
Terms for subject China containing 邮件 | all forms | in specified order only
代收货价邮件协定Cash-on-Delivery Agreement
国际邮件互换局International Postage Exchange Bureau
寄递邮件deliver postal matters
平常邮件ordinary postal materials
平常邮件ordinary mail
开拆他人邮件open the mail of another person
扣留邮件withhold mail
故意延误投递邮件intentionally delay the delivery of mail
私自开拆他人邮件stealthily open the mail of another person
给据邮件receipt mail
邮件处理场所mail processing center
邮件寄递mail delivery
邮件损失loss caused to mail
邮件收寄验视checking the inside of mail received for delivery
邮件查询track mail
邮件检疫quarantine of mail
邮件运输transport of mail
邮件运递mail delivery
阻碍投递邮件obstruct from delivering mails