
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
"三"复苏"three-speed" recovery (这是国际货币基金组织特别顾问朱民在2011年达沃斯论坛举行的一次经济辩论会上首次提出的观点,即认为在2011年"新兴经济体"美国"及"欧元区"的经济都会有较好的复苏)
世界度最快的超级计算机world's fastest supercomputer
世界上度最快的超级计算机world's fastest supercomputer
以牺牲环境的代价来换取高增长、盲目铺摊子seek economic growth rate and big size at the price of environment
以金融危机之前的增长率快扩张expand at rapid pre-crisis rates
保持合理的增长maintain a proper level of economic growth
保障快经济增长sustain rapid economic growth
允许人民币以更快度升值allow the renminbi to rise faster
允许人民币以更快度升值allow the renminbi to appreciate more rapidly
全球经济以不同度增长的格局pattern of a multi-speed global economy
再生回收recovery rate
传动reduction rate
人民币国际化speed up internationalisation of renminbi
国民经济信息化accelerate IT application in economy
折旧accelerated depreciation (任何基于会计或税务原因促使一项资产在较早期以较大金额折旧的折旧原则)
折旧提存accelerated depreciation allowances
收款accelerating collection
升值speed of appreciation
欧洲two-speed Europe
合理通胀率下经济高扩张rapid non-inflationary expansion
周转加acceleration of the turnover
pace of growth
辐射损伤后的复元recovery rate
复苏的快阶段rapid phase of the recovery
实现高增长register turbo-charged growth
实际增real growth rate
峰值加peak accelerator
反弹quick rebound
增长rapid growth
收回的贷款quick loan
扩张hectic expansion
扭转经济增下滑趋势reverse the slowdown in economic growth
承担动亏损能力quick loss-absorbing power
持续减continued deceleration
控制信贷增control credit growth
放慢经济增slow growth
放慢经济增slow economic growth
每天转帐完成post accomplishment cash day
法定率限制legal limit
泛欧自动实时总清算高转账系统Trans-European Automated Real Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System
流动资产流通velocity of liquid assets
清偿力不足, 动比率liquidity shortage
物价快上涨rapid price increases
稳定快增长stable and high growth
突然减sudden slowdown
经济增下滑economic slowdown
经济增大幅放缓sharp slowdown in economic growth
经济增放缓slower growth rate
经济增长pace of economic growth
经济增长growth rate of the economy
经济增长减moderation in economic growth
经济超高增长hyper-fast economic growth
经济高增长fast economic growth
经济高增长时期period of strong global growth
美元迅贬值rapid decline in the greenback
规定动资金required liquid capital
规定动资金短欠数额required liquid capital deficit
调节货币信贷增regulate the supplies of money and credit
货币收人流通income velocity of money
货币流通velocity of currency in circulation
货币流通velocity of currency
货币流通monetary circulation velocity
贷款rate of lending
贷款lending pace
赤字削减speed of deficit reduction
动比率super quick ratio
超产能加增长faster growth above capacity
超高增长hyper-fast growth
减速的出口增长rapidly waning export growth
增长的市场fast-growing market
崛起rapid rise
结算解决make a prompt settlement
现金资产净额流量表statement of net quick asset flows
动净值net quick worth
动市场fast market (通常用来定义市场活跃的情况)
动比率quick ratio (又称"酸性测验比率")
动比率酸性测验率quick ratio
动比率酸性测验率acid-test ratio
动比率酸性测验率liquidity ratio
动比率liquidity ratio (quick ratio, acid-test ratio)
动负债quick liabilities (current liabilities)
动资产流动资产减存货后,现钱quick asset
动资产净额变动表schedule of changes in net quick assets
动资产对流动负债比率ratio of quick asset to current liabilities
动资金liquid capital
度快得惊人的消费增长surprisingly rapid consumer growth
度阻力线speed resistance lines
开信用证rush L/C
金融加器理论financial accelerator theory
降低整体增bring the headline rate down
降低通胀度的决心determination to slow the pace of inflation
增长breakneck growth