
Terms containing 遥感应用中心 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.东部地区遥感应用中心eastern regional remote sensing application center
earth.sc.东部地区遥感应用中心美国航宇局哥达德空间飞行中心Eastern Regional Remote Sensing Applications Center
space东部地区遥感应用中心Eastern Regional Remote Sensing Applications Center (美国国家航空航天局)
avia.东部地区遥感应用中心eastern regional remote sensing applications center (美国航空航天局)
earth.sc.国家应用水文遥感中心National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center
tech.核工业部地质遥感应用中心centre for geological remote sensing applications/ministry of nuclear industry
tech.核工业部地质遥感应用中心centre for geologic remote sensing applications/ministry of nuclear industry
earth.sc.环境遥感应用中心Environmental Remote Sensing Application Centre
space遥感应用中心Remote Sensing Applications Centre (巴基斯坦)
earth.sc.遥感应用中心巴基斯坦Remote Sensing Applications Centre Pakistan
earth.sc.遥感应用中心Center for Applications of Remote Sensing