
Terms for subject Space containing 速 率 | all forms | in specified order only
三轴速率发射机three axis rate transmitter
三轴速率敏感器three axis rate sensor
上升速率rate of climb
下降速率rate of descent
与加速度平方项有关的陀螺漂移率acceleration square sensitive drift rate
速率数据medium data rate
中数据速率intermediate data rate
速率接入primary rate access
速率接口primary rate interface
代谢速率metabolic rate
速率增量控制pseudo rate increment control
速率调制器pseudorate modulator
位移速率rate of displacement
速率初始生产low rate initial Production
速率生产low-rate production
速率编码low rate encode
速率解调器low rate demodulator
低位速率low bit rate
低燃烧速率low burning rate
保证的速率guaranteed rate
保证的帧速率guaranteed frame rate
信号速率signal rate
信息传输速率information transmission rate
信息传送速率rate of information throughput
信源控制速率source controlled rate
倍频程扫描速率octave band sweep rate
允许信息速率allowed information rate
光学速率传感器optical rate sensor
再生速率regeneration rate
制导计算速率guidance computing rate
剪切速率shear rate
功率转速[速度]系数power speed coefficient
加热速率曲线heating-rate curve
加速度变化率acceleration rate
加速度有关的陀螺漂移率acceleration sensitive drift rate
动态速率控制dynamic rate control
化学反应速率chemical reaction rate
升温速率heating rate
半液浮速率陀螺half floated rate gyro (采用液浮技术使浮子质量减轻的速率陀螺)
单轴速率转台single-axis rate turntable
压电射流速率陀螺仪piezoelectric fluid jet rate gyroscope
双轴速率传感器dual-axis rate transducer
双轴速率陀螺仪dual axis rate gyroscope
双轴速率陀螺仪double axis rate gyro
化学反应速率reaction rate
反应速率模型rate process model
反馈式速率陀螺feedback type rate gyro
发射速率firing rate
发射装置方向转动速率launcher turning rate
发射装置方向转动速率launcher slewing rate
取数速率speed of access
变频速率frequency changing rate
可变速率正交幅度调制variable rate QAM
可变速率解调器variable rate demodulator
可变速率话音编码variable rate voice encoding
可变速率连续相位频移键控variable rate CPFSK
药柱燃面后退速率regression rate (多用于富燃或富氧推进剂药柱)
喷气流边界速度变化率jet-edge shear
喷管摆动速率nozzle swing rate
喷管摆动速率nozzle slew rate
喷管摆动速率nozzle deflecting rate
固化凝固速率solidification rate
圆周速率circumferential pitch
地球速率修正earth-rate correction
地球自转速率earth rotation rate
基于速率的方法rate-based approach
基本速率接入basic rate access (访问)
基本速率接口primary rate interface
增幅速率选择电路envelope growth selection circuit
速率信号处理multirate signal processing
速率滤波器组multirate filter bank
太阳电池阵速率稳定度solar array rate stability
失效率加速因子failure rate acceleration factor
奈奎斯特速率Nyquist rate
姿态和推力的速率指令speed command of attitude and thrust
存取速率access rate
实际加热速率actual rate of heating
容许的性能降级速率acceptable degradation rate (可靠性的标准)
对加速度不敏感的漂移率acceleration insensitive drift rate (陀螺漂移率)
射击速率rate of fire
速率frame rate
平均规避速率mean avoiding speed
平均轨道周期衰变速率mean period decay rate (航天器轨道运动的)
弹体速率模拟信息analog body-rate information
弹头滚转速率控制roll rate control of warhead
弹簧式速率陀螺rate gyro with spring
弹簧式速率陀螺仪spring-type rate gyroscope
总线传输速率bus transfer rate
悬浮速率积分陀螺floated rate-integrated gyro
惯性速率敏感器inertial rate sensor
惯性速率积分陀螺inertial rate integrating gyro
惯性速率陀螺仪inertial rate gyroscope
惯性角速率inertial angular rate
扫描角速率angular scanning rate
扭杆式速率陀螺仪torsion type rate gyro
拉伸速率stretching rate
拉伸速率stretch rate
指令速率command rate
推进剂消耗速率propellant consumption rate
推进剂燃烧速率propellant burning rate
搜索速率search rate
故障率加速系数failure rate acceleration factor
数字速率陀螺digital rate gyro
数据传输速率data transmission rate
数据调制速率data modulation rate
方位变化速率azimuth rate
方位速率平台azimuth rate platform
施距速率torquing rate
最大传送速率maximum transfer rate
有效信元速率available cell rate
有限速率/低速率初始生产limited/low-rate initial production
标称慢速率nominal slow rate
横滚速率控制roll rate control
欧拉速率Euler rate
每分钟呼吸速率breath rate per minute
比特速率bit rate
比特传输速率transmission bit rate
气体消耗速率gas consumption rate
泵浦速率分布pump rate distribution
消息速率message rate
液体介质渗透速率liquid media penetration rate
液浮速率陀螺floated rate gyro
激光多普勒速率laser Doppler velocimeter
烧蚀速率ablation velocity
烧蚀加热速率ablative heat rate
热分解速率thermal decomposition rate
照射速率illumination rate
熔融速率melting rate
燃烧速率burning rate
燃烧速率burn rate
环形激光器速率传感器ring laser rate sensor
疲劳速率fatigue rate
疲劳裂纹扩展速率fatigue crack growth rate
瞄准速率line of sight rate
速率bit rate
硬件速率陀螺hardware rate gyro (常规的速率陀螺仪)
速率探头magnetic speed probe
突然增压速率sudden pressurization rate
符号速率symbol rate
等效应变速率equivalent strain rate
等速蠕变率constant rate creep
纤维光缆速率敏感器fibre-optics rate sensor
纤维光缆角速率敏感器fibre-optics rotation sensor
约定的信息速率committed information rate
线性扫描速率linear sweep rate
结晶速率crystallization rate
绝对速率误差absolute rate error
老化速率rate of ageing
脉冲再平衡速率陀螺pulse rebalanced rate gyro
腐蚀速率rate of corrosion
自旋旋转速率spin rate
自旋速率敏感器spinning rate sensor
裂纹扩展速率crack propagation rate
视在径向速率apparent radial range rate
速率传感器angular rate sensor
速率传感器angle rate transducer
速率调节器angle rate conditioner
质量燃烧速率mass burning rate
贮囊渗透速率bladder specific penetration mass
跟踪速率tracking rate
跟踪速率rate of following
轨道速率解耦orbital rate decoupling
转换速率transform rate
转换速率commutation rate
轴向速率传感器axial rate sensor
输入速率input rate
边界生长速率boundary growth rate
进动速率precession rate
进给速率超控feed rate override
通断速率指令姿态控制系统on-off rate command attitude control system
速率speed rate
速率信息rate information
速率偏置法rate biasing (激光陀螺仪避开闭锁区的方法)
速率反馈speed feedback
速率反馈rate feedback
速率发射机rate transmitter
速率回路编排rate loop mechanization
速率平方灵敏度rate-squared sensitivity
速率捷联rate strapdown
速率捷联惯性制导系统rate strapdown inertial guidance system
速率捷联惯性系统算法rate strapdown inertial system algorithm
速率捷联计算机rate strapdown computer
速率捷联计算机数控rate strapdown computer digital control
速率接收机rate receiver
速率控制rate control
速率控制步骤rate controlling step
速率控制系统rate control system
速率敏感元件rate sensor
速率整形网络rate shaping network
速率积分陀螺rate integrating gyro
速率积分陀螺仪rate integrating gyro
速率稳定控制系统rate stabilization control system
速率误差rate error
速率跟踪rate tracking
速率转台rate table
速率选择rate selection
速率阻尼rate damping
速率陀螺rate gyro
速率陀螺仪rate gyroscope (gyro)
速率陀螺组件rate gyro package
速率陀螺组件rate gyro assembly
镜头速率lens speed
闭锁速率lock-in rate
陀螺力矩修正速率gyro torquing rate
陀螺电动机速率检测器spin motor rate detector
陀螺进动速率gyro procession rate
降温速率cool-down rate
零上升率速度ZROC speed
雷达跟踪速率radar track speed
静压液浮单自由度速率积分陀螺仪hydrostatic floated single degree of freedom rate integrating gyro
频率扫描速率frequency sweep rate
频率跳变速率frequency hopping rate
频率转换速率frequency switching speed
飞行器速率vehicle rate
飞行指挥仪速率指示器flight director rate indicator
速率数字式记录器high rate digital recorder
速率遥测系统high rate telemetry system
高固有频率加速度记录器high natural frequency accelerograph
高度和速率指示系统altitude and rate indicating system
高速成像分辨率high-speed imaging resolution