
Terms containing 那就 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一出来,我和伊莱就像印第安人围着篝火那样在他的周围跳跃着,央求他带我们去看电影Once outside, Eli and I jumped around him like Indians around a bonfire, pleading him to take us to the movies
expl.不动一刀一枪就占领了那个关口capture that pass without striking a blow
commer.从那时起生产上就一直没有倒退过Since that time there has never been any setback in production
expl.他的思维方式就是那个样子That is typical of his way of thinking
sport.他觉得他最不想做的就是在他父亲位于克利夫兰的体育用品商店里干活。他希望能逃离那里He supposed he mostly wanted to escape a career in his father's sporting-goods store in Cleveland
gen.他说要不是救护车把你及时送到医院,那情况就糟多了He said it could have been a lot worse, had the ambulance not gotten to you in time
econ.你向右拐再走过邮局那条街,就到了这家店To get to the shop, you turn right and cross the street at the post office
gen.你的工具不那么好,你就用我的好了your tool is not so good, you may work with mine
gen.去那边检票处,出示一下您的票就可以进去了Go to the barrier and show your ticket to get in
econ.商店里包装精美的货品吸引着那些一看见就想买的购物者Well-packaged goods in the store attracted the impulse buyer
gen.噢,你是住在城中雷迪森饭店,那么你往前走两条街,然后左转,在右边就可以找到了Oh, you? re staying at the downtown Radisson. Then, you go down two blocks this way and turn left. You'll find it on the right
gen.坐地铁就不会像开车那样精神紧张Taking the subway would be a lot less stressful than driving
gen.好了,现在保持冷静吧。那辆车的司机过来了。你听我的,就这一次OK, keep calm now. Here comes the driver of the other car. Take my advice, please, for once
proj.manag.如果 facebook 突然能够挖掘你的参数设置、那么该平台的功效就能变得更加强大If facebook is suddenly able to tap into your preferences as well, the platform could be that much more powerful
watchm.如果你以投资的心态购买,只有两个品牌不会受到潮流左右,长时间过后也不会贬值,那就是百达翡丽和劳力士If you buy with an investor's mindset, only two brands are immune to fashion and depreciation in the long term: Patek Philippe and Rolex
gen.如果你愿意,就打包带回去吧。你把最后那个带回家吧Well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home. You could take the last one home with you
gen.如果你现在就来,那更好if you come now, so much the better
meas.inst.如果你要测量小轴的直径,那就应该买这把千分尺If you want to measure the diameter of a small axle, you should buy this micrometer
gen.如果你要申请签证,那最好现在就开始准备If you want to apply for a visa, you'd better start getting ready for it now
proj.manag.如果你认为标普500经济复苏后的市盈率在14至15之间、那么这个假设就有它的道理If you think a post-recovery price-earnings ratio for the S&P 500 will be something like 14 to 15, then this assumption makes sense
house.如果天太黑,你看不清楚自己在做什么,那就用一个手电筒照着,而不是把烟花移得很近,来找燃火点If it is too dark to see what you are doing, use a flashlight rather than pulling the fireworks closer to see the ignition point
gen.如果工件是小尺寸的,那么是用龙门刨还是用牛头刨就主要取决于所需的数量if the job is of small dimensions, whether to use planer or shaper will depend mainly on the quantity required
gen.如果物体没有重量,那么它就不会有势能if a body had no weight, it would have no potential energy
proj.manag.如果纽约州的电话网络属于一个独立的企业、那它早就破产了If the telephone network in New York State was a stand-alone business, it would already be in bankruptcy
el.如果…那就太好It would be nice of
gen.就在那个时候just then
gen.就在那里right there
gen.就是那一个the very same
gen.就是那回for that once
gen.就那〔这〕样at that
gen.就那件事而论for the matter of that
gen.就那件事而论for that matter
idiom.就那样in one's tracks
gen.就那样吧so be it
gen.差不多就像…那样much as
footwear布什开玩笑说,他能跟大家说的就是,那是一只10码的鞋,接着平静地回答问题Bush joked, saying that all he could report was that it was a size 10 shoe, then calmly took questions
busin.我们已经就所有讨论过的条款达成一致,那现在就签合同吧We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sign the contract
cosmet.我只放了一小撮这个,一些那个东西,那边的一点点东西,就做成了香水I just threw in a pinch of this, some of that, a little bit of that over there and voila, I ended up with the perfume
gen.我可以把这三张支票分别换成面值100美元的现金吗?我想那就够了Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough
gen.我已经订好机票了,去罗马。飞机票可不便宜呢,我们花那么多钱买机票,就为了好好吃一顿I've bought the ticket. We'll go to Rome. The plane ticket is not cheap, and we spend so much money on ticket just for one beautiful meal
expl.打那以后,老奶奶和小孙子就相依为命The old grandmother and the grandson have been bound up in each other since then
gen.月亮比其他任何星球离我们都近得多,这就是为什么它看上去那么大the moon is much close to us than any other star, that is why it looks so big
proj.manag.有些工作比其他工作更适合远程办公。比方说、如果你是个保安、那你可能就没法远程办公了Some jobs are better suited to telecommuting than others. For instance, if you are a security guard, you probably cannot telecommute
cosmet.檀香 voila 那就sandalwood
gen.正如很快就会明显地看到的那样as will be apparent shortly
gen.沿着那条路走就行Start walking that way and just follow where it leads you
proj.manag.然而、如果有一种语言已经使用一个简单的数据结构表示、那么这种情况就可以简化了However, this might be simplified if there was a language already represented with a simple data structure
expl.由于大多钝感乳化炸药结构不像玻璃微球敏化炸药结构那么有黏性、炮孔水就不那么易于圈闭在药柱里Since most unsensitized emulsion formulations are less viscous than the glass-bubble sensitized compositions, borehole water is less prone to be trapped in the column
gen.被批准的 I-20 表格只是签证官决定是否颁发签证要考虑的因素之一。如果申请人的总体情况显示其赴美的主要目的不是学习,那他的学生签证申请就可能被拒The approved I-20 is just one piece of information the interviewing officer must consider when deciding whether a visa may be issued. Student visas may be refused if it appears that the applicant's primary purpose of travel is not to attain an education
gen.这正是那把锁的钥匙,我就是在这房间里把它弄丢的this is the very key for that lock, I lost it in this very room
winemak.远方的朋友真的来看你时,那就要庆祝一下,自然要狂欢作乐一番An actual visit from a faraway friend is a cause for celebration and binges of all kinds
gen.逛超市的时间越少,就越不会去买那些垃圾食品The less you? re in the supermarket, the less junk foods you're likely to want
tech.那些人中的一个拿起一个备用轮胎砸在他的头上,他当时就昏了过去One of the men picked up a spare tire and brought it down on his head, knocking him out
gen.那可太浪费了 !大家为什么不少点一些菜呢?这样就可以避免吃完饭后剩下太多了That seems like an awful waste! Why don't people order fewer dishes so that they don't have to throw, so much away at the end of the meal?
busin.那就that is
textile拉丁语那就id est
gen.那就是出事的地点that is the place where the accident occurred
econ.那就是说that is to say
gen.那我就用我的维萨卡I'll put it on my Visa card, then
milk.那时候,我以为奶油蛋糕就是世界上最美味的东西了At that time, I thought the cream cake is the most delicious thing in the world
gen.那样的话,您可以开一张现金支票,然后自行取款就可以了In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself