasing and supply station
购决策purchase decision
购合同a procurement contract
购和生产准备时间procurement and lead time
购商purchasing agency
驻外购团purchase mission
购手段means of purchase
购批准书procurement authorization
购授权the procurement authorization
购授权Delegation of Procurement Authority
购授权authority to purchase
购授权书the procurement authorization
购授权申请书procurement authorization application
购支岀expenditure for procurement
购方案procurement scheme
购方法procurement practice
购服务procurement service
购期限set-up time
购期限lead time
购活动a procurement activity
购申请a requisition purchase (书)
购申请purchase requisition (书)
购研究purchasing research
购程序procurement procedures
购经理purchasing managers
购要求purchasing request
购规范procurement specification
购设备,材料与服务procurement of equipment, materials and services
购质量控制procurement quality control
购费用purchasing expense
购部procurement division
购部的决定被总经理驳回了The decision of the purchasing department by the chief executive
购部经理应该对公司购进的货物负全面责任The purchasing manager should have overall responsibility for the goods bought for the company
购部门负责人a purchasing agent
购量amount purchased
邑制度system of benefices
邑制度manorial system
过程extracting process
钻井油后勤股份有限公司Drilling and Production Support Co., Ltd.
销售和购协议sales and purchase agreement
限制性购条款tied purchase provision
集体访panel interview
集体committee buying
集总总价basket purchase
集约开intensive exploitation
零星hand-to-mouth purchasing
露天开the opencast mining
露天开open pit mining
非歧视的政府the non-discriminatory government procurement
预订the scheduled purchasing