
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一次性分清算single distribution liquidation
一级level I quota
不公平核算分non arm's length allocation
不分股息pass dividend
不动产投资信托分规定REIT distribution requirement
不匹交易mismatched trade
不可分的储备undistributable reserve
不当匹指令improper matched orders
不能分的支出unallocatable expenditure
两个销售部分间的互相调inter-tranche flows
个人可支收人personal disposable income
个人可支的实际收人real personal disposable income
临时股通知书provisional letter of allotment
临时股份分provisional allotment letter
买卖相交易matched sale transaction
买卖相协议matched sale purchase transaction
二次secondary distribution
二级level II quota
二项分模型binomial model
交易matching of transaction
交易对设施trading matching facility
交易指令对前时间段pre-order matching period
人工对操作股票交易manual matching operation
价值分value assignment
价格making price allocation
任意支的资金discretionary fund
企业可支资金funds at the disposal of enterprise
优先preferential allotment
优先分right to the priority distribution
优先分股息的股份stock preferred as to dividends
优先分财产的股份stock preferred as to asset
优先分资产权例如,公司清算后,优先股股东可在普通股东之前获得偿还preference at assets
优化资源optimize resource allocation
优化资源enhance the allocation of resources
债务debt placement
债务匹combination matching
债权清偿分顺序原则equitable doctrine of the marshalling of assets
假分pseudo distribution
全民优惠价格distribution to citizenry at preferential prices
全球额制度global quota
全部分成本fully distributed cost
全部匹with everything to match 一
公司间资源分interfirm allocation
公开open offer
公私混合股票public private placement
内部in house placement
内部售能力in-house placement power
再分假设兼并意味着证券持有人的财富从被兼并股东转到兼并股东,从债券持有人转到股东手中redistribution hypothesis
净利分income apportionment
净利润中可支的所得net-net income
净利润分division of net profit
净错net mismatch
减持place down
证券take down
价值value of distribution
体制distribution system
信函allocation letter
偏好上市公司侧重的分配方式attribute bias
利润制度profit sharing system
distribution area
协议distribution agreement
基准basis of allocation
奖金红利distribute bonus
委托订单order allocation
实力distribution strength
成本益处distribution cost advantage
收益分配证券投资收益或雇员津贴cut a melon
方案管理distributed program management
distribution date
日期distribution date
时间安排distribution schedule
distribution period
right of assignment
渠道distributive channel
申报书return of allotment
的利润appropriated profits
的成本distributive cost
的权益distributing entitlement
的资产distributed assets
策略distribution strategy
股息distribute dividend
股息比率payment ratio
规定优先股要求的最低收益dividend requirement
账目distribution ledger
费用distribution expenses
资产marshal the assets
通知书dividend notification
股票通知书letter of allotment
通知书allotment notice
限制dividend limitation
distribution line
分散scattered allocation
分期分instalment allotment
切匹with everything to match 一
创业现金initial cash allocation
初次公开发行的分initial allocation of an issue
利息搭interest gearing
利润分allocation of profit
利润分准备金profit sharing reserve
利润分方案profit distribution schemes
利润分dividend cover
利润和亏损分distribution of profit and loss
利率错interest rate mismatching
利益分benefits distribution
到期maturity matching
到期不匹风险maturity-mismatch risk
到期分distribution by maturity
到期日错安排maturity mismatching arrangement
到期日错情况maturity mismatch profile
到期错风险maturity-mismatch risk
动态资产dynamic asset allocation
和损失matched and lost
指令matching order
标准matching criterion
概念matching concept
次序matching order
策略使投资人需求与投资组合匹配的策略matching strategy
系统matching system
销售购买交易matched sale purchase transaction
协调合行动的人士persons acting in concert
单价期权netting options
单独市值single market capitalization allotment
双重股权资本调整的分方法dividend method of dual-class recapitalization
双重融资结构的分方法dividend method of dual-class recapitalization (双重股权转换的方法是将股份分拆或红利股票作为新的表决权股,而以前的普通股被定义为有更大表决权的股份)
发起promote a placement
受熊市支dominated by bears
受牛市支dominated by bulls
可分储备金distributable reserves
可分的公积金distributable reserves
可分的净收人distributable net income
可分的收益divisible revenue
可分股份价值attributable share value
可支收人disposable income
可支的信贷disposal credit
可支的现金流discretionary cash flow
可支的资本disposal capital
可支资产disposable asset
可支资金disposable capital
可用于分的基金funds available for distribution
可用于分的资金funds available for distribution
可自行支收人discretionary income
可自行支联合discretionary pool
合伙人分distribution of partnership
合伙分条款partnership distribution provisions
合并利润分consolidated distribution of profit statement
盈利分配和剩余财产分配都列在普通股后面的特殊股rationed shares
向战略投资者售股份placement to strategic investor
向现有股东rationing among existing shareholders
售出资产买价的分allocation of purchase price to assets sold
国外售发行foreign placement
国家country allocation
国家征用权、支eminent domain
国际international placement
国际股票international equity placement
国际资产international asset allocation
在市场上占支地位的公司dominant company
在网上认购与网下售之间套利arbitrage between online subscription and offline placement
基金issue of fund
基金分指数fund allocation indexing
增补top-up placing
备用股权分协议standby equity distribution agreement
外汇foreign exchange allocation
外汇提留的核查与分check and distribution of exchange retention
外汇额度分foreign exchange quota allocation
大规模分mass distribution
存托凭证placement of GDS
存款到期日不相梯形表用来监视资金流动性风险deposit maturity mismatch ladder
存续期duration matching
存续期匹策略duration matching strategy
安排promote a placement
宏观投资分结构macroinvestment distribution structure
实物分distribution in specie
实行on coupons
宣布分的股息dividend declared
对称现金symmetric cash matching
已分的收益distributed earning
已分的间接费用absorbed overhead
市值market capitalization allotment
市场的资源置功能resource allocation function of the market
年度可支收人annual disposable income
应分份额distributive share
开市分时段open allocation session
强制资本定量分hard capital rationing
当地套资金local currency funding
影响分的稳定作用stabilizing to effect a distribution
待分收益权right of accumulation
总体entire allocation
总体分entire distribution
息票分distribution by coupon
成本和风险allocation of costs and risks
成本收人比原则principle of matching cost with revenue
战术资产分tactical asset allocation
战略strategic placement
战略strategic allotment
战略性资产strategic asset allocation
所得再分redistribution of income
抵押品分marshalling of securities
担保股东优先股权privileged allocation of insurance to stockholders
持有证券的分distribution of holding
指令额/计划mandatory allocation quotas/plan
指令匹order matching period
指定分assignment (期权)
按业绩分distribution according to one's performance
按先旧后新顺序top-up placing
按劳分distribution according to one's performance
按区域进行证券组合置/配售portfolio allocation by region
按时间顺序placing and top-up
按比例分apportionment on a pro rata basis
按比例分pro rata share
按比率分费用公式formula apportionment
按票证on coupons
损益分profit and loss allocation
损益分profit-loss sharing ratio
损益分profit and loss appropriation account
接受临时acceptances of provisional allotments
控股权的分control allocations of
提前分early distribution
标准matching criterion
销售full-line forcing
control person
资金disposition of funds
收人分income apportionment
收人分income dividend
收人分distribution of income
收人分规则allocation-of-income rules
收人或盈余分appropriation of income or surplus
收益再分redistribution of income
收益分return distribution
政策性资产分policy asset allocation
文件分document distribution
新股发行前结转的利润分carried-over profit arrangement before new issuance
售额ex distribution
无偿发新股票no paid allotment
无分ex distribution
无规则分irregular allotment
暂缓执行对结算指示hold matched SI
最佳价格分allocation of best prices
最佳资源置的市场作用market's function of optimal resource allocation
有偿paid rationed shares
有效efficient allocation
有条件的全部分qualified total distribution
期限匹matched maturity
平账open book
平账目unmatched book
平远期出售仓量unmatched forward sale position
未分的亏空undistributed deficit
未分的利润undistributed profits
未分的拨款额unallotted appropriation
未分的收益unallocated gain
未分的收购后储备undistributed post-acquisition reserve
未分的资产undistributed asset
未分的资本利得和股息undistributed capital gain and dividend
未分的资金undistributed money
未分的赤字undistributed deficit
来自清算人的首次分款项first dividend from liquidators
标准化正常standardized normal distribution
标普推荐资产S&P recommended asset allocation
核定股通知书letter of allotment
横向匹战略horizon matching strategy
比例分条款pro rata distribution clause
清偿性分liquidating dividend
清盘分insolvency distribution
清算分liquidating distribution
清算财产分优先liquidation preference
清算过程中的分distribution in liquidation
特别提款权的分allocation of special drawing
特定specific allocation
现金流匹cash flow matching
留存收人分appropriation of retained earnings
股东的利润分right to share profits
盈亏分profit-loss sharing ratio
盈余分profit disposition
直接把新发行证券直接销售给机构投资者的方式direct placement
直接contra order
破产分insolvency distribution
第二次售发行secondary distribution offering
策略置象限tactical allocation quadrant
策略资产tactical asset allocation
系统之间的system interfaces
累积分功能cumulative distribution function
红利分代理人dividend disbursing agent
红利分追溯计划retrospective bonus plan
纯现金匹特别组合pure cash matched dedicated portfolio
线下offline placement
组合匹combination matching
综合资产售策略global asset allocation
网上认购数量撮合/online subscription number matching
网下offline placement
网下售报价范围offline placement quotation ranges
联席牵头股包销co-led in underwriting the allotment
股东优先股权privileged allocation to stockholders
股东支理论shareholder domination theory
股份发结果allotment results
股份发通知书share allotment form
股份share allotment
股份allotment of shares
股份分apportionment of shares
股份分弃权证书letter of renunciation
股份分通知书share allotment form
股份的认购和分application for and allotment to shares
股份认购及分application and allotment to shares
股利分dividend distribution
股利分dividend payout ratio
股息分的合法性legality of dividends
股息分规定dividend distribution requirement
股票share placement
股票placement of shares
股票placement of security
股票分stock allotment
自主支的资金funds at one's own disposal
自动automatic matching
自动对系统automatching system
自动对股票automatched stock
自动价格对系统automatic price matching system
自动资金分automatic fund allocation system
行业sector allocation
行业industry allocation
补齐超额covering an over-allocation
规定的最小售额required minimum distribution
订单order allocation
订单order matching
订单对时段order matching period
认股分allotment of shares
认股和application and allotment
认股和股账目application and allotment account
认购及股登记簿application and allotment book
设定现金分deemed cash distribution
证券placement of security
证券分marshalling of securities
证券分distribution security
证券投资搭风险portfolio risk
证券权益allocating securities' rights
证券组合资产portfolio asset allocation
财产分决定assets allocation decision
财产分比例proportionate share of assets
货币currency matching
货币搭不当currency mismatch
货币错currency mismatch
贷款分loan allocation
资产assets allocation
资产置共同基金assets allocation mutual fund
资产置基金assets allocation fund
资产置者assets allocator
资产与负债期限错maturity mismatching of assets and liabilities
资产分assets allocation
资产分right to share assets
资产的分marshalling of assets
资产重新assets redeployment
资本置决定capital allocation decision
资本置的有效场所efficient place for capital allocation
资本分/配置capital apportionment/allocation
资本合理分capital rationing
资本合理分决策capitalization decision
资本合理分决策capital rationing decision
资本搭比率gearing rate
资本收益分capital gain distribution
资本社会化分social allocation of capital
资源置中利率调节作用role of interest rates in resource allocation
资源低效率inefficient allocation of resources
资金fund allocation
资金置线capital allocation line
资金匹funds matching
资金调fund allocation
资金需求套投资investment fitting the needs of funds
超额发期权over-allocation option
超额发期权机制over-allotment option scheme
超额发股份over-allocation of shares
超额发选择权over-allocation option
超额发选择权计划over-allotment option scheme
超额over allotting
超额售发行量股票发行中增加的发行量over-allotment allowance
超额售期权green shoe options
超额售权over-allotment privilege
超额售条款over-allotment clause
超额售选择权over-allotment option
超额股期权over-allotment option
超额先pre over allotment
跨期overperiod allocation
跨期售账户interperiod allocation account
发行trans-rights issue
transfer allotment share
transfer right shares (TRS)
transfer right share
trans-rights issue shares
软资金soft capital rationing
逐期分instalment allotment
通过分净利润赎回股票redemption of stock by distribution of net profit
部门sector allocation
match an order
发价格allotment price
发新股程序share allotment procedure
合基金match fund
合集团concert party
market a placement
matched sale
售交易matched sale purchase transaction
售包销商placing underwriter
售及增补交易placing and top-up transaction
售发行代理人placement agent
售回购证券matched sale of repo
售增补placing and top-up
售指令place orders
售指南placing guidelines
售期间allocation period
售比率placement ratio
售率ratio of placement
售申报书return of allotment
售经办人book runner
售股票placing of security
售股票价格placing price
售部分placing tranche
备职员的规定staffing requirement
套产品complementary product
套投人matching contribution
套改革concomitant reforms
套资金matching funds
套资金matching contribution
对交易pair of transactions
对交易一种股票投资战略,买人一只股票的同时卖出一只同价的类似股票pair trade
对交易match trading
对仓量matched position
对出售matched sale
对到期日matched maturity
对卖空marriage put
对号matching number
对基金match fund
对委托matched order
对报价paired off
对持仓matched position
对数number matching
对数量matching number
对概念matching concept
对股管理方式相同的两个公司的普通股以组合的方式销售pair shares
对股票paired shares
息股票dividend stock
比原则matching principle
比概念matching concept
置价格allocated price
置成本allocated cost
rationed shares
share allotment
股价placing price
股价格allotment price
股发行right offering
股应缴款allotment money
股弃权证书letter of renunciation
股说明书prospectus of a rights issue
股通知allotment notice
股通知书allotment letter
股通知书letter of allotment
股通知书allotment certificate
股金额allotment money
assigned purchase
额比率quota share
重新reallocation of shares
金融资源置不合理distorted allocation of financial resources
交易mismatched trade
缺口mismatch gapping
风险mismatch risk
间接费用分burden apportionment/distribution
附有新股分cum new
非分储备non-distributable reserve
非正当分irregular allotment
非清算分non-liquidating distribution
非用于分的资本储备non-distributable capital reserve
非网上offline placement
预先分advance allocation
风险分risk allocation