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她抖了抖衬衫,有什么东西掉了出来,好似结婚时的彩纸一般,飞飞扬扬,落在了烘干机的盖子上As she shakes the shirt, something flies out, floating up like confetti to land on the lid of the dryer
如果天太黑,你看不清楚自己在做什么,就用一个手电筒照着,而不是把烟花移得很近,来找燃火点If it is too dark to see what you are doing, use a flashlight rather than pulling the fireworks closer to see the ignition point
蒸汽熨斗在衣服上来回滑动清除褶皱,让衣服散发出干净、清新的气息,温和舒缓的声音我很喜欢I love the soothing sound of a steam iron as it glides back and forth removing wrinkles and sending back a clean, fresh smell