
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一流权威top maker
一流权威top maker
专业厂家制仪器professional instrument
专利产品制manufacture under licence
专有制技术manufacturing know-how
买方发现装运单据是伪The buyer discovered the forgery of the shipping documents
美国二次大战时大量建的万吨左右的商船liberty ship
他们创了一种新的测试方法They've developed a new process of testing
仿货物imitate or copy the goods
保证forgery bond
保证forged bond
发票falsify invoices
提单forged bill of lading
文件fabricated document
签字保险forgery insurance
证券forgery bond
证券forged bond
你方订货仅制出一部分The manufacture of your order is only partially finished
修建这条公路包括建几座桥梁Building this road will involve the construction of several bridges
人利润founder's profit
企业embark on an enterprise
初级产品与制品价格的悬殊disparity between the prices of primary products and those of manufactures
<-> 制manufacture
亦缩为 manf.manufacture
企业manufacturing business
全能化manufacturing integration
厂商亦缩为 MFRmanufacturer
厂商仓库交货价格ex maker's godown
厂商代号sign of manufacturer
厂商名称name of manufacturer
厂商检验证书manufacturer's inspection certificate
厂商说明书certificate of manufacturer
厂商责任manufacturer's liability
厂商风险producer's risk
厂商风险manufacturer's risk
厂标记stamp of the maker
品投入manufactured input
商代理人manufacturer's agent
商努力宣传他们的货物The manufacturers try to boom their goods
工业process industries
工厂标记manufacturer's mark
工程学manufacturing engineering
方案manufacturing project
标准manufacturer's standard
检验manufacturing inspection
生产manufactured production
生产过程technological process
程序manufacturing process
管理费用manufacturing overhead
精密仪器turn out high-precision instruments
费用单standing orders
过程设计灵活性routing flexibility
加速制所订货物speed up the manufacture of the goods ordered
区别人产品与天然产品distinguish the artificial from the natural
十条纸公司Jujo Paper Co. Ltd. (1949)
厂房建计划plan for construction
原厂委托制original equipment manufactures
原厂委托制original equipment manufacture
原厂委托制出口OEM export
发明创能力inventive power
因自然灾害而成共同海损In consequence of natural calamities, general average happened
固定资产改费用betterment expenses
固定资产改费用betterment costs
国际纸公司International Paper Company (1941)
大批量生产铸production foundry
大昭和纸公司Daishowa Paper Mfg. Co., Ltd. (1938)
夸大未开信用证所成的损失赔偿金exaggerate the damages for failure to open an L/C
奖励发明创encourage innovations by giving awards
存货制stock order (与订货制造 (sold order) 相对)
对员工不忠实成损失的保险fidelity insurance
小松制公司Komatsu Ltd. (1921)
工业改industrial betterment
延误系由人力不可抗事故The postponement is caused by force majeure accidents
first cost
成批制series manufacturing
我方制商已无存货Our manufacturers are running out of stock
承包在半年内制的任务undertake to complete the manufacture within half a year
技术援助及制协定technical assistance and manufacturing agreement
技术改重建technical reconstruction
技术更新改technical renovation and transformation
投资项目应与现有企业技术改项目相一致The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises
拨款800,000 英镑建新桥appropriate £ stg. 800,000 for a new bridge
支票上的签字不是我的而是伪The signature on the check was not mine but a forgery
斯科特纸公司Scott Paper Company
明尼苏达矿业和制公司Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company (1902)
更新改基金renovation and reformation fund
更新改投资replacement investment
诣的专家accomplished expert
本保险在任何情况下不负责捕获、逮捕、禁制或拘留海盗行为除外以及这些行动的后果或这方面的企图成的损失和费用In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment piracy excepted, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat
本国制成品domestic manufactures
本州纸公司Honshu Paper Co., Ltd.
机器制工业machine manufacturing
机器构detail of construction
机床制machine tool industry
机械机器machine manufacturing
证明书specification for structure
每平方米per square-metre cost
每平方米建筑面积cost per square metre of built-up area
每立方米per cubic-metre cost
每立方米建筑空间cost per cubic metre of enclosed space
汉诺威制商信托公司Manufacturers Hanover Corp. (New York, 纽约)
王子纸公司Oji Paper Co., Ltd. (1949)
现有企业改upgrading of existing enterprises
美国电气制商协会National Electrical manufactures Association
疏忽成的遗漏omission through negligence
综合制过程synthetic manufacturing process
美国三大汽车制公司Big Three (指通用 (General Motor Corporation), 福特(Ford Motor Company),克莱斯勒 (Chryster Corporation))
美国制商汉诺威信托公司Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company
自我设计与制产品self-designed and self-built product
装配制assembly manufacture
订货制sold order (与存货制造 (stock order) 相对)
订购货物正在制The goods ordered are being manufactured
证明书伪forgery of a certificate
货物正在制The goods are now in course of manufacture
这些修改由多种因素These revisions are attributable to a variety of factors
这桥价大大超岀他们的预料The cost of building the bridge was much more than they had bargained for (on)
连续制series manufacturing
就高素质的劳动力create a highly skilled workforce
船公司派在新船上以便保证随时进行机件修整的工程师guarantee engineer
wine brewing industry
阿克索人纤维公司Akzo N.V. (1969)
非仿产品genuine products
预计间接制费用分摊率predetermined overhead rate
食料制工业food supplies industry