
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
互惠人寿保险公司Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance (简称"万通互惠理财",1851年创立于马萨诸塞州春田市,是一家首屈一指的互惠人寿保险公司,2013年3月被《财富》杂志评为2013年"世界最受推崇企业"排行榜人寿及健康保险业类别中的第3名,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第342位)
上升ascending channel
下降descending channel
不变币值货膨胀会计constant-dollar inflation accounting
不断上升的胀率rising inflation
不流支票not negotiable cheque
不确定的就业和胀前景uncertain outlook for both employment and inflation
不能兑现的irredeemable currency
胀做斗争grapple with inflation
世界性货膨胀world-wide inflation
两位数货膨胀two-digit inflation
个人知存款personal call deposit
中国交银行bank of Communications (成立于1908年(光绪三十四年),是中国早期四大银行之一,也是中国早期的发钞行之一。1958年,其国内业务分别并人当地中国人民银行和在交通银行基础上组建起来的中国人民建设银行。1987年4月1日,重新组建后的交通银行正式对外营业,成为中国第一家全国性的国有股份制商业银行,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第23位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在 2013 年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第54位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》全球500强榜单中排名第243位)
中国境外流的人民币renminbi circulating outside China
中期融安排extended facility
中证流指数CSI Free Float Index
中证流指数China Securities Free Floating Index
投标bidding ring
投标bidding collusion
乙类普class B common stock
优先普preferred ordinary share
优先股和普both preference and ordinary shares
优化型普寿险enhanced ordinary life policy
会计变办法accounting alternative
估计货膨胀影响estimated effects of inflation
估计发入与实际岁入合并表一普基金与特种岁入基金combined statement of revenue estimated and actual general and special revenue funds
借方debit note
借款知单debit advice
借项知书debit advice
借项知单debt memo
借项知单debit advice (note)
全球胀预期inflation expectations worldwide
全球环境融安排global environment facility
分期销售的资金流financing of installment sales
分派红利知书allotment letter
利息支付知书interest warrant
制服居高不下的beat stubbornly high inflation
制造吿单production order
制造费用知单manufacturing expense order
制造费用标准知单manufacturing expenses standing orders
刺激spark inflation
合理胀率下经济高速扩张rapid non-inflationary expansion
周期cyclical inflation
商品流费用cost in commodity circulation
《国际贸易术语解释则》International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms
在外普股加权平均数weighted average number of ordinary shares issued to the public
处于可控制范围之内的inflation under control
外国foreign currency
外在货市场external currency market
多元化普股资金diversified common stock fund
多元票据发行融安排multiple component facility
多栏式普日记账multicolumn general journal
多边资金融机构multilateral finance agency
曼哈顿公司Chase Manhattan Corporation
银行Chase Bank
大量融债务substantial concessional debts
大量融债务substantial concessional debt
存款差错更正知单deposit correction slip
存款融安排deposit facility
胀拉低至可控制的水平bring inflation down to a manageable level
将抗击胀列为工作重点prioritize the fight against inflation
居高不下的persistent inflation
嵌人货膨胀embedded inflation
市内短期知贷款street call loan
市场上流的货币总额sum total of currency in circulation
年化核心胀率annualized core inflation rate
人民币贸易结算业务offer renminbi trade settlement services
开出汇票advice slip
开有我行存款帐户的汇银行depository correspondent
引发trigger inflation
引发stoke inflation
引发cause inflation
引发胀飙升cause a jump in inflation
强制forced currency
当期回购的普股股数number of ordinary shares repurchased in the current period
当期新发行的普股股数number of shares newly issued in the current period
当期普股平均市场价格average market price of ordinary shares in the current period
恒生中国内地流指数Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index
恒生流 50Hang Seng Freefloat 50
恒生流中国内地 25Hang Seng Freefloat Mainland 25
恒生流综合指数Hang Seng Freefloat Composite Index
恒生流香港25Hang Seng Freefloat HK 25
恒生香港流指数Hang Seng HK Freefloat Index
恶性货膨胀raging inflation
恶性货膨胀经济hyperinflationary economy
成本推动型货膨胀inflation of cost push
托收知书collecting advice
持久性货膨胀protracted inflation
按日融day-to-day accommodation
损益平衡胀率break-even rate for inflation
摩根大资产管理公司J.P. Morgan Asset Management
摩根大银行J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N. A. (2000 年由大通曼哈顿银行及 J. P. 摩根公司合并而成,总部位于美国纽约,是美国最大的银行,也是全球历史最悠久、规模最大的金融服务集团之一,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜占第2位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中占第3位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》全球500强榜单中排名第55位)
收益增加导致的货膨胀income inflation
整体overall inflation
整体headline inflation
业务费用general operating costs
业务费用general operating expenses
互换generic swap
会计学general accounting
保单exchange policy
保险条款general conditions
信托ordinary trust
信托general trust
信托基金general trust fund
信用证general letter of credit
借款ordinary loan
债券ordinary bond
债券common bond
公务支出与经费预算合并比较表一普通与特种岁入基金combined statement of general governmental expenditures compared with authorizations-general and special revenue funds
公司债ordinary corporate bonds
分录journal entry
分录簿ordinal journal
划线支票general crossed check
利息折旧法general-interest depreciation method
固定资产组帐户general fixed assets group of accounts
基金存款general fund deposit
存款general deposit
存款户regular bank account
寿险ordinary life insurance
寿险保单ordinary life policy
帐务科general accounts section
年金值amount of an ordinary annuity
年金的现值present value of an ordinary annuity
年金的终值amount of an ordinary annuity
往来open credit
总帐统制帐户general ledger controlling a/c
成员ordinary member
所得ordinary income
承兑承诺,普通认付不带保留条件的承兑general acceptance
掉期plain vanilla swap
提款权ordinary drawing rights
提款权general drawing rights
支票open check (cheque)
日记帐ordinal journal
日记帐general journal
日记帐分录general journal entry
期权plain vanilla option
权证plain vanilla warrant
横线支票general crossed check
流动基金general current funds
消费价格指数ordinary consumer price index
现金簿general cash book
用款general fund
留置权general lien
盈余general surplus
盈余准备general reserve
管理费用general administration expense
簿籍general records
终身保险ordinary life policy
缺口common gap
community stock
common stock (ordinary share)
股东权益common stockholders equity
股东权益报酬率rate of return on common stockholders equity
股价值最大化maximization of value of common stock
股利ordinary dividend
股对风险加权资产之比ratio of common equity to risk-weighted assets
股折价discount on common stock
股折价帐discount on common stock account
股收益率yield on common stock
股本ordinary share capital
股本ordinary capital
股权收益率return on common equity
股权益报酬率rate of return on common stock equity
股每股净收益net income per share of common stock
股每股收益earnings per common share
股每股现金流量cash flow per common share
股每股账面价值book value per share of common stock
股票common stock (ordinary share)
股股东权益收益率return on common stockholder's equity
股股利common stock dividend
股股息dividend on common stock
股股票价格指数common stock index
股设定价值stated value of common stock
股账面价值book value of common stock
责任之债券general obligation bond
账户common account
货币债券common money bond
资产general asset
资金信托general fund trust
遗赠general legacy
长期债券general long-term debt
长期负债类帐户general long-term debt group of accounts
间接人工工资general indirect labor
ordinary insurance
项目general item
月付款monthly payment order
有关relevant communication
有否决权普voting share of common stock
期货用结算交易商futures general clearing dealer
未去除货膨胀因素inflation factor included
未结算支票融uncleared cheques facilities
机构性货膨胀论theory of structural inflation
标准普尔普股指数Standard & Poor's Common Stock Index
标普普股排名S & P common stock ranking
核准备用后偿贷款融approved standby subordinated loan facility
核心core inflation
核心货膨胀率core rate of inflation
核心货膨胀率core inflation rate
欠款的信询证verification of outstandings by correspondence
次级普股计划junior common stock plan
欧陆的continental currency
止付notice to suspend payment
止付stop notice
止付知单stop-payment notice
汇人汇款advice of inward remittance
汇款remittance advice
汇款兑付advice of drafts
汇款兑付知书advice of drafts
汇票知书letter of advice
汇票知书advice of payment
活期知存款存款人须事先通知银行才能提取的存款call deposit
派股allotment letter
中的货币M0 (又称"货币0",它是最狭义的货币供应量,由公众所持有的纸币和铸币(不包括政府持有的现金和各金融机构的库存现金)构成)
中的货物抵押权mortgage of goods in flow
中货币note on outside banks
中货币note in circulation
体制distribution system
信用状negotiable credit instrument
信用证circular credit
在外债券bonds outstanding
在外的公司债、未偿还债券bond outstanding
基金circulation fund
市值negotiable market capitalization
手段总量liquidity aggregate
时间time of circulation
期权traded option
比率currency rate
的媒介circulating medium
票据running bill
票据negotiable document
网络distribution network
tradable shares
negotiable shares
股份free float share
货币currency in circulation
货币总额sum total of currency in circulation
货币量circulating quantity of money
费用cost of circulation
资产净值net liquid assets
量提供者liquidity provider
领域circulation area
流动资产流速度velocity of liquid assets
温和货膨胀mild inflation
温和的胀数据tame inflation figures
港股直through-train scheme
潜在缩影响potential deflationary impact
潜在的胀效应potential inflationary effects
生产知单factory order (production order)
生产知等production order
生产成本吿单production order cost sheet
电子信平台electronic communications platform
电汇知书telegraphic transfer advice
货效应hard money effect
票据知书drawing advice
票据已付款advice of bill paid
票据已收款advice of bill collected
稳定的货币stable currency
稽核知单advice of audit
第一知日first notice day
第一知日first day notice
等值货币货膨胀会计common-dollar inflation accounting
索偿claim notice
紧急emergency currency
繁荣货膨胀boom inflation
缓慢持续的货膨胀creeping inflation
缓解moderate inflation
缓解胀压力ease inflationary pressures
缓解全球胀压力mitigate global inflationary pressure
编制货膨胀的预算inflation budgeting
缴款知单demand note
缴款知单paying-in slip
联合成本及普分类帐combined cost and general ledger
联邦储备信系统Federal Reserve Communication System
联邦储备系统信网络Federal Reserve Wire Network
衍生权证流量提供者derivative warrant liquidity provider
衡量measure inflation
补仓margin calling
补仓margin call
补偿性资金流compensatory financial flow
补偿性资金融制度system of compensatory financing
补正deficiency letter
负债与货膨胀liabilities and inflation
财务融financial accommodation
账户分配知单account distribution memorandum
货币收人流速度income velocity of money
货币流currency of money
货币流基数monetary circulation base
货币流总量monetary circulation aggregate
货币流的加快acceleration in money-circulation
货币流速度velocity of currency in circulation
货币流速度velocity of currency
货币流速度monetary circulation velocity
货币流money in circulation
货币流amount of currency in circulation
货币流amount of currency in circulation
货物帐款知单cargo accounting advice
货物流费用physical distribution cost
贷款融loan financing
贷款融loan facility
贷记知书报单credit advice note
贷项credit memo
资产负债表外的资金融off balance sheet financing
赢者吃的游戏case of winner takes all
转帐知单account transfer memo
转融费用refinancing expenses
soft currency (指信用较差、需求量小、易受贬值影响、价格波动大的弱势货币)
退票note of dishonour
退票知书notice of dishonour
适度的温和modest inflation
信投票voting by correspondence
力合作,共度时艰tide over the difficulties through concerted efforts
汇合约agency agreement
汇银行的对应帐户correspondent account
济隆公司Thomas Cook & Sons
用储蓄银行ASLK CGER Bank
用审计方案general-purpose audit programs
用折现率universal discount rate
用栏unclassified column
用现金general cash
用表general purpose table
用财务报表all-purpose financial statements
用资产负债表balance sheet for all purposes (all-purpose balance sheet)
用资产负债表all-purpose balance sheet
用转换系数general conversion factors
advise advice, adv.
知书号数notification number
按汇票上写的知付款as per advice
知付款advise and pay
知付款advice and pay
知借款余额call transaction mode
知借款周转余额call turnover mode
知偿还价格call price (redemption price)
知偿还债券call bond
知偿还债券called bond
知单repair production order
知定期贷款callable fixture
知抵押放款call secured loan
知抵押贷款call secured loan
知抵押贷款call loan secured
知撤销withdrawal by notice
知放款恐慌call-loan panic
知照会circular note
知短期票据demand master note
知调停付款payment by intervention
知贷款loan at call
知贷款公司call-loan broker
知贷款利率call-money rate
知贷款利率call-loan rate
知贷款利率call loan rate
知贷款和贴现市场call money and discount market
知贷款契约call-loan bond
知贷款市场call-loan market
知贷款市场call market
知贷款拆放市场call-money market
知贷款拆放市场证券call-money market instrument
知贷款拆放往来call-loan transaction
知贷款票据call-loan dealer's bill
知贷款账户call-loan account
知银行止付支票stop pavment on a cheque
deflation of currency
缩压力deflationary pressure
缩尾部风险tail risk of deflation
缩政策disinflation policy
缩政策deflationary policy
缩效应deflationary effect
缩预期deflationary expectations
缩风险deflation risk
monetary inflation
inflation of currency
胀上升inflation rise
胀上升increases in inflation
胀上升的可能性possibility of rising inflation
胀主动论者inflation activist
胀会计inflation accounting
胀保值债券Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (是美国财政部发行的一种与消费者价格指数 (CPI)挂钩的债券,1997年由美国财政部首次发行)
胀保护inflation protection
胀力量inflationary forces
胀和资产价格上行压力upwards pressure on inflation and asset prices
胀指标货币政策inflation indexed monetary policy
胀爆发outbreaks of inflation
胀率继续上升continuing rise of inflation
胀的主要原因main cause of inflation
胀目标inflation targets
胀目标inflation goal
胀迹象signs of inflation
胀问题inflation problem
胀降温cooling inflation
胀预期inflation expectations
胀鹰派inflation hawks
汇划票据accommodation bill
融接受远期信用证accommodate by accepting time
融支付ex gratia payment
融汇票accommodation draft
融票据banker's long bills drawn for the purpose of raising money
融票据wind bill
融票据accommodation bill (kite-flyer)
融证券deficiency bills
融资本finance capital
行价quoted value
行价market value
行税收人债券toll revenue bond
行纸币note circulation
讯费communication fee
讯费communication expense
货主义currency principle
货信用credit in currency
货区currency area
货升水currency premium
货帐面利率book rate of currency
货检査员controller of currency
货短缺scarcity of money
货紧缩deflation of currency
货紧缩压力deflationary pressure
货紧缩差额deflationary gap
货紧缩预期deflationary expectations
货紧缩风险deflation risk
货膨胀与资本预算inflation and capital budgeting
货膨胀中性论theory of neutral inflation
货膨胀主动论者inflation activist
货膨胀会计accounting for inflation
货膨胀套期保值inflationary hedge
货膨胀差额inflationary gap
货膨胀恐惧症inflation phobia
货膨胀指数化债券Inflation Index bonds
货膨胀指数化债券inflation index bond
货膨胀损益inflation gain and loss
货膨胀政策论theory of inflationary policy
货膨胀有害论theory of bad inflation
货膨胀有益论theory of good inflation
货膨胀率偏离divergence in inflation rate
货膨胀的后果inflationary effect
货膨胀目标制定inflation targeting
货膨胀综合指数general inflation index
货膨胀蔓延transmission of inflation
货膨胀蔓延spread of inflation
货膨胀调整inflation-related adjustment
货膨胀调整后有效汇率指数inflation-adjusted effective index
货膨胀调整后贴现率inflation-adjusted discount rate
货膨胀输出export of inflation
货膨胀非主动论者inflation non-activist
货膨胀风险inflation risk
货膨胀风险报酬inflation risk premium
过交换托收的银行票据bank exchanges
过压力测试pass stress tests
过平等对话处理摩擦和分歧handle frictions and differences through dialogue on an equal footing
过平等对话妥善处理摩擦和分歧properly handle frictions and differences through dialogue on an equal footing
过持续不断努力最终达到改革目标achieve the final objectives of reform through sustained efforts
过提振民间消费来实现增长再平衡rebalance growth by promoting private consumption
货物过税transit duty
过通胀降低债务规模inflate away one's debt
过银行托收collection through the bank
道线channel line
逾期未还款notice of default
遏制货膨curb inflation
遏制货膨rein in inflation
遏制stem inflation
遏制货膨contain inflation
遏制胀压力curb inflationary pressure
道•琼斯讯社Dow Jones Newswires
道•琼斯交平均指数Dow Jones Transportation Average
遗失流证券lost negotiable instruments
销货谭回知单returns sales memo
知书汇票bills under letter of instruction
降低cut inflation
降低胀速度的决心determination to slow the pace of inflation
降息step-down note
限制知书restriction notice
需求变动型货膨胀demand-shift inflation
需求引起的货膨胀demand pull inflation
需求拉动型demand-pull inflation
需求拉动型货膨胀inflation of demand pull
需求拉动型货膨胀理论demand-pull theory of inflation
需求过多引起货膨胀论theory of excess demand of inflation
非流non-tradable share
非流non-floating shares
非货币性货膨胀non-monetary inflation
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