
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一旦货物备好待运,请通知我方Please advise us immediately when the goods are ready for shipment
业主将迅调査这项预算This budget will be investigated promptly by the owner
乘数一加数互相作用multiplier-accelerator interaction
交易额迅增加,这使我们有可能清偿债务The turnover increased fast, it made us possible to liquidate our debts
人口的急增长galloping population growth
人口迅增长population explosion
他们催促你们尽力加装运They urge you to make every effort to hurry the shipment
他们向你们保证一定迅、仔细地执行你方的订单They assure you of the prompt and careful execution of your order
他把与合同上所指明的条件不同的实际情况迅通知他的主任He promptly notified his director of the real conditions differing from those indicated in this contract
价格变化price velocity
估算的测定流动the computed measured velocity
估算的测定流动computed measured velocity
作业度统计schedule statistics
你方有责任促其迅交付一切材料、 机器、供应等You are responsible to expedite their delivery of all materials, machines, supplies and so on
你方能保证价格可行,品质优良,交货迅吗?Can you assure us of workable prices, excellent quality and prompt delivery?
信息information rate
关贸总协定的设立是为了加商品流通GATT is designed to speed up circulation flow of commodities
前进度贷款利率rate of advance
雇主对雇员提出的增加产量而不增加工资的要求speed up
pick up
原则acceleration principle
原理principle of acceleration
某商品消费增加而引起投资增加的原理acceleration principle
原理the acceleration principle
原理acceleration principle
完成系统expediting system
美国成本回收制accelerated cost recovery system
扩大, 阶梯式stepup
折旧the accelerated depreciation
折旧扣除提存the acceleration depreciation allowance
折旧法accelerated depreciation method
摊销the accelerated amortization
投资理论accelerator theory
理论认为商品需求的变化会使生产这些商品的机器数量也发生变化的理论accelerator theory
理论accelerator theory
系数acceleration coefficient
费用the expediting cost
费用expediting cost
加快acceleration in the rates
对请求、建议或命令等反应迅at a word
发展speed of development
发展度放慢的经济decelerating economy
发展迅的新行业growth industry
the speed change
speed change
变化rate of change
只限卸货的遣费dispatch discharge only
只限装货的遣费dispatch loading only
只限装载的遣费dispatch loading only
合理迅行动reasonable dispatch (调度)
合理迅调度reasonable dispatch
听写the dictation speed
周转the velocity of turnover
商业交易中的货币流通business transaction velocity
回转speed of gyration
固定的constant rate
固定的货币流通constant velocity of money
国民生产总值快估报quick estimate of GNP
国民经济按比例的高发展proportionate and speedy development of the national economy
基于性能的performance-based rates
基于性能的performance-based rate
基数大,则度低the big base figure leading to a low growth rate
增加speed of increase
增长growth rate
增长rate of increase
增长speed of growth
增长increment speed
增长度缓慢的经济sluggish economy
如果任何工程不符合技术规格的要求,则承包商应迅重新完成该工程If any work fails to conform to the requirement of the specifications, the contractor shall promptly reexecute the work
动态的定基basis speed (dynamic)
定基发展speed of development of fixed base
对于产品的安全如有疑问,应迅通知制造商The manufacturer shall be promptly notified if there is any doubt in relation to the safety of the products
装船as soon as possible shipment
通知条款as soon as practicable clause
工业发展rate of industrial development
工业的迅发展industrial boom
工艺革新的the pace of technological innovation
工艺革新的pace of technological innovation
工资增长rate of wage increase
工资增长rate of wage increases
平均average speed
平均发展average growth rate
平均增长average increase rate
平均增长average speed of growth
平均调整度的微差speed drift
年平均增长growth rate per annum
建议贵公司从购买我方现有地毯We advise you to purchase immediately these blankets in our stock
建造building rate
得便请从寄大量样品,不胜感激We shall be obliged if you send us liberal samples at your earliest convenience
必须快干完的活rush job
交货free dispatch
公路fast highway
发送 调度quick dispatch
启动融资fast-start finance
处理immediate processing
存取immediate access
存取管理信息系统rapid access management information system
帆船clipper (飞机)
投资评价quick investment evaluation
折旧the rapid amortization
折旧accelerated depreciation
摊销the rapid amortization
收益dispatch earning
普查quick census
普査quick census
测定rapid test
班轮express liner
盈利quick payoffs
积累accelerated accumulation
耗减折耗quick depletion
英国商品交易所自动筛选贸易fast automated screen trading
航班express liner
行动项目quick action project
装运交货fast dispatch
解决方法immediate solution
通道项目fast-track project
食品fast foods
constant rate
成交transaction velocity
美国成本加回收制accelerated cost recovery system
我们将把一切设备,机械及各种备件迅由铁路运输给买主We shall promptly transport all equipment, machinery and spare parts to the buyer by rail
我们希望迅办理手头的询盘We hope to dispatch the inquiries at hand
我们必须迅采取严厉措施以遏止危机的发展We must take severe measures rapidly to stop a crisis developing
我们担保这批货将安全迅到达你方We guarantee the shipment will reach you safely and promptly
我们能够以优质和快方便的服务满足你方需要,特请早来订单Since we are able to meet your requirements with the best quick and convenient service, we solicit your early order
我相信像这样的争端能够迅得到解决,不至于损害我们的业务关系I believe a dispute like this can be settled swiftly without detriment to our business relations
技术变革的加accelerated rate of technical change
投标承建一条高公路tender for the construction of a highway
投资加原理accelerator principle of investment
投资加理论accelerator theory of investment
投资增长investment rate
持续运转the speed at continuous rating
持续运转speed at continuous rating
按人口平均产品增长per capita growth rate of production
收入度收益流通速度the income velocity
收到即请从通知,不胜感激A prompt intimation of acceptance will be highly appreciated
收益循环中的货币流通circuit velocity of money
放慢slacken the speed
放慢投资slow down investment
放慢投资和国民经济发展slow up the investment and the development of national economy
放慢投资和国民经济发展slow down the investment and the development of national economy
speed of travel
遣费free despatch
曲线的加the acceleration in curves
有效effective rate
please inform immediately
机器发生故障,因此生产度降低了There was a machinery break down so that the progress of the production has decelerated
极低的经济发展over cooling
每年平均mean annual rate
水果快a fruit clipper
流通rapidity of circulation
涌进的influx rate
装卸货物的港口习惯customary quick despatch
港口习惯快装卸customary quick dispatch
滞期费和遣费相同的条款demurrage same despatch
煤炭装船率表colliery scale
现金流通velocity of currency
生产量变化output velocity
由于大量订货,我们的存货已迅减少Owing to heavy orders, our stocks have diminished rapidly
由于我方客户催促迅交货,务请你方按协议办事As our clients are pressing us for prompt delivery, we have to call on you to void by the agreement
由于许可证临近期满,我们希望你方从发运我方货物We'd like you to deliver our goods promptly because of the imminence of the licence expiry
由于这一季节我们已接受了很多订货,不得不拒绝要求迅交货的新订单Since we are heavily committed this season, we have to reject new rush orders
由于需求增加,我们正努力加生产最新式样的服装As the demand increases, we are taking great efforts to step up production of garments of the latest fashions
由空载到满载的减变化speed droop
直航快集装箱direct express container
科学技术进步的the pace of technological innovation
科学技术进步的pace of technological innovation
秘书正在把经理的口授记下来The secretary was taking dictation from the manager by shorthand
积累率和度同向关系the correlation between the accumulation rate and speed
纸币流通velocity of paper currency in circulation
经济economical speed
经济economic speed
经济发展rate of economic development
经济增长度放慢fiscal drag
经济航economic speed
美国有关贸易协议快批准程序fast track
美国联邦高公路管理局Federal Highway Administration
能迅生利还本的投资the self-liquidating investment
能迅还本生利的投资self-liquidating investment
自从20世纪70年代以来,计算机语言有了迅发展Computer language has developed rapidly from 1970s
自然增长natural rate of growth
speed of a ship
speed of a ship
若买主需追加10吨,请告之If the buyer requires 10 tons additional, please let us know at once
装运的准备工作正在加进行Preparations for shipment are well under way
办理他们第30号订单的余数Please hurry balance of their Order No 30
请加装运那批货物Please speed up the shipment of those goods
请放心,此货将迅装运You may rest assured that the goods will be delivered expeditiously
基建财务快报告financial flash report on (capital construction)
货币周转velocity of money
货币周转the rapidity of money
货币所得流通income-velocity of money
货币流通the rapidity of circulation of money
货币流通the velocity transaction of money
货币流通velocity of circulation of money
货币流通度与利率的关系interest-velocity relation
货币流通平均the average velocity of the circulation of money
资本形成的最适当的optimum rate of capital formation
交货early delivery
发展的工业部门high growth industry
发货在出口贸易中是极为重要的Prompt delivery is of great importance in export trade
发送quick despatch
发送订货hasten the dispatch of the order
或大量取得rake (钱财等)
费用增加run up
费用等增加run up
处理索赔的便利条件facilities for the expeditious settlement of claims
执行订单expeditious execution of the order
拨款despatch money
牟利turn a quick profit
装船prompt shipment (日内装运)
装船immediate shipment
记述write off
这些水果季节性很强,因此必须迅发货These fruits are highly seasonal, hence the necessity of prompt delivery
这项任务已经以更高的度完成了The task was finished at higher gear
迟付的35美元请寄来支票Please let us have your check for the 35 USD overdue
适航convenient speed
通货膨胀the pace of inflation
通货膨胀pace of inflation
兑比率quick ratio
比率quick ratio
动资产circulating assets
动资产current assets
动资产liquid assets
动资产净额net quick assets
动资产对流动负债比率ratio of quick assets to current liabilities
动资产比率quick assets ratio (即流动资产与流动负债之比)
变资产quick assets
度参考值speed reference
度因素speed factor
度增量speed increment
度控制调节speed control
度比speed ratio
度测试a velocity test
度牌speed board
度畸变speed distortion
度系数speed coefficient
度级别speed step
度调节the speed adjustment
度调节speed adjustment
度资产净额变动表schedule of changes in net quick assets
度-距离图speed-distance diagram
度-距离曲线speed-distance curve
开信用证the rush letter of credit
成论the advocacy of the attempt to achieve quick success
成费用crash cost
记速度dictation speed
遣天数dispatch days
遣费dispatching charge
遣费与滞期费相同demurrage same despatch
遣费按滞期费半数计算dispatch half demurrage
遣费收益dispatch earning
钱来去迅in and out of the market
drilling rate
公路fast highway
工业化the high rate of industrialization
度以按比例发展为前提High speed presupposes a balanced development
暂存存储器scratch pad memory
电子计算机high-speed electronic computer
资本high-geared capital
路线high-speed line
运送机high-speed conveyer
阅读机high-speed reader