
Terms for subject Name of organization containing | all forms
一般事务General Affairs Department
一般事务及新闻General Affairs and Information Department
七、国务院委管理的国家局Administrations and Bureaus under the Ministries and Commissions
与农业和粮食安全有关的气候问题际工作组Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate in Relation to Agriculture and Food Security
世界粮食安全长级会议Ministerial Meeting on World Food Security
中大西洋渔业发展项目Project Development of Fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic
、中部和南部非洲East, Central and Southern Africa
及南部非洲共同市场Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
和中部欧洲鱼品销售信息中心Fish Marketing Information Centre for Eastern and Central Europe
和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States
和南部非洲管理机构Eastern and Southern African Management Institute
非洲分区域办事处亚的斯亚贝巴Subregional Office for Eastern Africa
东中大西洋北合作调查Cooperative Investigation of the Northern Part of the Eastern Central Atlantic
东南亚教育长组织Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization
东非及南非洲粮食销售机构协会Association of Food Marketing Agencies in East and South Africa
及南部非洲松红翅蝗国际防治组织International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa
地区沙漠蝗虫防治委员会秘书Secretary, Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region
干旱地区研究所Central Arid Zone Research Institute
非洲分区域办事处利伯维尔Subregional Office for Central Africa
非洲国家开发银行Central African States Development Bank
非洲国家经济共同体Economic Community of Central African States
非洲国家银行Bank of Central African States
非洲经济及货币共同体Central African Economic and Monetary Community
中华人民共和国交通运输Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国国土殡源Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国国防Ministry of National Defence o£ the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国外麦Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国工业和信息化Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国教育Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国文化Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国环境保护Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国铁道Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China
中西大西洋渔业委员会Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission
中西大西洋渔委Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission
中西太平洋渔业委员会Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
中西太平洋渔业委员会Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
中非合作论坛长级会议Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
中非合作论坛长级会议Ministerial Conference of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
中非合作论坛长级会议FOCAC Beijing Summit
中非合作论坛长级会议China/Africa Summit
二、国务院组成Ministries and Commissions
互联网及内交流科Internet and Internal Communication Group
交通Ministry of Communication
人力、财政及物质资源Department of Human, Financial and Physical Resources
人力资源管理Human Resources Management Department
人道主义事务Department of Humanitarian Affairs
住房和城市发展Department of Housing and Urban Development
全国教会委员会教会和经济生活研究Department of the Church and Economic Life of the National Council of Churches
公海IUU捕鱼级工作组Ministerially-led Task Force on IUU Fishing on the High Seas
公海IUU捕鱼级工作组High Seas Task Force
关于公海非法、不报告和不管制捕鱼的长级工作组Ministerially-led Task Force on IUU Fishing on the High Seas
关于公海非法、不报告和不管制捕鱼的长级工作组High Seas Task Force
关于渔业门工作的公约Work in Fishing Convention
关于粮农组织独立外评价的理事会委员会Council Committee for the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
关于设立中地区沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region
关于设立西地区沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region
交流及对外关系办公室Office of Corporate Communications and External Relations
审计员Internal Auditor
评价委员会Internal Evaluation Committee
远景声明Internal Vision Statement of FAO
远景声明Internal Vision Statement
内务Department of the Interior
农业Ministry of Agriculture
农业Agriculture Department
农业助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, AG
农业及消费者保护Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department
农业机械Ministry of Agricultural Machine-building Industry
农业、生物安保、营养及消费者保护Agriculture, Biosecurity, Nutrition and Consumer Protection Department
农垦Ministry of State Farms
几内亚湾中西渔业委员会Fishery Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea
劳动Ministry of Labour
劳工Department of Labor
地区研究和技术合作计划Cooperative Program in Research and Technology for the Northern Region
医疗和社会事务Department of Health and Human Services
及东部非洲分区域办事处Subregional Office for Southern and East Africa
及东部非洲处Southern and Eastern Africa Service
和东部非洲未充分利用作物网络Southern and East Africa Network for Underutilised Crops
蓝鳍金枪鱼养护委员会Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
非洲信贷培训中心Southern Africa Centre for Credit Training
非洲农业研究合作中心Southern African Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research
非洲分区域办事处Subregional Office for Southern Africa Harare
非洲发展协调会议Southern African Development Coordination Conference
非洲干旱紧急救济Drought Emergency in Southern Africa
卫生Ministry of Public Health
卫生,教育和福利Department of Health, Education and Welfare
发展合作Development Cooperation Department
发展合作领域实施的农业与食品门大学行动 – 西班牙案例Universities Action in the Agro-food Sector Implemented in the Field of Cooperation for Development - the case of Spain
可持续发展Sustainable Development Department
商务Department of Commerce
商定防治沙漠化和保护自然政策长级会议IIMinisterial Conference for a Concerted Policy to Combat Desertification and Protect Nature
国土安全Department of Security
国家水产养殖门概况National Aquaculture Sector Overview
国际公共门会计标准项目委员会IPSAS Project Board
国际农业门分析合作计划Programme for International Cooperation in Agricultural Sector Analysis
国际食品安全主管门网络International Food Safety Authorities Network
地质Ministry of Geology
低投入和持续农业信息中心Centre for Information on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture
培训咨询委员会Advisory Committee on External Training
培训计划External Training Programme
审查小组external review panel
大西洋中东渔业委员会科学小组委员会Scientific Sub-Committee
大西洋中东渔业委员会科学小组委员会CECAF Scientific Sub-Committee
大西洋沿岸非洲国家间渔业合作长级会议Ministerial Conference on Fisheries Cooperation among African States bordering the Atlantic Ocean
妇女参与发展门间委员会Interdepartmental Committee on Women in Development
妇女参与发展际工作组Interdepartmental Working Group on Women in Development
市场新闻Market News Service
"应对粮价飞涨计划"际工作组ISFP Inter-Departmental Task Force
"应对粮价飞涨计划"际工作组Inter-Departmental Task Force on the Initiative on Soaring Food Prices
"应对粮价飞涨计划"际工作组Inter-Departmental Task Force on ISFP
建筑材料工业Ministry of Industry of Constructional Material
德国新市场门指数NEMAX Sector Index
以外办事处offices away from Headquarters
保安科Headquarters Security Unit
信息技术科Headquarters IT Branch
协定Headquarters Agreement
协定Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations regarding the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
单位Headquarters Unit
单位HQ Unit
和实地安全组Headquarters and Field Security Unit
外办事处offices outside Headquarters
采购及总部/实地合同HQ Procurement and HQ/Field Contracts
采购委员会Headquarters Procurement Committee
执行Operations Department
技术合作Technical Cooperation Department
技术合作助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, TC
拉丁美洲渔业门妇女网络Latin American Network of Women Working in Fisheries
政府间技术门工作组Sectoral Working Group
政府间技术门工作组Intergovernmental Technical Sectoral Working Group
政策协调和可持续发展Department of Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development
教育Department of Education
权力下放际工作组Interdepartmental Working Group on Decentralization
林业Ministry of Timber Industry
林业Forestry Department
林业助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, FO
欧洲交通长会议European Conference of Ministers of Transport
欧洲大森林地区森林保护长级会议Forest Europe
欧洲大森林地区森林保护长级会议Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe
欧洲森林门前景研究European Forest Sector Outlook Studies
民间社会和私营门伙伴关系处Partnerships with Civil Society and the Private Sector Branch
气候变化际工作组Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change
水力Ministry of Water Conservancy
流行病学和卫生统计服务Development of Epidemiological and Health Statistical Services
渔业Fisheries Department
渔业门人力开发战略框架Strategic Framework on Human Capacity Development in Fisheries
渔业门海上安全最佳规范专家磋商会Expert Consultation on Best Practices for Safety at Sea in the Fisheries Sector
渔业门生态标签和认证圆桌会议Round Table on Ecolabelling and Certification in the Fisheries Sector
渔业门的本地区网络Local Area Network for the Fisheries Department
渔业及水产养殖Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
渔业及水产养殖助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, FI
独立国家土著和落居民公约Convention concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries
独立国家土著和落居民公约Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention
独立外评价Independent External Evaluation of FAO
独立外评价Independent External Evaluation
独立外评价实施监督系统IEE Implementation Monitoring System
理事会粮农组织独立外评价委员会Council Committee for the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
电力Ministry of Power
畜牧信息、门分析及政策处Livestock Information, Sector Analysis and Policy Branch
畜牧、肉类和奶制品门国际合作准则Guidelines for International Cooperation in the Livestock, Meat and Dairy Products Sector
知识及交流Knowledge and Communication Department
私营门论坛Private Sector Forum
粮农组织内远景声明Internal Vision Statement of FAO
粮农组织内远景声明Internal Vision Statement
粮农组织独立外评价后续行动大会委员会Conference Committee on Follow-up to the IEE
粮农组织独立外评价后续行动大会委员会Conference Committee on Follow-up to the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
粮农组织独立外评价的后续行动Follow-up to the IEE
粮农组织独立外评价的后续行动IEE Follow-up
粮农组织独立外评价的后续行动Follow-up to the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
粮食安全Food Security Department
粮食安全援助计划外评价小组External Evaluation Team for the Food Security Assistance Scheme
经济及社会Economic and Social Department
经济及社会发展Economic and Social Development Department
经济及社会发展助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, ES
经济发展农业门处Agricultural Sector in Economic Development Service
经济和财政预测处Forecasting Section, Economics and Finance Ministry
《经济学家》情报Economist Intelligence Unit
综合服务、人力资源及财务Corporate Services, Human Resources, and Finance Department
综合服务、人力资源及财务助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, CS
网络及内交流处Internet and Internal Communication Branch
罗马俱乐Club of Rome
美国中商品交易所美国芝加哥MidAmerica Commodity Exchange
美国劳动职业安全与健康局Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Department of Labor, U.S.A.)
美国医学协会经济研究Department of Economic Research of the American Medical Association
美国铁路公司协会经济和财政研究Economics and Finance Department of the Association of American Railroads
《联合国全或者部分海上国际货物运输合同公约》简称《鹿特丹规则》United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly By Sea
联合国南非洲教育和训练方案United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa
联合国紧急United Nations Emergency Force
联合国经济和社会事务住宅、建筑和城市规划中心Department of Economics and Social Affairs
联合国经济和社会事务住宅、建筑和城市规划中心United Nations-Centre for Housing, Building and Planning
联合国防护United Nations Protection Force
能力建设际工作组Interdepartmental Working Group on Capacity Development
能源门管理援助计划Energy Sector Management Assistance Program
自然资源管理及环境Natural Resources Management and Environment Department
自然资源管理及环境助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, NR
英国国际发展UK Department for International Development
英国国际发展United Kingdom’s Department for International Development
英国国际发展Department for International Development
行政及财务Administration and Finance Department
行政程序精简和授权际工作组IDWG on Streamlining and Delegations
行政程序精简和授权际工作组Interdepartmental Working Group on Streamlining of Administrative Procedures and Delegation of Authority
西中大西洋区域间发展及管理计划Interregional Development and Management Programme for the Western Central Atlantic
西及中部非洲处Western and Central Africa Service
西和中部非洲区域稻米研发网Regional Rice Research and Development Network for West and Central Africa
西地区沙漠蝗防治委员会Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region
西股票交易所哥伦比亚Occidente Stock Exchange
西非洲分区域办事处阿克拉Subregional Office for West Africa
计划总General Commissariat of the Plan
近东东多学科小组开罗Multidisciplinary Team for Oriental Near East Cairo
退伍军人事务Department of Veterans Affairs
邮电Ministry of Posts and Tele-Communication
分或全部用法语教学的大学协会Association of Partially or Wholly French-Language Universities
长理事会Council of Ministers
长级会议Ministerial conference
长级参赞Minister Counsellor
门和机构调整政策Sector and Structural Adjustment Policy
门和结构调整政策Sector and Structural Adjustment Policy
门间培训工作小组Interdepartmental Working Group on Training
际乡村发展委员会Interdepartmental Committee on Rural Development
际工作组Interdepartmental Working Group
铁道Ministry of Railways
非洲长级环境会议African Ministerial Conference on Environment
非洲际粮食委员会African Interministerial Committee for Food
非洲农业和能源用水长级会议:气候变化的挑战Ministerial Conference on Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: the Challenges of Climate Change
非洲农业和能源用水长级会议:气候变化的挑战Sirte Water and Energy Conference
非洲农业、粮食和自然资源长论坛Forum of African Ministers of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
香港长级宣言Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration
高级内审计Senior Internal Auditor