
Terms for subject Project management containing 邮件 | all forms | in specified order only
上周、 我们办公室里流传着一封电子邮件、 就如何改进我们的绩效评价体系征求意见Last week an e-mail went round the office touting for suggestions on ways to improve our performance appraisal system
上周、我们办公室里流传着一封电子邮件、就如何改进我们的绩效考核体系征求意见Last week an e-mail went round the office touting for suggestions on ways to improve our performance appraisal system
使用这种声学耦合器连接网络和办公室便于发送或接收电子邮件和传真Use this acoustic coupler to send or receive e-mails and faxes, access the Internet or connect to the home office from anywhere in the world
元数据库更新代理试图使用新的简单邮件传输协议SMTP域名来更新元数据库The metabase update agent is trying to update the metabase with a new Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP domain name
加密邮件privacy enhanced mail
增强的私密电子邮件privacy enhanced mail
多用途 Internet 邮件扩充协议Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
她同他说再见、 并提醒他看看电子邮件She said good-bye to him with a reminder to check his e-mail box
如果禁用此参数、UM 服务器将邀请呼叫者留下语音邮件If this parameter is disabled, the UM server invites the caller to leave a voice mail message
安全多用途国际互联网邮件扩展Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
安果你想、可以选择输出文件夹中的照片+自解压档案文件和电子邮件Select output folder for photos + self-extracting archive and email if you -wish
完全集成的收件箱可帮助您在日历和任务列表所在的同一个视图中查看电子邮件和语音邮件A fully integrated inbox helps you see email and voice messages in a single view, together with your calendar and task list
对、现如今每个人都很忙、没人有时间再去写 "蜗牛邮件" 了Yes, everyone is so busy nowadays, no one seems to have time to write snail mail anymore
导入与导出普通电子邮件程序、个人信息管理器和标准文件格式Import from and export to popular email programs, personal information managers, and standard file formats
当你的样品送达后、将给你邮寄电子邮件以确认。如果没有电邮、请准备一个作为确认送达的有你地址的明信片You will be notified via email when your sample arrives; if you do not use email, please enclose a self-addressed postcard for receipt notification
我最近收到很多垃圾邮件、花了很长时间才把它们删掉Recently, I have gotten a lot of spam, and it takes me hours to delete it
抄送邮件courtesy copy
木马程序一般都作为电子邮件附件分布或捆绑其他软件程序Trojans are generally distributed as email attachments or bundled with another software program
此时、Microsoft Word 启动、Word 邮件合并工具栏出现At this point, Microsoft Word starts, and the Word Mail merge toolbar appears
电子邮件electronic mail (e-mail)
网络中返回其他用户的邮件地址或允许用户对主机和服务进行定位的服务directory service
要传真的文档将自动转换为 TIFF 图像文件并附加到电子邮件The document you want to fax is automatically converted to a TIFF image file and attached to an e-mail message
计算机邮件computerized mail
邮件mail header
邮件扩充协议Internet (MIME)
邮件摘要mail digest
邮件暗送bcc (blind courtesy copy)
邮件镜像mail reflector