
Terms containing 造成 事故 | all forms | in specified order only
commer.延误系由人力不可抗事故造成The postponement is caused by force majeure accidents
econ.我们对由于不可避免的意外事故而造成损失或损坏不负责任We shall not be responsible for losses or damages caused by unavoidable accidents
auto.故意造成的碰撞事故staged accident
busin.故障造成的事故hazard of failure
UN, tech.敌对行动是指交战一方或多方的行动引起的、对部队/警察部队派遣国的人员和/或装备造成直接和重大负面影响的事故hostile action means an incident from the actions of one or more belligerents, which has a direct and significant negative impact on the personnel and/or equipment of a troop/police contributor
econ.这是一次由于疏忽而造成的事故It is an inadvertent incident
transp.造成引起事故cause an accident
archit.造成引起事故cause an accident
tech.造成事故cause an accident
dril.险些造成意外事故的事close call