
Terms for subject Consulting containing | all forms
专用设备设计制special-purpose equipment design and production
乳制品制dairy product manufacturing industry
纤维man-made fibres
价值creation of value
就业机会的效果employment-creation effect
厂和贸易公司manufacturer’s and trading companies
可行性分析manufacturing feasibility analysis
方面要求事项make-to requirements
就业创效果employment-creating effects
工业改industrial modernization
工程价分析表outline building cost analysis
技术改technical transformation
技术改technical up-grading
技术改technical innovation
沼泽reclamation of swamps
说明书specifications for construction
说明书specification for construction
纸浆和纸厂pulp and paper plants
纸浆和纸工业pulp and paper industry
成环境污染者偿付原则polluter pays principle
船工业的崛起the upsurge of shipbuilding industry
部分改现有产品这里没有新发明no invention here
工业foundry industry
项目价控制project cost control