
Terms for subject Geophysics containing | all forms
分正交尼科尔棱镜partly crossed Nicols
探测原始衰减值raw upper attenuation
接收器receiver, upper
发射器lower transmitter
接收器low receiver
时区middle-time region
磁异常高central anomaly magnetic high
CGG,法国地理物理总公司井下地球物理Borehole Geophysical Div.
仪表头instrument head
屏蔽internal shield
电磁脉冲internal electromagnetic pulse
厄尼港南振荡El Nino/southern oscillation
双探头dual-probe section
叠前分偏移prestack partial migration
国际加速度计署台网International Deployment of Accelerometers
国际地震学与地球内物理学协会International Association of Seismology and Physics of Earth's Interior
地层顶深度formation fops depth
地球物理研究Geophysics Research Division
地磁深测深geomagnetic deep sounding
俄罗斯地质、地球物理、地球化学Division of Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry
临界阻尼电阻external critical damping resistance
屏蔽external shield
电阻external resistance
多室multichamber section
分辨能力power of partial resolution
噪声补偿local noise compensation
噪声预测滤波local noise prediction filtering
收缩压力area systolic pressure
本机数据管理器Local Data Manager
数据采集local data acquisition
热剩余磁化强度partial thermoremanent magnetization
本机电池local battery
饱和涡流探伤测试partial saturation eddy current testing
放射性示踪测井仪的喷射器lower ejector
放射性示踪测井仪的喷射器指示器lower ejector indicator
扶正器bottom centralizer
井底探测器bottom detector
接线bottom contact
模拟反射层bottom simulating reflector
气反射面bottom gas reflector
测井间距bottom log interval
永久内极化permanent internal polarization
油管端定位器tubing end locator
美国地质调查局地震工程Seismic Engineering Branch, USG United States Geological Survey
美国地质调查局地震工程Seismic Engineering Branch, USG S
解释层底bottom of interpretation zone
解释层顶top of interpretation zone
读数的小数fraction of ratio
读数的小数fraction of reads
通道服务channel service unit
分无磁滞剩余磁化partial anhysteric remanent magnetization
分正交偏光镜partly crossed Nicols
长源距上1-2号窗口计数率long upper 1-2 window count rate
探测器top detector
油层电测井electric log tops
美国国家航空航天局高能天体物理学分High Energy Astrophysics Branch