
Terms containing 遥感 中心 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.东部地区遥感应用中心eastern regional remote sensing application center
space东部地区遥感应用中心Eastern Regional Remote Sensing Applications Center (美国国家航空航天局)
earth.sc.东部地区遥感应用中心美国航宇局哥达德空间飞行中心Eastern Regional Remote Sensing Applications Center
avia.东部地区遥感应用中心eastern regional remote sensing applications center (美国航空航天局)
space中国遥感中心China National Remote Sensing Center
earth.sc.中国国家遥感中心National Remote Sensing Center (China)
earth.sc.中美洲遥感中心Mid-America Remote Sensing Center
space丹麦遥感中心Danish Center for Remote Sensing (DCRS)
UN, polit.亚太经社会区域国家遥感中心/方案主任会议Meeting of the Directors of the National Remote Sensing Centres/Programmes in the ESCAP Region
earth.sc.亚洲区域遥感培训中心泰国曼谷Asian Regional Remote Sensing Training Centre Bangkok
space亚洲地区遥感中心Asian Regional Remote Sensing Center
space亚洲遥感培训中心Asian Remote Sensing Training Center
space伊朗遥感中心Iranian Remote Sensing Center
space利比亚遥感和空间科学中心Libyan Centre for Remote Sensing and Space Science
space加拿大遥感中心Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
earth.sc.加拿大遥感中心渥太华Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Ottawa
geol.加拿大遥感中心Canada Center for Remote Sensing
earth.sc.加拿大遥感中心图像分析系统CCRS image analysis system
org.name.区域遥感中心Regional Remote Sensing Centre
earth.sc.区域遥感中心肯尼亚Regional Remote Sensing Facility Kenya
earth.sc.区域测量、填图、遥感服务中心肯尼亚Regional Centre for Services in Surveying, Mapping and Remote, Sensing
space南森环境与遥感中心Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC, 挪威)
earth.sc.卫星遥感中心南非Satellite Remote Sensing Centre
UK, space国家遥感中心National Remote Sensing Centre
earth.sc.国家遥感中心津巴布韦National Remote Sensing Facility Zimbabwe
earth.sc.国家遥感中心英国,尼泊尔National Remote Sensing Center
avia.国家遥感中心National Remote Sensing Center
avia.国家遥感中心national remote sensing centre (英国)
tech.国家遥感中心地面部ground department/national remote sensing centre
tech.国家遥感中心地面部ground department/national remote sensing center
tech.国家遥感中心资料部information department/national remote sensing center
earth.sc.国家地图摄影测量与遥感中心菲律宾National Cartographic Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Center
space国家地图摄影测量与遥感中心National Cartographic Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Center (菲律宾)
avia.国家地图摄影测量与遥感中心National Cartographic Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Center
earth.sc.国家应用水文遥感中心National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center
earth.sc.国家水文遥感中心National Remote Sensing Hydrology Center
earth.sc.国家海洋和大气管理局海军海洋遥感卫星与地球资源卫星-1 环境数据开发中心NOAA N-ROSS/ERS-1 environmental data development
space国家遥感局数据中心NRSA Data Centre (印度)
space地区遥感服务中心Regional Remote Sensing Services Centres (印度)
avia.〔印〕地区遥感服务中心Regional Remote Sensing Services Centres
space地球遥感数据分析中心Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC, 日本)
earth.sc.地理遥感研究中心geography remote sensing unit
geol.地质遥感中心Center of Remote Sensing for Geology
earth.sc.奥地利遥感中心Austrian Center for Remote Sensing
space奥地利遥感数据中心Austrian Remote Sensing Data Center (OFD)
earth.sc.安大略遥感中心Ontario Centre for Remote Sensing
ecol.开罗科学和技术研究所遥感中心Remote Sensing Centre of the Academy of Scientific and Technological Research Cairo
earth.sc.德国遥感数据中心德国航天研究中心German Remote Sensing Data Center DLR
fr., space摩洛哥皇家空间遥感中心Centre Royal de Teledetection Spatiale du Maroc
space日本遥感技术中心Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC)
geol.日本遥感技术中心Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan
tech.核工业部地质遥感应用中心centre for geological remote sensing applications/ministry of nuclear industry
tech.核工业部地质遥感应用中心centre for geologic remote sensing applications/ministry of nuclear industry
space泰国遥感中心Thai Remote Sensing Center
earth.sc.泰国遥感研究中心Thailand Remote Sensing Centre
space澳大利亚遥感中心Australian Centre for Remote Sensing (ACRES)
earth.sc.澳大利亚遥感中心Australian Centre for Remote Sensing
geol.澳大利亚遥感中心Australian Center of Remote Sensing
environ.环境遥感中心Environmental Remote Sensing Center
earth.sc.环境遥感中心Environmental Remote Sensing Center
earth.sc.环境遥感应用中心Environmental Remote Sensing Application Centre
earth.sc.空间遥感中心Space Remote Sensing Center
space自然资源遥感勘测中心Centro de Levantamientos Integrados de Recursos Naturales por Sensores Remotos (厄瓜多尔)
earth.sc.遥感中心Remote Sensing Center
earth.sc.遥感中心Center for Remote Sensing
el.遥感中心remote sensing center
environ.遥感中心remote sensing centre Centre where remote sensing data are stored, handled and analyzed (存储、处理和分析遥感数据的中心)
tech.遥感中心remote-sensing center
earth.sc.遥感信息和分析中心Center for Remote Sensing Information and Analysis
earth.sc.遥感和制图中心Center for Remote Sensing and Cartography
earth.sc.遥感和测绘科学中心Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science
space遥感图像接收处理中心Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (新加坡)
space遥感应用中心Remote Sensing Applications Centre (巴基斯坦)
earth.sc.遥感应用中心巴基斯坦Remote Sensing Applications Centre Pakistan
earth.sc.遥感应用中心Center for Applications of Remote Sensing
space遥感成像处理中心Center for Remote Imaging,Sensing and Processing (CRISP, 新加坡)
space遥感技术中心Remote Sensing Technology Centre (日本)
avia.〔日〕遥感技术中心Remote Sensing Technology Center
space遥感数据处理中心data processing center of remote sensing
space马来西亚遥感中心Malaysia Center for Remote Sensing
earth.sc.马来西亚遥感中心Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing
earth.sc.马来西亚遥感研究中心Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing