
Terms for subject Basketball containing | all forms
一打一one-on-one play
三人three-man play
两人two-man play
两人two-man basketball
两人默契buddy play
中场flash-post play
二打二two-on-two play
4 人 8 字four-man figure of eight
3人three-man play
4人8字four-man weave
4人8字four-man roll
5人8字进攻five-man weave
5人8字进攻five-man roll
传切pass-and-go play
传切give-and-go play
全队team work
全队team play
双人进攻two-man play
双人默契buddy play
固定set play
固定合进攻法set-play attack
固定合进攻法pattern attack
固定合队pattern team
场角队员与外中锋队员的corner-post play
场角队员和中锋策应队员之间的corner-pivot play
场角队员和内线策应队员之间的corner post play
尾随合策应队员post trailer play
尾随运球者dribble trailer
弱侧外围掩护进攻weak-side outside pick play
弱侧掩护进攻weak-side pick play
弱侧掩护进攻weak-side outside pick play
强侧进攻strong side play
2 打 2 的two-on-two play
1打1的one-on-one play
抢篮板rebound work
接应coordination play
掩护block play
掷界外球out-of-bounds play
有固定合的队pattern team
注重合打法commitment to team play
注重集体commitment to team play
空中air cooperation
策应跟进post trailer play
背切blind pig
背切合战术blind-pig play
背切合的战术"blind pig" play
背切合的战术"blind pig"
跟进掩护trail play
边线sideline buddy play
运球急停掩护dribble-stop screen play
连续传球的进攻continuous pass pattern
连续进攻continuation play
team up
合裁判free referee
合进攻well-coordinated offensive
靠近边线双人密切sideline buddy play