
Terms for subject Chemistry containing | all forms
不同friction motion speed
临界横流critical cross velocity
二级交主皮带轮main pulley for secondary change speed
度为基础的计算rate-based calculation
优选循环optimum recirculation rate
传氧oxygen transfer rate
low speed pump
炸药low explosive (其化学反应速度为亚音速)
不变原理principle of constancy of light velocity
光电转传感器photoelectric sensor of speed measuring
rate-determining step
reduction box
机座reducer pedestal
齿轮speed reducer gearbox
齿轮reduction gear box
箱盖gear box cover
度系数partial rate factor
start-up speed
刻度盘流dial flow meter
前加因子factor V
前峰漂移pre-peak drift rate
器生产的放射性核素accelerator-produced radionuclides
器质谱法accelerator massspectrometry
塑性流accelerating plastic flow
度波acceleration wave
收敛convergence acceleration
母炼胶accelerator master batch
流动法accelerated flow method
factor VI
accelerator V a
accelerator globulin
factor Va
臭氧老化试验ozone cracking test
成癌蛋白质accelerator protein
试验short-time test
化学加加速离子束、原子束或分子束装置chemical accelerator
单级减钭齿轮single reduction helical gears
厦普勒斯超离心机Sharpies supercentrifuge
反应率分析法reaction rate methods
反应率常数constant of action
反应率理论theory of reaction rates
反应率的临界反常critical anomaly of reaction rate
反应的急中止short stopping of reaction
受阻沉降hindered settling velocity
传动adjustable speed drive
减速机variable speed reducer
电动机varying-speed motor
皮带轮variable speed pulley
speed change gear
gear casing
级数number of stages of speeds
变庄变过滤variable pressurevariable rate filtration
呢收absorption rate
呼吸respiration rate
呼吸respiration intensity
固有proper velocity
固有加proper acceleration
均方根root-mean-square speed
塔中蒸气通过through-put of column
rate accelerating material
多级变multi-speed reduced gear
夹带entrainment velocity
尾部减tail gearbox
展开development rate
区带离心rate zonal centrifugation
差压流differential pressure flow meter
带变齿轮箱的电动机gear motor
离心机normal speed centrifuge
干燥率曲线curve of drying rate
应变能释放strain energy release rate
friction-motion speed
压光机friction calender
压光机friction speed calender
压光机frictioning calender
强极化腐蚀度测定strong polarization corrosion rate measurement
作用阀swap action valve
凝结rapid coagulation
割嘴high speed nozzle
卸料阀flash valve
原子轰击离子源fast atom bombardment ion source
瞬时反应quick reaction
反应动力学fast reaction kinetics
反应能力quick reaction capability
周期注塑成型rapid cycle moulding
回程quick return
固化fast setting
放射化学fast radiochemistry
沉降器accelerated clarifier
流态化fast fluidization
烧成quick firing
热响应改性fast thermal response modification
蒸煮high speed cooking
蒸熏short damping
装料superfast loading
阴影fast shadow (色谱斑的)
骤冷quick quench
干燥constant-rate method of drying
化学吸附slow chemisorption
改进的加成本回收系统modified accelerated cost recovery system
散热heat dissipation rate
无级变传动装置stepless variable drive
无级变stepless speed variator
无级变范围range of infinitely variable speeds
时空hourly space velocity
上升法steepest ascent
下降法steepest descent
最大top speed
最大可能most probable velocityCmax
最大可能most probable velocity
最大转top speed
最小流minimum fluidization velocity
最小润湿minimum wetting rate (指填料塔)
final velocity
machine speed
横流cross flow velocity
比消耗specific consumption rate
比生长specific growth rate
比维持specific maintenance rate
气体极限limiting gas velocity
气时空gas hourly space velocity
氧化rate of burning
水位差流differential liquid level gauge
水位差流differential liquid level gage
水化rate of hydration
泛点flooding velocity
-应力曲线rate of flow-strees curve
控制器flowspeed controller
velocity-type flowmeter
Pitot tube
海利加试验寿命测试Highly accelerated life testing
涡轮减worm reduction gear
涡轮减worm speed reducer
液体时空liquid hourly space velocity
液体流liquid flowmeter
液态空liquid hourly space velocity
渗移migration velocity
火焰蔓延rate of speed of flame
melt flow rate
熔化burn-off rate
牵连convected velocity
环空annular velocity
电子偏移electron drift velocity
电沉积electrodeposition rate
电磁感应式转electromagnetic induction speed indicator
皮带转belt speed
相对论度加法公式relativistic velocity addition formula
瞬时反应instantaneous velocity of reaction
瞬时快凝固flash set
硫化vulcanization rate
硫化rate of cure
磁电转传感器magnetoelectric sensor of speed measuring
离子减透镜ion retarding lens
空载转unloaded speed
空隙interstitial velocity
突变成核catastrophic rate of nucleation
压延机even calender
电透分析analytical isotachophoresis
管式超离心机tubular-bowl ultracentrifuge (open type)
纸上等电泳isotachophoresis on paper
终极terminal velocity
维也里燃公式Vielle burning rate equation
聚集aggregation velocity
胶片film speed (l.指胶片感光度;2. 指胶片运速)
萨默菲尔德燃方程Summerfield burning equation
蒸出boil-up rate
血沉sedimentation rate
行星齿轮变planetary transmission
表观superfacial velocity
角-度-等流线图angle-velocityflux-contour map
齿轮governor (gear)
调压转控制ac adjustable voltage speed control
促进剂ultra fast accelerator
硫化ultrarapid vulcanization
硫化flash vulcanization
离心分析器analytical ultracentrifuge
超临界溶液的迅膨胀过程RESS process
超临界溶液的迅膨胀过程rapid expansion of supercritical solution process
超高ultra-high rate
超高纺丝工艺superhigh-speed spinning
超高效加very high accelerator
滞后distance velocity lag (炼油自控术语)
跳跃saltation velocity tie
血清凝血酶原转变加因子serum prothrombin conversion accelerator
血清凝血酶原转变加因子stable factor
血清凝血酶原转变加因子autoprothrombin I
血清凝血酶原转变加因子factor VII
载气平均线mean linear velocity of carrier gas
还原reduction rate
进料rate of feed
velocity selector
透平的最小转和功率minimum rotation rate and power for turbine
混凝土凝剂flash setting admixture
可眠钠secobarbital sodium
分解resolution of velocity
度分布剖面图velocity profile
度控制步骤rate controlling step
度约束constraint of velocity
成高压汽由冷水瞬时生成的高压蒸汽instant steam
控步rate-determining step
效肥料fast-effective fertilizer
止聚合short stopped polymerization
溶皂quick-dissolving soap
率加速剂rate accelerating material
率方程kinetic equation
率测量静态法static method of rate measurements
鞣法accelerated tannage
邻位加synartetic acceleration
醌筒friction ratio
重氮酚快坚牢染料diazotol rapid fast colours
重氮酚快坚牢染料diazotol rapid fast colors
重量时空weight hourly space velocity
钙离子交换calcium ion exchange rate
千燥阶段falling-rate period of drying
deceleration phase
限制limiting speed
指示器wind-speed indicator
平型传动带high speed power transmission belt
强力试验机high speed tension testing machine
捏合机high-speed kneading machine
捏合机high-speed kneader
摄制的燃烧过程的摄像high-speed motion pictures of combustion
气体硫化high-velocity gas cure
气相色谱法high-speed gas chromatography
测试high-speed test (er)
涡轮式搅动器high speed turbine stirrer
炸药detonating explosive
炸药high explosive
离心机De Laval centrifuge
离心炼油机oil refining supercentrifuge
等离子色谱法high-speed plasma chromatography
纺丝high-speed spinning
纺丝拉伸high-speed spin-drawing
高温快加工rapid-access processing
高温快硫化high temperature fast cure
高超声hypersonic flow
高超音hypersonic flow
麦克斯韦度分布Maxwell velocity distribution
麦克斯韦率分布Maxwell speed distribution
齿轮传动gear ratio
齿轮增式单级混流鼓风机mixflow type GM-blower