
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
不回收探测器数据集系统expendable probe data acquisition system
世界矿大会World Mining Congress
世界矿设备World Mining Equipment
中央矿研究所印度central mining research station
中部地区矿工程师学会Midland Institute of Mining Engineers
主动集设备active acquisition aid
亚北极生态系统初期开与恢复协会Association of Primary Production and Recruitment in Subarctic Ecosystems
亚历山德里斯克矿公司Aleksandrinsk Ore-Mining Co.
人工数据集终端manual data acquisition terminal
人机联作数据集系统man-computer interactive data acquisition system
仪器控制与数据集系统instrument control and data acquisition system
波斯语 伊朗石油勘探开公司Iraanse aardolie exploratie en productie maatschappij
伦敦矿和冶金学会Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
伦敦-罗得西亚矿和地产公司London-Rhodesia Mining and Land Co., Ltd.
便携式数据集系统portable data acquisition system
便携式数据集系统mobile data acquisition system
信息集与管理系统acquisitions information and management system
光计数图像集系统photon-counting image acquisition system
全国矿工业咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on the Mining Industry
全国地球化学样计划National Geochemical Reconnaissance
全国州属区复田者协会National Association of State Land Reclamationists
全国建筑用花岗石开场协会National Building Granite Quarries Association
全球大气样计划global atmospheric sampling program
全球大气样计划global air sampling program
其他非金属掘用地other non-metal excavating land
净地下水开net groundwater withdrawal
出水量开阈值地下水yield development threshold
分段回sectional drawing
加拿大矿与冶金数据库Canadian Data Base on Mining and Metallurgy
加拿大矿和冶金学会Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
加拿大矿服务公司Canadian Mine Services
加拿大矿研究所Canadian Mining Institute
加拿大矿设备出口服务协会Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export
加拿大大气和降水样网Canadian Network for Sampling Air and Precipitation
加拿大联合矿和冶炼有限公司Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. of Canada, Ltd.
化工原料掘用地chemical materials excavating land
北方矿研究所Institute of Mining of the North
北极雾团、北极气体和气溶胶样计划Arctic Haze and the Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program
北海联合数据集规划Joint North Sea Data Acquisition Programme
北碧勘探和矿公司Kanchanahuri Exploration and Mining Co.
北英格兰矿和机械工程师学会North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
匹兹堡矿与安全研究中心Pittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center
区域样框形测量area sampling frame survey
南太平洋海洋资源保护及开常设委员会Permanent Commission for the Conservation and Exploitation of the Marine Resources of the South Pacific
南非矿和冶金学会Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
南非富碳油页岩开与精炼公司South African Torbanite Mining and Refining Company
南非联合金场Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa
卫星数据集系统satellite data acquisition system
卫星跟踪和数据集站网satellite tracking and data acquisition network
印度矿、地质和冶金学会Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India
印度矿工程师协会Mining Engineers Association of India
印度地质矿、冶金学会Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India
原油收率producible oil index
可动式近海油与储存系统mobile offshore production and storage system
可燃矿产地质和开研究所Institute of Geology and Exploitation of Combustible Resources
集处理器post-acquisition processor
extract (ion)
工作面working face
extract (ion)
固体岩心取率solid core recovery
国家样调查National Sample Survey
国家地质与矿研究所印度尼西亚National Institute of Geology and Mining
国家大气样网national air sampling network
国家海洋与大气管理局环境研究实验室数字集浮标系统NOAA ESRL digital acquisition buoy system
国际矿业展览会与会议International Mining Exhibition and Conference
国际矿机械展览会International Mining Machinery Exhibition
国际矿科学技术会议International Symposium on Mining Science & Technology
国际矿设备会议Mining Equipment International
国际矿、选矿及冶炼工人联合会International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
图像集和处理系统image collecting & processing system
图像数据重复样器image data resampler
地下矿机械厂商委员会Council of Underground Mining Machinery Manufacturers
地球动力数据集系统geokinetic data acquisition system
地球陆壳深部观测与样团体Earth Crust Deep Observation and Sampling Organization
地质与矿研究所希腊Institute for Geological and Mining Research Greece
地面样距离ground sample distance
垂直漏斗后退式开vertical crater retreat
埃及地质调查和矿局Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority
多光谱资源样器multispectral resource sampler
多层样器multilevel sampling devices
多层样器具multilevel samplers
多层样器具multilayer samplers
多层样测压计multilevel sampling piezometer system
多层板样器multiple plate samplers
多层漂浮式样器multi-layer floating sampler
大容量样器high-volume sampler
大气数据集系统atmospheric data acquisition system
大洋洲矿与冶金学会准会员Associate Member of Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
大洋洲矿和冶金协会Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
大陆架开continental shelf mining
太平洋海洋资源开和保护会议常设委员会Permanent Commission of the Convention on the Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime Resources of the Pacific
安第斯铜矿开公司Andes Copper Mining Company
定深样器discrete depth sampler
实时数据集和处理系统real-time acquisition and processing system
导航和数据集综合系统integrated navigation and data acquisition system
导航、数据集和处理综合系统integrated navigation, data acquisition and processing system
小型矿业small scale mining
尼日利亚铀矿开公司Nigerian Uranium Mining Co.
局地强风暴数据集和显示系统severe local storms data acquisition and display system
岩土工程与矿服务公司Geotechnical Engineering and Mining Services, Inc.
工业数据集和控制系统system for industrial data acquisition and control
工业矿物矿公司Industrial Minerals Mining Corp.
工程购规格手册engineering purchasing specification manual
帕那萨斯山铝土矿矿公司希腊Bauxites Parnasse Mining Co.
海底常压环境开atmospheric pressure development
底质bottom characteristics sampling
建筑材料掘用地architecture materials excavating land
沉陷图map of mining subsidence
钻孔field well
强富highly enriched uranium
得克萨斯矿和矿物资源研究所Texas Mining and Minerals Resources Research Institute
德国利比里亚矿公司Deutsche-Liberian Mining Company
怀俄明州矿和矿产资源研究所Wyoming Mining and Mineral Resource Research Institute
矿成本total mining cost
总岩心取率total core recovery
抽吸式侧样器suction side sample catcher
提高原油收率enhanced oil recovery
政府系统金矿区Government Gold Mining Areas
数字数据集与控制系统digital data acquisition and control system
数据集与分析系统data acquisition & analysis system
数据集与图像显示系data acquisition and visual display system
数据集与处理系统data acquisition and processing
数据集与控制装置data acquisition and control equipment
数据集与显示系统data acquisition and display system
数据集与测试系统data acquisition and test system
数据集与监测系统data acquisition and monitoring system
数据集与监测装置data acquisition and monitoring equipment
数据集单元data acquisition units
数据集多道程序设计系统data acquisition and multiprogramming system
数据集平台data acquisition platform
数据集平台数据记录data collection platform report
数据集控制与遥测系统data acquisition control and telemetry
数据集控制、遥测和定向波分析器系统data acquisition control and telemetry, directional wave analyzer system
数据集相机data acquisition camera
数据集网data acquisition network
数据集装置Data Acquisition Facility
数据集、遥测与跟踪站data acquisition, telemetry and tracking station
斯里兰卡矿与矿产开发公司State Mining & Mineral Development Corp (Sri Lanka)
斯里兰卡矿与矿产开发公司State Mining & Mineral Development Corp
新墨西哥州矿与技术研究所New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
新英格兰近海矿环境研究New England Offshore Mining Environmental Study
日莱维勘探和矿辛迪加坦桑尼亚Gilevi exploration and mining syndicate
显微图像数字集系统microscopic image digital acquisition system
最大持续开水量maximum sustainable yield
最大有效收率maximum efficient rate of production
最大有效收率maximum efficient rate
最大有效油速度maximum efficient rate of production
最经济收率maximum economic rating of production
最经济收率most economical rating
最经济收率maximum economic recovery
月球表面样装置lunar surface sampling device
有色金属掘用地non-ferrous excavating land
机载数据集与记录系统airborne data acquisition and recording system
机载数据集系统airborne data acquisition system
核技术在矿和采石中的应用nuclear techniques in mining and quarrying
桑克萨维尔矿实验所San Xavier Mining Laboratory
气体样阀gas sampling valve
气溶胶样系统aerosol sampling system
气象信息数据集系统meteorological information data acqusition system
气象数据meteorological data collection
气象数据集和显示系统meteorological data acquisition and display system
水数据集方法协调委员会Coordinating Council for Water-Data Acquisition Methods
水质样程序water quality sampling program
水道测量数据集系统hydrographic data acquisition system
法国海外矿局Bureau Minier de la France d, Oute-Mer (Mining Bureau of Overseas France)
泰国勘探矿公司Thailand Exploration and Mining Company
流域土壤basin soil sampling
浅水shallow water mine
浅海矿用扫海船mine sweeper, coastal
测向和测距数据集系统direction and range acquisition system
浮动式油系统floating production system
海上重力集公司Marine Gravity Acquisition Ltd.
海底矿小组委员会marine mining panel
海底矿联合会ocean mining associates
海底砂装置submarine sand recovery system
海底金刚石ocean diamond mining
海洋样系统ocean sampling system
海洋矿用扫海船mine sweeper, ocean
海洋矿管理局Ocean Mining Administration
海洋数据集计划Oceanographic Data Acquisition Project
海洋环境数据集系统sea environment acquisition system
海洋计划观测与样品集报告report of observations/samples collected by oceanographic program
海滨矿用扫海船mine sweeper, in shore
深海油技术deep oil technology
深海矿公司Deep Ocean Mining Company Ltd.
深海矿实验研究deep ocean mining experimental study
深海矿环境研究deep ocean mining environmental studies
溶剂萃取/电动开solvent extraction/electron winning
石盐矿溶解开研究所Solution Mining Research Institute
澳大利亚矿与冶金学会准会员Associate Member of Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
澳大利亚矿公司Mining Corp, of Australia
澳大利亚矿和冶金学会Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
澳大利亚矿和冶金学会Australian Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
澳大利亚矿工业协会Australian Mining Industry Association
澳大利亚矿工业理事会Australian Mining Industry Council
澳大利亚矿、电机、机械工程师协会Australian Association of Mining, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
澳大利亚国际矿和勘探展览会Australians International Mining & Exploration Exhibition
澳大利亚统一金场公司Consolidated Gold Fields of Australia, Ltd.
煤炭掘用地coal excavating land
煤炭开和利用研究中心Coal Extraction and Utilization Research Center
爱尔兰矿和采石学会Irish Mining and Quarrying Society
爱达荷州矿和矿产资源研究所Idaho Mining and Minerals Resources Research Institute
环境数据集与记录系统environmental data acquisition and recording system
环境数据集辅助系统environmental data acquisition sub-system
环境监测与数据集系统environmental monitoring and data acquisition system
环境科学服务海洋数据Ocean Data Environmental Science Services Acquisition
相关跟踪测距数据集系统correlation tracking and ranging data acquisition system
矿产开管理局directorate of mineral development
矿山与石场mines and quarries
矿山开操作mine recovery operation
硬岩矿研究有限公司Hard Rock Mining Research Ltd.
离散水深样器discrete depth sampler
程控数据集系统programmable data acquisition system
空气集和富集系统air collection and enrichment system
空间环境实验室的数据集和显示系统Space Environment Laboratory Data Acquisition and Display System
空间跟踪和数据集站网space tracking and data acquisition network
纽蒙特矿公司Newmont Mining Corporation
线路集测试器line acquisition tester
线路集电源line acquisition supply
线路集电缆line acquisition cables
线路集组件line acquisition module
综合油测井combination production logging
综合数据集系统universal data acquisition system
综合气象数据集系统meteorological integrating data acquisition system
网络数据集系统network data acquisition
美国矿与冶金工程师协会采矿工程师学会Society of Mining Engineers of AIME
美国矿与冶金工程师学会American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
美国矿、冶金与石油工程师学会所属石油工程师学会Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME
美国矿、冶金和石油工程师学会American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers
美国矿大会American Mining Congress
美国矿工程师学会American Institute of Mining Engineers
美国冶金和矿公司United States Smelting Refining and Mining Co.
美国海军数据集、研究和开发信息中心Navy Acquisition, Research and Development Information Center
联邦矿与冶金会议Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress
联邦矿与冶金学会理事会Council of Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Institutions
胜浦卫星跟踪和数据集站日本Katsuura Tracking and Data Acquisition Station Japan
能源开研究服务组织Energy Mining Research Service Organization
自动auto acquisition
自动信息automatic information acquisition
自动双向反射光集测定系统automated bidirectional reflectance acquisition measurement system
自动数字数据集与记录automatic digital data acquisition and recording
自动数据集与计算机复合器automatic data acquisition and computer complex
自动数据集与计算机联合装置automatic data acquisition and computer complex
自动数据集终端automatic data acquisition terminals
自动气象数据集系统automated meteorological data acquisition system
航空数据集器flight data acquisition unit
航空气象数据集和检索系统aircraft meteorological data acquisition and retrieval
船载环境数据集系统shipboard environmental data acquisition system
英国石与矿渣联合会British Quarrying and Slag Federation
英国矿机械协会British Mining Tools Association
英国矿设备公司协会Association of British Mining Equipment Companies
英国矿设备出口Association of British Mining Equipment Exporters
英国圭亚那联合金公司British Guiana Consolidated Goldfields, Ltd.
英国板岩石场协会English Slate Quarries Association
英国长壁矿公司British Longwall Mining Association
萨尔哈德开管理局伊朗sarhad development authority
衣阿华州矿和矿产资源研究所Iowa State Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute
视频图像video image acquisition
视频数据集系统visual data acquisition system
计算机控制computer production control
计算机控制自动雨量样器computer-controlled automated rain sampler
超底密度地球化学wide-spaced geochemical sampling
跟踪数据集处Office of Tracking Data Acquisition
近海矿组织泰国offshore mining organisation
远距离数据集和控制系统remote data acquisition and control system
连续样监测器continuous sampler-monitor
通用近海矿系统multi-purpose offshore mining system
遥测数据集装置remote data acquisition unit
遥测数据集装置remote acquisition unit
区复田研究中心Land Reclamation Research Center
区复田计划land reclamation scheme
extract (ion)
extract (ion)
掘业用地excavating land
掘和运出量excavate and cart away
掘处理设备mine disposal unit
样探井sampling manhole
样控制与数据采集系统sampling control and data acquisition system
样时段sampling time interval
数据的样频率sampling frequency
油套管注水泥production casing cementing
油工程数据库管理系统production engineering database management system
油指数productivity indices
油者技术学会Oilmen's Technical Society
油-钻井-居住平台production, drilling and quarters platform
煤研究中心加拿大Coal Mining Research Centre
石学会Institute of Quarrying
石学会准会员Associate of the Institute of Quarrying
矿与冶金学会Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
矿与冶金学学土Bachelor of Mining and Metallurgy
矿与机械工程师学会Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
矿与矿业信息系统information system for the mining and mineral industries
矿与采矿机械公司印度mining and allied machinery coip.
矿企业mining enterprise
矿、冶金和勘探学会协会Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc.
矿、冶金和地质勘探信息information on mining, metallurgy and geological exploration
矿和冶金学会理事会Council of Mining and Metallurgical Institutions
矿和地质研究所Mining and Geological Institute
矿和工程技术服务Mining and Engineering Technical Services
矿和矿产研究所Institute for Mining and Mineral Research
矿和矿产资源研究所Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute
矿学学土Bachelor of Science in Mining
矿工程学士Bachelor of Mining Engineering
矿工程官员Mining Engineer Officer
矿工程师engineer of mines
矿工程师协会Institution of Mining Engineers
矿工程师学会Society of Mining Engineers
矿工程师学会Institute of Mining Engineers
矿工程师学会会员Member of the Institute of Mining Engineers
矿工程师学会准会员Associate Member of the Institution of Mining Engineers
矿工程师学会准会员Associate of the Institute of Mining Engineers
矿工程科学学士Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering
矿工艺和采矿设备中心Centre for Mining Technology and Equipment
矿工长mine foreman
矿方法system of mining
矿权mining right
矿法辅助石油开发mining assisted petroleum development
矿用地miner's lease
矿、电机、机械工程师协会Association of Mining, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
矿研究所mining institute
矿研究所institute of mining
矿科学研究院mining research establishment
矿租地miner's lease
矿系统system of mining
矿联合委员会Council of Mining Unions
矿计划及设备国际研讨会mine planning and equipment selection
矿设备厂商协会联合会federation of associations of mining equipment manufacturers
矿资格审查委员会Mining Qualifications Board
集与记录遥测系统system of telemetry for acquisition and recording
钻井-油工艺drilling/production technology
钻井数据集和控制系统drilling information data acquisition and control system
锰结核研究和收联合会Association for Study and Recovery of Manganese Nodules
阿拉伯掘公司Arab Mining Company
阿根廷国家矿技术研究所Argentina's National Mining Technology Institute
集中化自动数据集系统centralized automatic data acquisition system
雷达数据集与显示系统radar data acquisition and display system
露天煤场open cast coal site
露天矿条例surface mining act
露天矿矿协会Open Pit Mining Association
饱和样密度saturated sample density
高速波形样器high speed waveform sampler
黑色金属掘用地ferrous excavating land