
Terms for subject Chemistry containing 酸度 | all forms | in specified order only
分子酸度molecular acidity
动力学酸度kinetic acidity
印度黄酸purreic acid
哈米特酸度函数Hammett's acidity function
哈米特酸度函数Hammett acidity function
宏观酸度常数macroscopic acidity constant
残油酸度acidity of residue
酸度硫酸lower acidity sulfuric acid
硫酸浓度计concentration meter for sulfuric acid
硫酸锌浊度试验zinc sulfate turbidity test
酸度acid resistance
耐酸牢度colour fastness to acids
耐酸牢度color fastness to acids
耐酸坚牢度acid fastness
这些产品的酸浓度非常低,我们消化系统很容易将其处理掉,不会对身体造成任何伤害The concentration of acid in these products is so low that our digestive systems are easily capable of coping with it with no harm to us
酸度控制acidity control
酸度调节剂acidity regulator
酸性中心密度acid site density
酸败度degree of rancidity