
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一次分清算single distribution liquidation
一般收入分享,收入分revenue sharing, general
丁字形分J distribution
给的be off point
不分的费用under-allocated expenses
不受…支配的independent of
不可支的前提non-controllable premises
不对称分asymmetrical distribution
不得强制我方透露利润分方案We shall not be obligated to reveal our profit-sharing plan
不能支的前提non-controllable premiss
与分无关的统计方法distribution free statistical method
世界分world distribution
世界数据分中心World Data Referred Center
业务分functional distribution
业务有关各方之间的分allocation of income among related business parties
两家公司即将在彼此间分利润The two companies are going to divide the profits between them
个人可支收人disposable personal income
个人收入的支使用disposition of personal income
中国建筑设备件出口总公司China Building Equipment and Parts Export Corporation
主体已经基本完工尚需收尾套工程the basically completed matching project awaiting finishing
主观概率分subjective probability distributions
优先分财产的股份stock preferred as to assets
优势市场支dominant market power
优势的市场支dominant market power
低值易耗品摊销分amortization schedule of low cost and short lived articles
低效率分inefficient allocations
借助法律手段、 几乎拥有完全所有权的支control through (a legal device, almost complete ownership)
借项分debit distribution
偏破分the mutilated distribution
偏颇分the mutilated distribution
免税和不受额限制duty and quota free
allocation of special drawing rights (额)
x²分chi-square distribution
Z 分Z-distribution
β分the beta distribution
世界资源sharing the world's resources
distribution business
中心distribution center
企业盈余allot the profits of the business
作用distributional effects
全域scope of distribution
公平理论distributive justice theory
关系relation of distribution
净利润赎回redemption of stock by distribution of net profit
分录distribution on entries
判决decree of distribution
利润税distribution profit tax
利益the benefit division
利益benefit of division
办公室division office
劳力allotment of labour
原则rule for distribution
密度density of distribution
平方英尺数assignable square feet
投资款allocate investment credit
投资资本ration investment capital
效应distributional effects
效果distributional effect
效率distribution efficiency
效率the allocative efficiency
效率allocative efficiency
数列distribution series
数量quantity allotted
岁出、岁入数额allotment for (annual expenditures, annual receipts)
方式type of distribution
方式the mode of distribution
方式mode of distribution
基金等的方案allocative decision
方法distribution method
方法的格式the format of the distribution method
各行各业盛衰盈亏的普査census of distribution
period of distribution
权重distribution weight
款项的未支配余额uncommitted balance of an allocation
比例allocation percentage
泊位allotment of berth
率差异rate variance
理论allocation theory
登记distribution entry
百分比percentage distribution
的价格allocated prices
的全域range of distribution
的利益及价值contributing interests and value
的社会化the socialization of distribution
的限额the quota administered
目录distribution on entries
矩阵distribution matrix
delivery measuring station
管理制度an allotment control system
系统distribution system
组织distribution organization
结构distribution pattern (如产品)
distributive network
者协议distributorship agreement
股票allotment of shares
能力distribution capacity
范围scope of distribution
distribution sheet
an allocation sheet
list of distribution
规则the rule for distribution
规章allocation rules
调拨证书allocative voucher
误差distribution error
费用allocating expenses
资金allot money
通知单distribution memorandum
通路distribution channel
间接费的根据the basic for application of overhead
需要计划distribution requirements planning
分批投设备batch plant
利润或收益账户income distribution account
利润分allocation of interests
利润分net income amortization
利润分profit disposition
利润分the apportionment of interest
利润分distribution of profit
利润将在股东之间分Profits will be distributed among the shareholders
利润的分distribution of profits
利益分division of earning
利益分gain sharing
利益分的保险assurance with participation
制定外汇供和之分fixing of quotas for allotment of exchange
制定外汇供给的分fixing of quotas for allotment of exchange
制订外汇供给之分fixing of quotas for allotment of exchange
制造费用分factory overhead distribution sheet
制造费用的分allocation of manufacturing overhead
区域进口regional quota
协定the bilateral quota
协定bilateral quotas
单一分single rate for entire factory
单峰的分the unimodal distribution
单方规定的unilateral quotas
单方进口unilateral import quota
各尽所能、按劳分from each according to his ability, to each according to his work
各种支的原理presiding principles
合营公司也将备一名行政负责人The Joint Venture will also have an executive officer
合资各方的利润分和亏损分担的比例ratio of profit distribution and losses to be borne by each party
合资各方的利润分和亏损分担的比例the ratio of profit distribution and losses to be borne by each party
商品待分the merchandise on allocation
商场面积的分space allocation
土地核land allotment
在现有债务偿清之后,剩下的余产应在合伙人之间分After the current debt has been repaid, the surplus of the assets remaining should be divided between the partners
地产分division of land property
地区分格局geographical distribution pattern
地域分a geographical distribution
地方local matching
均匀分uniformly distributed
均匀分收入赋税法案uniform division of income for tax purposes act
复方分compound distribution
外汇或现金的分allocation of currency
外汇the rationing exchange
外汇额制foreign exchange allocation system
外汇额系统exchange quota system
外汇分the rationed exchange
多产分prolificacy distribution
多分制造费用分析analysis of over-applied manufacturing overhead
多数支majority rule
多项分the polynomial distribution
多项分the multinomial distribution
多项目资源分resource allocation of multi-project
这笔投资allot the investment to (a firm, 某公司)
少分的成本及费用the under-absorbed burden
少分的费用under-applied expenses
少分管理费用the under-absorbed overhead charges
少分间接费用the underapplied overhead charges
少数支the minority control
市场利益分协议market-sharing arrangement
市场支market dominance
帕累托分线Pareto distribution
收入法,从收入方面计量产品法income method to measure product from the income side
收入法,从收入方面计量产品法distribution method
异向异质分anisotrophic distribution
异向异质的分an anisotropic distribution
异质分heterogeneous distribution
当超级市场备了现金出纳机,算盘就显得过时了When the supermarkets were equipped with cash-registers, the abacuses became obsolete
overall proportions
成本合收益的原则cost-matching-income principle
成本与收入match cost with revenue
成本分原则allocation cost principle
成本分矩阵公式the matrix formulation for cost allocation
成本的连续分continued distribution of charges
我们的办公室计算机置齐全Our office has been fully equipped with computers
我们给办公室备计算机We fit ted out the office with computers
我们需要相当的时间来完成分的工作We shall spend quite a bit of time to perform the allocated work
我方工作互不our work suffered from lack of coordination
战时war rationing
截尾分the truncated distribution
截尾分truncated distribution
所得收入与要素定价的关系relation of distribution of income to factor price
所得分income distribution
所得分形态income distribution patten
所得分的不均inequality of income distribution
所得税分income tax allocation
所得税分中税后净额概念net of tax concept of income tax allocation
所得税的偶扣除优惠the spouse allowance
所得重新分redistribution of income
所有地分division of land property
指拨分the appropriation allotment
资本比例、一定成数division in (capital ratio, fractional ratio)
收入组别、部门distribution by (income group, sector)
毛利、制造成本、数量、 产量、售价distribution on (gross profit, manufacturing cost, number or quantity, output, selling price)
劳、需distribution according to (labour, needs)
按交易量分收入和费用the transactional allocation of income and expenses
按体积分apportion by volume
按体积分apportioned by volume
按劳分share profits according to contributions
按劳分distribution according to labor
按州比例分interstate proration
按州比例分interstate prorating
按比例分the proportional allotment
按股分issue to shareholders
按英里比例分the mileage prorate
按部门的投资分sectorial distribution of investments
按里程计算的比例分mileage proportion
按重量分apportion by weight
按重量分apportioned by weight
穿按需分distribution according to needs
损益分division of profit and loss
损益分division of net income or loss
发盘combined offer
发盘combination offer
安排the tie-in arrangement
定购the block booking
销售the tie-in sale
商品销售的一切价格与条件应由业主来决定All prices and conditions governing the sale of products shall be determined by the owner
市场the rule over the market
战略dominant strategy
right of disposition
right to control
国家对一切产业的eminent domain
的持有股controlling holdings
支出分appropriation allotment
支出用途分object classification
入分revenue allocation
收人分revenue allocation
收人和费用分allocation of income and expenses
收入再分the redistribution of income
收入再分redistribution of income
收入再分income redistribution
收入分division of income
收入分政策distributive policy
收入分格局income distribution structure
收入分比率简写为IDRincome distribution ratio
收入的分income distribution
收入的分reward distribution
收入的分allocation of revenue
收益分计划a gainful sharing plan
收益分计划gain sharing plan
最上算的分optimal distribution
最优the allocation optimum
最佳合曲线the best fitting curve
最佳所得分形态optimum patten of income distribution
最佳的所得分optimum distribution of income
最后定案final quota
最有力的资源分optimal resource allocation
有限的给量restricted ration
服务部门的成本的分allocation of service department costs
未保留的分unencumbered balance of allotment
未分估计剩余数the unappropriated estimated surplus
未分公司利润的免税exemption of undistributed corporate profits
未分创造费用unapplied manufacturing expenses
未分利润undivided profit
未分利润净额net business savings
美国未分利润税undistributed profit tax
未分制造费用unabsorbed manufacturing expense
未分岁计盈余the unappropriated budget surplus
未分成本unabsorbed costs
未分收入the unappropriated income
未分的利润retained earnings
未分的拨款the unencumbered allotment
未分的拨款the unallotted appropriation
未分的指规数undistributed indicative planning figure
未分的指规数undistributed IPF (indicative planning figure)
未分的材料成本unabsorbed material cost
未分的法定支用数the unallotted balance of appropriation
未分的现金the unapplied cash
未分盈余unappropriated profits
未分盈余the unapplied surplus
未分盈余unappropriated earned surplus
未分数字undistributed figure category
未分配额unallocated quotas
未分预算数unallotted apportionments
未列名机器及其machinery and parts, N.O.R.
未支款项the uncommitted amount
未支盈余the uncommitted surplus
未支用分the unexpended allotment
机率分probability density
权力分division of power
材料搭差异material mix variance
材料分distribution sheet of store
标准集装箱standard container fitting
样本的allocation of sample
样本量的比例分the proportional allocation of sample size
核定的预算分approved budget allotment
次数分曲线图a frequency curve chart
流水装线an assembly belt
生产利润分production profit sharing
生产力分allocation of productive force
生产力分productivity theory of distribution
生产水平和生产资源分问题problem of production levels and allocation of productive resources
由客户提供部件的装assembly of components supplied by customers
留归企业单位支使用的各种专项基金the various special purpose funds at the disposal of enterprises
研究成本分的递延法dividends method of apportionment of research cost
示意性国别分indicative country allocation
社会劳动生产力的一定比例分the distribution of social labour productive forces in definite proportion
社会化的分the socialization of distribution
社会化的分socialization of distribution
税分tax apportionment
税收的分效应distributional effects of taxes
税负分distribution of tax burden
紧急分方案emergency allocation scheme
石油紧急分法案emergency allocation scheme
耕地面积分the acreage allotment
耕地面积分acreage allotment
职业分occupational distribution
联合分joint distribution
船位分a berth list
船舶the prestowage planning
船舶载图stowage plan
船货载图cargo plan
营业分代理单位operating agency
负指数分negative exponential distribution
负荷的分allocation of burden
财产遗产distribution of an estate (inheritance)
财富分不均wealth inequality
财富的再分the redistributed wealth
财富的分distribution of wealth
财政上分过头financial outlays exceeded state revenues
财政再分the redistribution by fiscal process
财政再分效果redistributive effect
货物the rationing of goods (制)
质量功能quality function deployment
贷款分程序loan allocation procedures
贸易trade restrictions (管制)
费用再分the reapportionment of costs
费用分expense allocations
费用分split-off equilibrium (指半成品到成品的加工费)
费用分expense distribution list
费用的分appropriation of charges
费用的分distribution of expenses
破产程序中的资产分distribution of assets
资产搭理论portfolio theory
资产搭的风险portfolio risk
资本capital ration
资本分capital rationing
资本调marshalling of asset
资源resources allocation
资源the resource allocation
资源分distribution of resources
资源分不当the misallocation of resources
资源分分析resource allocation analysis
资源分和项目计划resource allocation and project planning
资源最有利的分optimal resource allocation
资源计算和成本分resource accounting and cost allocation
资金分financial allotment
资金分allotment of shares
资金分不当misallocation of financial resources
资金的分distribution fund
资金的分distribution of capital
赋税的分distribution of taxation
适合经济成长的现金分appropriate cash supply for economic growth
递延未分费用dividends unapplied expenses
spouse (指夫或妻)
偶及被抚养人支出免税exemption for spouse, dependents
偶及被抚养人支出免税exemption for spouse dependents
偶间的收入分计the splitting of income between spouses (分享)
tone in
合的适度the goodness of fit
合适度问题goodness of fit problem
合链matching key
股票的private placing
股票 placement
ability to supply the necessary accessories and assimilate advanced technology
套件parts and auxiliary equipment
套包装a fitting package
套单据the aligned series
套百分率percentage of complement
套资源联合国开发计划署counterpart resources UNDP
对计划Matchmaker Program
十六种搭货币basket currency (定值)
make up a prescription
气公司distribution company
allocation (allotments)
给价格rationing price
给供应商店ration shop
给制ration system
给卡ration card
给物allocation of materials
给的be on points
给的房屋house of cards
给货rationed goods
置利益allocative gain
置效果allocative effect
置效果an allocative effect
置效果allocational effect
置经济学economics of allocation
置能力allocative ability
生产力置论the allocation theory
载不当the improper stowage
载不良the bad stowage
载草图pre-stowage plan
载草图the prestowage plan
载计划an allocation plan
载计划allocate a plan
送公司distribution company
销成本distributive cost
订购、生产quota system for (purchase, production)
配给外汇rationing exchange
额产品进口管理实施细则》Detailed Implementation Rules on Import Administration of Quota Commodities
额供给外汇the rationing exchange
额再保险reinsurance by quota
额分配the quota allocation
美国海关的额制quota system
额定购制quota system for purchase
额数量quantities quota
额的分配allocation of quota
额管理the quota administered
额系统quota system
额计划quota scheme
额证书quota certificate
销货sales quotas
销货sales quota
阶梯分the step-down method
附加additional quota
限量分limited distribution
限量分limited distribution
限额分quota system
限额分房屋抵押贷款ration mortgages
no match
非居民外国non-resident alien spouse
非生产性分资金funds allocated for nonproduction purpose
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