
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
不动一刀一枪就占领了个关口capture that pass without striking a blow
他的思维方式就是个样子That is typical of his way of thinking
听见从山边传来枪炮的声响Guns and cannons are heard firing beyond the hill
唯有专家才能断定采石场发现的块岩石的年代Only experts can data the rock that was found in the quarry
以后,老奶奶和小孙子就相依为命The old grandmother and the grandson have been bound up in each other since then
然而在约束爆破中、装了炸药的炮孔覆盖了诸如破碎岩石样的炮泥In confined blasting, however, the borehole in which the explosive material is placed is capped with material such as crushed rock
由于大多钝感乳化炸药结构不像玻璃微球敏化炸药结构么有黏性、炮孔水就不那么易于圈闭在药柱里Since most unsensitized emulsion formulations are less viscous than the glass-bubble sensitized compositions, borehole water is less prone to be trapped in the column
硝酸铵葛里特炸药与胶状炸药相似,只是主要成分用硝酸铵取代了硝酸钠。在美国又称“胶质氨炸药”ammonium nitrate gelignite
线形代买特straight dynamites
胶质代买特straight gelatin dynamites
这个爆破工程项目的缺额是由个矿山公司提供的The shortage of this blasting project is supplied by that mining company
这些字典是个书架上的These dictionaries belong on that shelf
个国家的铁路最早成为私有化的目标Railways in that country are a prime candidate for privatization
人是雇佣侦探的典型That fellow is a prime detective hired
天我胃病突然发作、撕裂地疼痛I felt a sharp stomachache exploding that day
天是谁开枪打死了两议员?Who fird the bullet that killed two congressmen that day?
天院子里似乎充满着悲哀的气氛The courtyard seemed to be charged with sadness that day
是中国南部最远的边界That is the extreme southern border of China
架飞机因被导弹击中而凌空爆炸The plane blew up in its flight after it was hit by a missile