
Terms for subject Aviation containing 遥测 | all forms | in specified order only
个人计算机遥测personal computer telemetry station
仪表和遥测系统instrumentation & telemetry system
便携式遥测处理系统portable telemetry processing system
分布式遥测系统distributed telemetry system
分布式计算机遥测distributed computer telemetry
卫星遥测与计算机系统satellite telemetry and computer system
〔菲〕国家地图摄影测量与遥感中心National Cartographic Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Center
国际摄影测绘与遥感学会International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
国际摄影测绘和遥感学会International Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
地球观测遥感研制实验室earth observation sensor development laboratory
地面/遥感勘测分析站ground/telemetry analysis stations
多弹头遥测multiple-warhead telemetry
多弹头遥测multihead telemetry
大气与电离层遥测系统remote atmospheric and ionospheric detection system
定位、指挥和遥测location, command and telemetry
定时和遥测timing and telemetry
实时遥测real-time telemetry
实时遥测处理系统real time telemetry processing system
微波遥测microwave remote sensing
指令和遥测系统command and telemetry system
指令、通信和遥测系统command, communication, and telemetry sub system
接口遥测数据集中器interface remote data concentrator
数字遥测digital telemetry unit
数字式遥测系统digital telemetering system
数字式遥测记录器digital telemetering register
时分遥测time-division telemetry
时分遥测系统time-division telemetry system
时分多路遥测time division multiplexing telemetry
时分多路传输遥测系统time division multiplexing telemetry system
气象情报遥测信号weather information telemetering signal
测控,跟踪,遥测与控制tracking, telemetry and control
海洋数据遥测微卫星数据链ocean data telemetry microsat link
温度遥测remote temperature detector
激光遥测laser telemeter
生物遥测系统biotelemetry system (测量动物生理功能)
空间电子和遥测技术space electronics and telemetry
箭上遥测天线telemetry antenna on-board
联合遥测检查系统consolidated telemetry checkout system
脉冲宽度调制遥测pulse duration modulation telemetering
脉码调制遥测系统pulse code modulation telemetry
自动遥测数据终端automatic remote data terminal
自动遥测系统automatic automated telemetry system
自动标准地磁遥测automatic standard magnetic observatory remote
自动记录电子信息报告与遥测系统automatic logging electric reporting and telemetry
自动遥控测向仪automatic direction finder remote
计算机遥测computer telemetry system
计算机遥测系统telemetry computer systems
计算机辅助遥测系统computer aided telemetry system
记忆重发遥测memory-replay telemetry
设备装备状态遥测equipment status telemetry
跟踪、遥测与指挥tracing, telemetry and command
跟踪遥测和指令tracking telemetry and command
跟踪,遥测和指挥tracking, telemetry and command
跟踪、遥测和控制tracking, telemetry and control
跟踪、遥测和通信tracking, telemetry and communications
跟踪遥测指令发送站tracking telemetry and command station
跟踪、遥测、指挥与监控tracking, telemetry, command and monitoring
跟踪,遥测,指挥和监控tracking, telemetry, command and monitoring
车载遥测mobile telemetry station
通信与遥测技术communication and telemetry
通信,指挥和遥测communication, command and telemetry
通信、指挥和遥测子系统communication, command and telemetry subsystem
通信、指挥和遥测子系统communication, command and telemetry system
遥感空气监测telemetric air monitoring
遥控地球物理探测仪remotely operated geophysical explorer
遥控地磁异常探测remote magnetic anomaly detection
遥控性能监测remote performance monitoring
遥控性能监测控制remote performance monitoring control
遥测telemetered measurement
遥测与图像数据处理系统telemetry and image data processing system
遥测介质环境telemetered medium environment
遥测仪表控制器remote instrument controller
遥测前端telemetry front end
遥测发射机telemeter transmitter
遥测和指令telemetry and command
遥测和指令系统telemetry and command system
遥测和指挥系统telemetry and command system
遥测和数据处理站telemetry and data processing station
遥测地面站telemetry Earth station
遥测外测数据时间零点对齐telemetry and tracking data time zero alignment
遥测字符telemetry symbol
遥测、定时、指挥与控制telemetering, timing, command and control
遥测,定时,指挥和控制telemetering, timing, command and control
遥测情报telemetry intelligence (信息)
遥测、指令与测距telemetry, command and ranging
遥测指令参数event telemetry parameter
遥测,指令和测距telemetry, command and ranging
遥测数据中心telemetry data center
遥测数据处理telemetry data reduction
遥测数据处理telemetric data reduction
遥测数据处理telemetered data reduction
遥测数据探测子系统remote data acquisition subsystem
遥测数据采集系统telemetry acquisition system
遥测油量传感器remote oil level sensor
遥测测试装置telemetry test set
遥测电传温度表electrical transmitting thermometer
遥测监控装置remote monitor unit
遥测监视通信telemetry surveillance communications
遥测磁罗盘指示器remote magnetic indicator
遥测空中交通管制remote air traffic control
遥测接收telemetry receive station
遥测编码调制technical telemetry code modulation
遥测自动换算设备telemetry automatic reduction equipment
遥测试验telemetry missile
遥测,跟踪与遥控系统,测控系统telemetry, tracking and command system
遥测跟踪和指挥telemetry tracking and command
遥测跟踪和控制telemetry tracking and control
遥测遥控跟踪telemetry telecommand tracking
阿波罗遥测Apollo instrumentation ship
高 G 遥测high G telemetry