
Terms containing 速 率 | all forms | in specified order only
sport.一定速率given pace
tech.一次速率接入primary rate access
tech.一次群速率primary group rate
tech.三挡速率third speed
avia.三角翼速率delta velocity
desert.上升速率uplift rate
desert.上升速率rate of uplift
tech.上升速率rising rate
tech.上升速率rise rating
tech.上升速率rate of rise
ecol.上升速率rising speed
ecol.上升速率rise rate
desert.下切速率downcutting rate
tech.下坡速率路标grade severity rating sign
tech.下沉速率fall rate
avia.下沉率最低时切断滑翔功率的速度sink gliding speed with power off with minimum rate of sink
avia.下降或负垂直速度率rate of descent or negative vertical speed (它既不是指示空速,也不是真空速,而是速度的垂直分量。它由垂直速度指示器测量,或者更精确地说,由某一时段内的高度差来计算)
tech.不可逆污着速率irreversible fouling rate
avia.与加速度二次方项有关的漂移率acceleration square-sensitive drift rate
avia.与加速度无关的漂移率acceleration-insensitive drift rate (指陀螺漂移)
avia.与加速度有关的漂移率acceleration-sensitive drift rate
avia.与维持一定高度和速度的最低功率对应的速度speed for flight minimum power
geol.个体生长速率individual growth rate
gen.中等速率moderate speed
avia.中等数据速率intermediate data rate
avia.中间速率推力intermediate rate thrust
avia.产气速率generation rate
avia.产气速率gas generation rate
avia.产生速率generation rate
avia.以最大持续功率水平飞行的最大速度maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power
avia.以最大持续功率水平飞行的最大速度maximum level-flight speed with continuous power
avia.仪表扫视速率scanning rate
avia.传输速率transfer velocity
avia.速率增量控制pseudo-rate increment control
sport., med.位移速率displacement speed
avia.速率编码low rate encoding
avia.低切速率low shear rate
avia.低数据传输速率low data rate
avia.体积的燃烧速率volumetric burning rate
avia.供应商性能评估和速率报告supplier performance evaluation and rating report
desert.供水速率rate of water supply
desert.侵蚀速率rate of erosion
desert.侵蚀速率erosive velocity
avia.信号发送速率signalling rate
avia.信号发送速率signal rate
desert.信息传输速率information rate
avia.信息显示速率information display rate
avia.俯仰角速率pitch rate
avia.偏航速率rate of yaw
shipb.偏转速率deflection speed
ecol.光合速率rate of photosynthesis
ecol.光合速率photosynthesis rate
avia.光纤速率传感器fiber optic rate sensor
desert.入渗速率infiltration rate
ecol.入渗速率rate of soil water infiltration
avia.速率生产full rate production
desert.冲积扇沉积速率rate of fan deposition
desert.冷却率风速表cooling-power anemometer
ecol.净光合速率net photosynthetic rate (Pn)
desert.净同化速率net assimilation rate
gen.减速功率slowing down power
tech.分子速率分布distribution of molecular speed
tech.分子速率测量molecular speed measurement
tech.分子均方根速率the root-meansquare velocity of molecular
tech.分子平均速率mean velocity of molecular
tech.分子扩散速率molecular diffusion rate
tech.分子最可几速率the most probable velocity of molecular
tech.分布速率常数distribution rate constant
ecol.分离速率detachment rate
tech.分类频率速度taxonomic frequency rate
desert.分解速率breakdown rate
tech.切应变速率shear rate
tech.切断速率chopping speed
tech.速率initial speed
tech.速率initial rate
avia.初始提供速率initial submission rate
tech.初排出速率first discharge rate
tech.初染速率initial rate of dyeing
avia.前飞速率指令translational rate command
nautic., tech.功率分支轴并列减速齿轮箱power distribution gear box
geol.加速速率量热法accelerating rate calorimetry
shipb.加速功率accelerating power
shipb.加速实验比率accelerated test ratio
sport., med.动作速率movement speed
tech.化学风化速率chemical weathering rate
avia.千分之一地球速率单位milli Earth rate unit
gen.千分之一地球速率单位milli-earth rate unit
shipb.升温速率rate of temperature rise
avia.半液浮速率陀螺仪half floated rate gyro
ecol.单元平均入渗速率unit average infiltration ratio
avia.单发动机工作时最佳爬升速率best rate of climb speed with one engine
avia.单发动机最佳爬升率速度best rate of climb with one engine (在空速指示器上用蓝色径向线标出,经常称为蓝线速度。与 Vᵧₛₑ 相同)
avia.双曲线轨道速率hyperbolic speed
avia.双轴速率陀螺double axis rate gyro
med.反应速率reaction rate
gen.反应速率界两reaction rate interface
gen.取消某路的行车速率限制derestrict a road
multimed.可变速率位流variable rate bit stream
gen.可变纸带速率记录器variable-tape-speed recorder
avia.可变起飞速率variable takeoff rating
multimed.可用位速率available bit rate
desert.叶开展速率leaf expansion rate
tech.吊钩吊升速率hook lifting rate
tech.同位素交换速率isotope exchange rate
tech.同步速率no-load speed
tech.同步加速阻尼速率synchrotron damping rate
tech.名义速率crest speed
desert.向下淋洗速率downwashing rate
desert.周围输沙速率ambient sand transport rate
ecol.周转速率turnover rate
avia.喷口速率nozzle velocity
multimed.四倍数据速率静态随机存取存储器quad data rate SRAM
gen.回复最高速率regain top speed
gen.飞机速率减低而不稳起来hang on props
multimed.固定速率fixed rate
sport., med.固定速率强化fixed rate reinforcement
tech.圆周速率peripheral velocity
ecol.土壤侵蚀速率rate of soil erosion
ecol.土壤分离速率soil detachment rate
tech.土壤吸水速率intake rate
desert.土壤呼吸速率soil respiration rate
ecol.土壤流失速率soil erosion rate
tech.土壤渗入速率soil infiltration rate
avia.地球速率单位earth-rate unit
avia.地球自转速率Earth rate
avia.地球自转速率修正Earth-rate correction
avia.地球角速率单位Earth rate unit
avia.地面速率ground speed
avia.垂直速率vertical speed
avia.垂直速率vertical rate
avia.垂直速度与能量变化率vertical speed and energy rate
avia.基本速率干扰basic rate interference
geol.基本代谢作用速率basal metabolic rate
gen.增加速率gather way
avia.增强型数据速率enhanced data rate
multimed.GSM EDGE 增强型数据速率 GSM 演进技术enhanced data for GSM evolution
multimed.增强型数据速率 GSM 演进技术enhanced data for GSM evolution
avia.增温速率飞行控制系统temperature rate flight control system
tech.处理速率processing speed
tech.复氧速率rate of reaeration
tech.速率时钟特性multispeed clock feature
avia.速率电路交换multiple rate circuit switching
sport.大功率高速汽车muscle car
geol.天然气运移速率gas migration rate
avia.姿态和速率指示系统attitude and rate indicating system
avia.速率word rate
avia.安定面配平/方向舵速率模块stabilizer trim/rudder ratio module
multimed.实时媒体可变位速率real media variable bit rate
desert.实际沙流速率actual sand flow rate
desert.实际输沙流速率actual sand flow rate
tech.射角速率elevation rate
multimed.峰值速率peak rate
geol.已校正的沉积速率corrected sedimentation rate
avia.平均反应速率mean reaction rate
avia.座舱压力变化速率限制器cabin pressure change rate limiting device
tech.异步速率asynchronous speed
tech.引出速率rate of withdraw
tech.引爆速率ignition rate
tech.引爆速率detonating rate
avia.弯扭颤振速率torsion flutter
desert.弹射速率ejection speed
sport., physiol.心室射血速率rate of ventricular ejection
sport., med.恒定速率constant rate of speed
multimed.恒定位速率constant bit rate/bitrate
multimed.恒定位速率编码视像constant bitrate coded video
ecol.恒定滤失速率constant filtration rate
avia.悬浮速率积分陀螺floated rate integrated gyro
avia.惯性速率陀螺仪inertial rate gyro
avia.惯性下降速率传感器inertial of descent sensor
tech.感光速率sensitivity rate
gen.慢行爬坡速率creep speed
ecol.成土与土壤侵蚀速率soil formation and erosion rate
tech.成核速率rate of nucleation
refrig.房间除热速率space heat extraction rate
desert.扩张速率spreading rate
refrig.抽气装置的抽速率volume flow rate of pumping unit
tech.持久速率sustained speed
multimed.持续传送速率sustained transfer rate
tech.持续射击速率sustained rate of fire
tech.指标速率target rate
tech.指示速率indicated speed
tech.搅拌速率stir speed
desert.搬运速率transport rate
sport., med.摄取速率uptake rate
avia.操纵面速率control surface rate
shipb.整流速率commutating speed
avia.方向舵速率控制模块ruder ratio control module
avia.方向舵速率改变器ruder ratio changer
avia.方向舵速率改变器作动器ruder ratio changer actuator
avia.方向舵速率改变器旁通阀rudder ratio changer bypass valve
avia.方向舵速率改变器模块ruder ratio changer module
multimed.显示速率display rate
avia.数据更新速率update rate
tech.最低速率minimum rate
tech.最低空位凝聚速率minimum rate of vacancy condensation
tech.最佳速率optimum speed
avia.〔客〕最佳爬升率速度speed for best rate of climb
avia.最佳爬升率速度speed for best rate of climb (在襟翼收起时的最佳爬升率速度)
tech.最大速率maximum speed
tech.最大分级排水速率the greatest step discharge rate
desert.最大反应速率maximum velocity
tech.最大可能速率maximum possible rate
tech.最大安全速率maximum safe speed
tech.最大放热速率maximum heat-release rate
tech.最大沉降速率maximum subsidence rate
desert.最大流冰速率maximum velocity of ice floe
avia.最大燃烧速率maximum burning rate
tech.最大瞬时速度变化率maximum momentary speed variation
avia.最大转速率maximum turn rate
tech.最大连续速率maximum continuous rating
tech.最大连续速率maximum continuous rate
tech.最小致电离速率minimum ionizing speed
tech.最概然速率most probable speed
tech.最灌注速率minimum irrigation rate
tech.最终挥发速率final evapouration rate
tech.最终挥发速率final evaporation rate
tech.最高速率top speed
avia.最高反应速率maximum reaction rate
sport., med.有效速率effective speed
tech.有机质堆积速率accumulation rate of organic matter
multimed.未指定比特速率unspecified bit rate
avia.机动飞机转弯角速度或偏转速率maneuver plane turn rate
avia.极高频低速率数据传输extremely high frequency low data rate
ecol.枯落物分解速率litter decomposition rate
tech.标准速率standard rating
tech.标准速率滤池standard filter
tech.标准速率过滤standard rate filtration
avia.标准时间与速率设定standard time and rate setting
avia.每分钟速率rate revolutions per minute
plast.surg.毛细血管血流速率capillary blood velocity
tech.气体传输速率rates of gas transfer
sport., physiol.气体弥散速率gas diffusion rate
avia.气流速率airflow rate
ecol.氮矿化速率nitrogen mineralization rate
sport., med.水平速率horizontal speed
multimed.水平速率horizontal rate
multimed.水平扫描速率horizontal scan rate
multimed.水平行扫描速率horizontal line rate
refrig.水循环速率water circulating rate
gen.水蒸气输送速率water vapour transmission rate
desert.水道下切速率rate of channel downcutting
gen.汽车行驶速率rate of march of the motors
geol.沉淀累计速率sediment accumulation rate
geol.沉积速率sedimentation rate
geol.沉积速率rate of deposit
geol.沉积速率试验sedimentation rate test
desert.沉降速率rate of subsidence
soil.沉降速率settling velocity
soil.沉陷速率rate of settlement
desert.沙丘移动速率migration rate of dune
desert.沙流速率sand flow rate
desert.沟头切割侵蚀速率rate of headcut erosion
avia.速率wave speed
desert.泥沙淤积速率rate of sediment accumulation
avia.速率分布pump rate distribution
tech.洗涤速率rate of washing
avia.活塞速率piston speed
avia.涡流速率传感器vortex rate sensor
avia.涡流轴喷气角速率传感器vortex axis jet angular rate sensor
ecol.液流速率sap flow velocity
tech.清洗速率rinsing rate
tech.渗入速率infiltration velocity
desert.渗出速率exudation rate
tech.渗水速率seepage rate
desert.渗水速率infiltration rate
tech.渗滤速率infiltration rate
desert.渗漏速率percolation rate
tech.渗透速率permeation rate
desert.渗透速率penetration rate
desert.溶蚀速率corrosion rate
avia.滚转速率振荡rolling rate oscillation
avia.滚转角速率rate of roll
shipb.漂移速率drift speed
tech.漏气速率air leakage rate
tech.漏气速率air leak rate
desert.演化速率evolutionary rate
desert.演替速率successional rate
avia.烧蚀速率传感器ablation rate transducer
avia.热释放速率heat release rate
tech.焊耗速率burn-off rate
avia.燃烧速率提高burning-rate enhancement
avia.燃烧速率数据burning-rate datum
avia.燃烧速率曲线burning-rate curve
avia.燃烧速率服从性burn-rate compliance
avia.燃烧速率测量burning-rate measurement
avia.燃烧速率的特点burning-rate characteristic
avia.燃烧速率的计算burning-rate calculation
avia.燃面退移速率fuel regression rate
tech.爆炸速率rate of detonation
avia.爆燃速率deflagration speed
tech.爆轰速率rate of detonation
avia.爬升速率指示计rate-of-climb indicator
avia.特征速度效率characteristic velocity efficiency
tech.猝发速率burst rate
tech.球晶生长速率spherulite growth rate
multimed.甚高数据速率数字用户线路very high bit mte digital subscriber line
sport., med.生长速率growth velocity
ecol.生长速率growth speed
shipb.电子速率electronic speedometer
desert.相对速率relative rate
avia.相对速率relative speed
geol.能量相对代谢速率relative metabolic rate
securit.相对价值速比率shorthand relative value ratio
desert.相对生长速率relative growth rate
avia.相对运动速率speed of relative movement
avia.真空容器的升压速率rate of pressure rise of a vacuum chamber
avia.真空泵抽气速率volume flow rate of a vacuum pump
refrig.真空泵的抽气速率volume flow rate of vacuum pump
avia.真空系统的放气速率outgassing throughput of a vacuum system
avia.真空系统的放气速率degassing throughput of a vacuum system
avia.真空系统的漏气速率leak throughput of a vacuum system
avia.瞬时传输速率instantaneous transmission rate
avia.瞬时垂直速率instantaneous vertical speed indicator
nautic., tech.瞬时调速率rate of regulating speed in instantaneous
avia.硬件速率陀螺hardware rate gyro
avia.积冰速率icing rate
avia.积冰速率intensity of icing
nautic., tech.稳定调速率rate of regulating speed in stability
shipb.空泡速率cavity speed
tech.紊流速率turbulent rate
sport., med.线速率linear speed
avia.线性燃烧速率linear burning rate
sport., med.线粒体 ATP 生成速率mitochondrial ATP production rate
avia.结冰速率the rate of ice buildup
desert.结晶速率crystallization velocity
tech.缆车速率cable speed
tech.缓释速率slow release rate
avia.速率edge rate
avia.耗散速率dissipation rate
tech.耗氧速率oxygen consuming rate
tech.耗氧速率oxygen utilization rate
tech.耗氧速率rating of oxygen con sumption
ecol.耗氧速率rate of oxygen-consumption
ecol.耗氧速率oxygen consumption rate
tech.耗氧速率曲线oxygen consumption rate curve
tech.脉冲速率pulsing rate
tech.脉冲速率pulse speed
tech.脉冲速率乘法器pulse rate multiplier
refrig.He II 膜爬移速率creep rateHe II
avia.膨胀/收缩速率inflation/deflation speed
avia.自动驾驶仪速率传感器autopilot rate sensor
ecol.自然侵蚀速率natural erosion rate
avia.自适应速率adaptation rate
avia.自适应多速率adaptive multiple rate
avia.致动器速率actuator rate
avia.致动器速率限制actuator rate limit
gen.舒适的减速率comfortable deceleration
shipb.船模速率ship model speed
avia.英国角速率轰炸瞄准具British angular rate bombsight
avia.药柱燃烧速率grain burning rate
shipb.蒸发速率vaporization rate
shipb.蒸发速率quick vaporization rate
ecol.蒸腾速率transpiration speed
desert.蒸腾速率transpiration rate
ecol.蒸腾速率transpiration rate (Tr)
tech.蔓延速率rate of spread
ecol.蔓延速率spread rate
tech.蔓延速率计算器rate-of-spread meter
tech.蠕动速率rate of creep
tech.蠕动速率creep rate
desert.补给速率recharge rate
shipb.表观速率apparent speed
avia.衰减速率dropoff rate
avia.速率轰炸系统angular rate bombing system
avia.速率轰炸装置angle rate bombing set
refrig.调节速率control rate
tech.调速伸缩率flexibility ratio
tech.调速器不等率governor regulation
tech.调速器反应率governor response rate
multimed.走纸速率slew rate
shipb.超速功率overspeed power
avia.距离速率指示器range rate indicator
sport., med.转动速率rate of rotation
multimed.转换速率slew rate
avia.转移速率transfer rate
nautic., tech.转速波动率pulsating rate of revolution
CNC轴向速率axial rate
avia.辅助速率跟踪设备rate aided tracking equipment
desert.输沙速率sand transport rate
avia.边缘速率edge rate
avia.过量速率探测器excessive rate detector
desert.进入输沙速率incoming rate of sand transport
desert.进化速率evolutionary rate
avia.进气速率input rate
tech.退化速率deterioration rate
tech.退磁场衰减速率decay rate of demagnetizing field
tech.送料速率rate of feed
tech.送粉速率powder feeding speed
tech.逆反应速率常数reverse rate constant
tech.透镜速率lens speed
tech.透镜速率lens rate
avia.通信量速率traffic rate
securit.速动比率liquidity ratio
securit.速动比率acid test ratio
gen.速度的 Y 向分量 critical speed 临界速率component of velocity along Y-axis
avia.速度矢量滚转率velocity-vector roll rate
nautic., tech.速率速度,转速speed
gen.速率上有很大的差别suffer a great difference in speeds
avia.速率与位置系统rate and position system
avia.速率传感器组件rate sensor assembly
avia.速率传感器装置rate sensor unit
nautic., tech.速率信号speed signal
shipb.速率信号灯speed lantern
avia.速率信标rate beacon
avia.速率反馈试验gyro torque rebalance test
avia.速率变化speed variation
avia.速率变化velocity change
avia.速率变化change of velocity
avia.速率和转弯指示器velocity and steering indicator
avia.速率响应状态velocity response shape
multimed.速率失真优化rate-distortion optimization
multimed.速率失真理论rate-distortion theory
avia.速率姿态陀螺仪系统rate attitude gyro system
avia.速率审査计划planning for rate review
avia.速率式话筒velocity microphone
avia.速率捷联式惯性制导系统rate strap-down inertial guidance system
refrig.速率控制器speed controller
avia.速率敏感组件rate sensitivity assembly
avia.速率更改模块ratio change module
shipb.速率speed ratio
avia.速率积分陀螺仪rate integrating gyroscope
avia.速率稳定和控制系统rate stabilization and control system
avia.速率线speed line
avia.速率线性化velocity-based linearization
multimed.速率自适应数字用户线rate adaptive digital subscriber line
avia.速率规划planning for rate
shipb.速率调节因数speed regulation factor
avia.速率距离搜索velocity range search
refrig.速率转矩曲线speed torque curve
shipb.速率选择器speed selector
shipb.速率选择器开关speed selector switch
avia.速率陀螺rate gyroscope
avia.速率陀螺仪rate gyro (具有一个垂直于旋转平面的自由度平面的陀螺,而且其构造可以使校准弹簧对抗进动力,来指示这个既垂直于旋转平面又垂直于自由平面的平面旋转速率。转弯侧滑指示仪就使用了速率陀螺)
securit.速算估值比率shorthand valuation ratios
CNC金属切削速率metal removal rate
tech.锈蚀速率rusting rate
tech.锈蚀速率corrosion rate
avia.闭合速率rate of closure
tech.阀截流速率rate of valve closure
tech.阀闭合速率rate of valve closure
tech.阈加速率threshold acceleration
avia.阵风速率gust speed
avia.阻力速率drag rate
avia.陀螺速率炸弹定向系统gyroscopes rate bomb direction system
ecol.降低风速比率ratio of reducing wind velocity
shipb.降温速率rate of temperature drop
ecol.降解速率decomposing rate
ecol.降解速率degradation rate
avia.降雨速率precipitation rate
desert.陡崖后退速率scarp recession rate
avia.零爬升率速度zero rate of climb speed
desert.频率表式风速表frequency-meter anemometer
avia.额定速率scheduled speed
avia.颤振临界速率critical flutter
ecol.风化速率强化值intensified value of weathering rate
avia.风洞气流速率tunnel speed
desert.风蚀速率deflation rate
ecol.风蚀速率rate of wind erosion
avia.飞机爬升速率测定仪rate-of-climb indicator
avia.速率数据存储系统high data rate storage system
avia.速率数据站high rate data station
multimed.高位速率数字用户线high bit-rate digital subscriber line
avia.高度速率altitude rate
avia.高度与速率指示系统altitude and rate indicating system
avia.高度/垂直速率指示器altitude/vertical rate indicator
multimed.高数据速率数字用户线high-data-rate digital subscriber line
avia.高旋转速率high slew rate
avia.高速图像分辨率high-speed imaging resolution
shipb.高速旋转电弧焊具有效率高和质量好的优点high speed circumvolving arc-welding with high efficiency and good quality virtues
tech.鼓风速率blast rate
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