
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一堆粗制滥rough plenty
专项商品制single-line manufacturer
临时制manufacturing contingence
主要成分是人纤维chief value of synthetic
互换装配式制interchangeable assembly manufacturing
产品制manufacturing of products
产品制making of product
丝商品viscose goods
帽子广告用语false cap
液体燃料alternate fuel
燃料alternate fuel
环境men-made environment
皮革imitation leather
纤维man-made fabric
纤维artificial fibres
长纤维丝rayon filament yarn
食物artificial food
业务记录wangle business records
分红bogus dividend
单据falsification of documents
古画fake ancient paintings
商标forged trade-mark
商标imitate a trade mark
商标forge a trade mark
报告fake report
报表fake sheet
支票forge a check
支票hang paper
支票counterfeit check
支票人paper hanging
文件fake documents
文件false documents
文件fabricate a document
汇票forge a bill
电报fake telegram
票据forged note
签名forge a signature
签字forge a signature
纪录false entry
crime of forgery
美元fake dollar
证件fake testimonials
证件forged document
证件bogus certificate
证券forged securities
falsification of account
账目false accounting
账目cook account
snide goods
钞票forge a banknote
钞票counterfeit bank-note
住宅housing cost
依合同建be built by contract
支票hang paper
先进制工艺advanced manufacturing technology
全国制商协会National Association of Manufacturers
公布详尽的制成本disclosure of details of manufacturing cost
其他制业广口口miscellaneous manufacturing products
具有产权的制工艺proprietary process technology
农机制agricultural machine industry
分批制订单job order manufacture
分析制程序analytic process
分段制费用成本计算multistep overhead costing
分解制程序analytic manufacturing process
分项价分析elemental cost analysis
分项价规划elemental cost planning
creative power
AC 创力测验AC test of creative ability
国际储备international reserve creation
就业方案make work programme
就业机会employment creating
差异establish the differential
思维过程process of creative thinking
性冲突creative conflict
性研究creative research
性破坏creative destruction
性破坏过程process of creative destruction
性练习creative exercise
inventory right
条件arrangement of conditions
模式creation of model
需求demand creation
与检查记录manufacturing and inspection record
与销售成本cost to make and sell
factory industry
业产出指数manufacturing output index
业产量manufacturing output
业分部门投入产岀物价指数input-output price indexes of manufacturing industry by sector
业务manufacturing service
业务管理manufacturing services management
业和贸易销售额manufacturing and trade sale
业增加值manufacturing value added
业存货额value of manufacturer's inventories
业平均工作周数average workweek in manufacturing
业批发商manufacturing wholesaler
业新订货额value of manufacturer's new orders
业新订货额价值value of manufacturer's new order
业普查census of manufacturing industries
业普查census of manufacturing
业盘存manufacturing inventory
业经济economic in manufacture
业统计manufacturing statistics
业课税manufacturing taxation
业部门投入产出价格指数input-output price index by manufacturing industry sector
付费makeup payment
企业manufacturing establishment
信贷指制造业的短期借款manufacturing credit
全能化程度degree of manufacturing integration
加工特许manufacturing and processing franchising
单位manufacturing unit
危险manufacturing hazard
厂主要信息要求major information requirement of a manufacturing company
厂名牌nameplate of manufacturing plant
厂商仓库交货价ex maker's godown
厂商发票manufacturer's invoice
厂商标manufacturer's brand
厂商检验证明manufacturer's inspection certificate
厂商的分销机构manufacturer's sale branch
厂商责任保险manufacturer's liability insurance
厂证明书manufacturer's certificate
厂证明书certificate of manufacture
参数manufacturing parameter
可靠性控制manufacturing reliability control
/周manufacturing week
品成本cost of manufactured goods
品质quality of manufacture
商仓库交货价ex makers godown
商外销代理人manufacturer's export agent
商数量证书manufacturer's certificate of quantity
商生产的全部产品whole line of a manufacturer's product
商的出口代理商manufacturer's export agent
商质量证书manufacturer's certificate of quality
country of made
复杂精密的设备fabrication of intricate precision equipment
子系统manufacturing subsystem
工业指数index number of operation of manufacturing industry
工人manufacturing worker
工人manufacturing employee
工程师work's engineer
工程师manufacturing engineer
工程师学会society of manufacturing engineers
工艺专利process patent
市面market making
循环指原料存储一加工一制成品的生产循环manufacturing cycle
总成本total manufacturing costs
成本non-manufacturing cost
成本fabricating cost
成本制manufacturing cost system
成本明细表schedule of manufacturing costs
成本计算manufacturing costing
批量manufacturing wholesaler
技术manufacturing technique
技术规范manufacturing technique specification
政策manufacturing policy
方法专利process patent
方法变异性process variability
方法对比comparison of methods of manufacture
日程manufacturing schedule
旺市make a market
更改要点manufacturing change point
机器manufacturing machine
标记indication of manufacture
检验员manufacturing inspector
manufacturing method
活动manufacturing activity
生产资料的生产资料生产means of production as means of production
申请单manufacturing requisition
监督manufacturing supervision
程序procedure of manufacture
manufacturing tax
管理manufacturing management
系统manufacturing system
紧张冲突tension-produced conflict
经常费用单manufacturing expense standing order
统计statistics of manufactures
能力manufactured capacity
能力manufactured capability
自动化通讯设备manufacture automation protocol
装配零件表manufacturing assembly parts list
规格手册Manufacturing Specification Manual
规格要求manufacturing specification request
计划图表manufacturing plan sheet
许可证manufacturing license
设备manufacturing facility
证书certificate of manufacture
证明certificate of manufacture
质量保证manufacturing quality assurance
质量控制系统manufacturing quality control system
质量水平manufacturing quality level
费差异manufacturing expense variance
费差异准备reserve for overhead variance
费用factory overhead expense
费用即原材料和人工以外的制造费用factory expense
费用factory burden
费用manufacturing overhead
费用factory overhead burden
间接费用shop burden
费用cost of production
费用三分法分析three-way overhead analysis
费用两差异分析two-variance overhead analysis
费用分摊各部门factory overhead allocation to department
费用分摊账户applied manufacturing expenses account
费用分析factory overhead analysis
费用分析factory burden analysis
费用分类账factory burden ledger
费用分配application of manufacturing expense
费用分配application of manufacturing overhead
费用分配distribution of overhead cost
费用分配allocation of manufacturing overhead
费用分配台时法machine hours method based on manufacturing expense distribution
费用分配工时法labor hour basis for overhead application
费用分配率factory overhead expense rate
费用分配率factory overhead burden rate
费用划归部门departmentalization of overhead cost
费用双向分析two-way overhead analysis
费用差异factory overhead expense variance
费用差异factory overhead burden variance
费用总账abstract ledger
费用控制账户manufacturing overhead control account
费用摊入产品applying factory overhead cost to products
费用效率factory expense efficiency
费用效率差factory expense efficiency variation
费用效率差异账factory expense efficiency variation account
费用明细表manufacturing expense supporting schedule
费用标准manufacturing expenses standard
费用标准成本overhead standard cost
费用率台时法machine hours method based on a manufacturing expense rate
费用率机时法machine hours basis for manufacturing overhead rate
费用率的材料成本法material cost basis for manufacturing overhead rates
费用率的直接工时法direct labor hour basis for manufacturing overhead rate
费用种类type of manufacturing overhead costs
费用管理factory overhead control
费用耗费差异overhead spending variance
费用表statement of manufacturing expenses
费用账户manufacturing expense account
费用账户manufacturing burden account
费用边际manufacturing overhead margin
费用预算factory overhead burden budget
费用预算factory expense budget
费用预算差异factory expense budget variation
费用预算差异账factory expense budget variation account
费预算表manufacturing expense budget report
过程详细说明manufacturing process specification
过程详细说明手册Manufacturing Process Specification Manual
部经理manufacturing manager
部门manufacturing sector
部门manufacturing division
间接费分摊差异over and under absorbed overhead
间接费用分摊率factory overhead rate
间接费用分配表factory overhead expense distribution sheet
阶段manufacturing stage
阶段fabrication stage
面垂直布置vertical layout of production areas
麻烦的恶意诉讼指不顾法律壬续,扰乱法庭abuse of process
加工制的分组协作grouping of cooperation of manufacturing
劳动密集创labor-intensive invention
包装机械制packaging-packing machinery manufacturing industry
化学chemical contouring
化肥制producer of fertilizers
半连续制semi-serialized manufacture
单位制成本per unit cost of manufacture
厂房改建与建计划plan for building change or construction
原料库存与制成本比率ratio of raw material inventory to cost of manufacture
合作制hive off
唱片制record maker
商品制成本manufacturing cost of commodity products
商品制shop floor
商船建merchant shipbuilding department
土木工程cost of civil engineering works
在制品制费用manufacturing expense-in-process
在制品间接制费用成本manufacturing expense in process
企业经营机制mould management mechanism of enterprise
墙体walling cost
外国制商买主buyer of foreign maker
外国制of foreign manufacture
多分配制费用分析analysis of overapplied manufacturing overhead
多摊派间接制费用overapplied factory overhead
多样化制diversified manufacture
大批量制mass manufacture
大规模制large manufacturing
custom built
定牌制manufacturing brand goods
实际与标准制费用比较表comparative schedule of actual and standard overhead costs
实际制费用actual manufacturing overhead
实际制费用摊入产品allocation of actual factory overhead to products
实际及已分配制费用资料material of standing order and applied manufacturing expenses
实际间接制费用率historical factory overhead rate
家庭制household manufacture
少分配制费用under-applied burden
少分配制费用under-applied manufactured overhead
少分配制费用under applied manufacturing expense
少分配制费用under-absorbed overhead
就业创效果employment creating effects
市场创效应market-creating effect
市场制功能market-making function
市场制market maker
带动技术改motivate technical transformation
序列化制serialized manufacture
总营chief constructor
成衣制商或贩卖商cloak and suiter
批次制lot manufacturing
批次制batch manufacturing
商收据forwarder's cargo receipt
技术制过程规格手册Engineering and Manufacturing Process Specification Manual
技术改technical renovation
技术改technological change
技术改technical change
技术改规划technological transformation planning
技术改项目的实施implementation of projects of technological transformation
技术改项目经济效益economic benefit of project of technological transformation
技术适应性改technical adaptation
投资于改invest in the transformation
按产量提取的更新改基金renewal and renovation fund source based on production volume
按作业活动分配制费用activity-based overhead
按制费用分配distribution on manufacturing expense
挖潜革新改拨款renovation and betterment appropriations
事实manipulate fact
的事实faked up thing
技术change technology
投资investment for transforming
故意成的损失wilful caused loss
故意成的损失wilfully caused loss
故障成的事故hazard of failure
断续制intermittent manufacture
新变量构construction of new variables
智能集成制系统intelligent integrated manufacturing system
最小制数量minimum manufacturing quantity
未交订货与已分摊制费用汇总表summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense
未分配制费用unabsorbed factory overhead
未分配制费用unabsorbed manufactured expense
未分配制费用unabsorbed overhead
本国制domestic manufactures
本国制of home manufacture
本期制成本manufacturing cost for the period
机器machine tabulation
机器制manufactured by machinery
机器制machine building plant
机器制machine made
机床制machine tool building industry
机械machine molding
机械制engineering works
机械制工业machine building industry
机械化制mechanized manufacturing industry
机车制locomotive shop
来图制manufacturing with orderer's drawing
函数法construction of function
变量constructed variable
说明书Specification for Structure
标准制费用standard manufacturing expense
标准货币铸standard coinage
标准间接制费用standard manufacturing overhead
根据制规格购买buy per manufacturing specification
模式创creation of model
正常制normal overhead
正常化制费用分摊率normalized overhead rate
正统制orthodox method of manufacture
汽车制motor plant
海关保税制customs bonded manufacturing plant
涂改支票及伪签字保险check alteration and forgery insurance
涂改支票并伪签字cheque alteration and forgery
液压设备制hydraulic equipment manufacturing industry
牢固构sound construction
环境创environmental creation
现代化制业投资sophisticated manufacturing investment
现有企业的技术改technical reform of existing enterprises
…制造<#1>make from
由于延迟交货给您成的不便我感到非常抱歉I'm very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you
由…制造made in
由税收优惠成的岁入损失revenue losses through tax privilege
电脑辅助设计制computer aided design and computer aided manufacture (CAD和CAM)
粗制滥的货物rough goods
美国制商出口信用保险公司American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange
职位创job creation
聚酯人纤维polyester staple fibre
膨胀性创通货inflationary creation of currency
船舶建保险builder's risks insurance
船舶建builders' risks
船舶建builders' risk
船舶建险保单builder's risks policy
船舶建险保单builders policy
building trade
building enterprises
master builder
落锤锻drop forge
蜡模铸lost-wax casting
计入间接制费的返工成本rework costs charged to manufacturing overhead
计算机辅助设计与制系统CAI-CAM system
计算机集成一体化制computer integrated manufacture
责任制成本汇总表factory cost responsibility summary
货币制currency manufacture
货币铸coinage charge
购买力创creation of purchasing power
贸易公司和制厂商外币持有额foreign currency holdings by trading and manufacturing companies
资源创creation of resources
超支制间接费用overapplied manufacturing overhead
超支制间接费用overapplied manufacturing overheads
超支间接制费用over applied manufacturing overhead
超纯度铸casting for ultra purity
车身制body builder
车间shop made
轻制light manufacturing
递延制费用deferred overhead charges
fabricating cost
价估算cost estimating
价尺度cost yardstick
假账false accounting
mould making
型工艺moulding technique
型工艺moulding process
currency manufacture
币局bureau of the mint
成亏损赤字come to deficit
成交易困难render business difficult
成破产play the bankrupt
林费用afforestation expenses
林费用afforestation cost
波装置wave maker
纸者paper maker
船业ship building
船保险builder's risk
船保险单builder's policy
船公司保险单ship builder's policy
船坞building port
船工业shipbuilding industry
船差价津贴construction differential subsidy
船证书builder's certificate
船车间shipbuilding hanger
工业brewer industry
brew house
私酒集团moonshining ring
销售产品制成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
销售产品的制成本manufacturing cost of goods sold
长期订货制费用manufacturing expense of standing order
隔墙partition cost
需求创want creation
非制成本控制control of nonmanufacturing cost
非制部门non-manufacturing sector
预定间接制成本分配率predetermined overhead rate
预期expected cost of manufacturing
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