
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一位数货膨胀single digit inflation
一次first time through
一种货币的停止流calling in of a currency
一级普"A" ordinary share
一经知即可收还的债务debit at call
一般货膨胀率general inflation rate
万事jack of all trades
万事博而不精的人jack of all trades
三分之二多数approved by a two-third majority of votes
上下班交工具commuter transportation
上诉知书notice of appeal
知审计non-notice audit
不可约数incommensurable numbers
不可线段incommensurable line segments
不可流的收据non-negotiable receipt
不同货膨胀因素variance inflation factor
不能兑换的unconvertible currency
不能流的支票non-negotiable check
不连续讯系统discrete communication system
世界货膨胀world inflation
世界流手段global liquidity
业务business correspondence
业务代表未先知即自行解约cancellation without notice by the representative
业务代表未先知即自行解约cancel the agency contract without prior notice
优先普系普通股的一种preferred ordinary share
优先资金融票据preferential bill
会计general rule of accounting
会计general principle of accounting
会计变方法accounting alternative
会议conference communication
会议notice of meeting
分批工作生产知单job order
分批成本知单job order cost sheet
分期付款销售的资金融financing of instalment sales
分期资金融installment financing
分期销售资金融financing of installment sales
分配知书letter of allotment
分配红利知单allotment letter
列车train communication
列车到发知信号train announcing signal
列车无线讯系统train radio communication system
各国货币currencies of various nations
各地用户intersite user communication
各用户业务类别之间的互interworking between user classes of services
各部门相互配合与沟two Cs
合同contract note
合同正式adoption of contract
合法rightful notice
合理延付税款least and latest rule
同步信卫星Synchronous Communications Satellite
同轴电缆载波信系统coaxial-cable carrier communication system
堆卸知单collection order
处分notice of sanction
复合货债券composite currency bonds
复合普日记账分录compound general journal entry
外汇付款advise and pay
外贸资金融foreign-trade financing
外逃flight from the currency
外逃flight from currency
外部流external circulation
道单阶段multiple-channel, single-stage
道多阶段multiple-channel, multiple-stage
多元货证券multiple currency security
多单元multiunit message
多向流multidirectional flow
多用途信系统All-Purpose Communications System
多级单single-channel, multiple-stage
封闭式商品流系统closed commodity circulation system
知…will advise
24小时知付款callable in 24 hours
24 小时内知付款callable in 24 hours
市内local communication
市内intra-city communication
市内话计费local call charging
市区道不准停车urban clear-way
市场行价值quoted value
开出汇票advice slip
开航知书sailing cards
意见沟不畅poor communicate
成套流票据negotiable instrument draw in set
成套流票据negotiable instrument drawn in set
成本性货膨胀cost inflation
成本拉动货膨胀cost-pull inflation
成本推动引起的货膨胀由于工资增加、成本提高、物价上涨而引起的通货膨胀cost push inflation
成本推进的货膨胀cost-expansive type of inflation
成色不足debased currency
战时货膨胀wartime inflation
持久性货膨胀permanent inflation
持有子公司优先股和普holding of subsidiary's preferred and common stock
持续疏系统continuous flow system
指令控制和信系统command control and communications
指定specified currencies
指在短期贷款协议中约定,债权人可在到期前,通知借款人还款at call
按消费物价指数计算的货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
按照汇票注语as per advice
按照知付款as per advice
按…的通知to the order to...
明确的definite advice
最优货币流optimum quantity of money
最后知日last notice day
最后装运final shipping instruction
最大过能力maximum line capacity
最大流maximum distribution
最小道宽度minimum aisle width
最小回转道宽度minimum turning-back aisle width
最新资料报检索current awareness search
有变化而勿须知的报盘offer subject to change without notice
有干扰讯系统noisy communication system
有干扰讯系统noise communication system
有投票权普voting share of common stock
有效沟阻滞block to effective communication
有线载波line radio communication
服务service channels
民用信科培训计划civil communication section training program
民用信网络civil communication network
理想信系统ideal communication system
理想低滤波器ideal low-pass filter
稀缺货条款scarce clause
编制货膨胀预算inflation budgeting
编码coded communication
调度讯设备dispatch-communication facilities
调整性货膨胀adjusted inflation
调整性货膨胀adjustment inflation
退出知书written notice of withdrawal
退料知书returned material order
退票notice of dishonour
退货知单returns sales memo
送货知单advice of delivery
送达缴税知单accomplishing notice serving
触发电路gated FF
递延普deferred ordinary stock
递延普deferred ordinary share
俗会计法temporal accounting
信业务控制装置communication message traffic control unit
信中心设备communication central facility
信传输communication transfer
信全套设备communication complex
信开支communication expenditure
信成本communication cost
信控制设备communication control equipment
信操作中心communication operations center
信收益income from communication
信数字控制装置communication digital control unit
信查询inquire by correspondence
信检查communication check
信法correspondence method
信电子特别账号communication-electronics special account code
信电缆cable for communication
信站communication site
信网communication net
信网路分析系统communication link analysis system
信订货mail order
信设备linking facilities
信调查questionnaire mail
信费communication charge
信费用communication expense
信转发站communication retransmitting station
信转报中心communication relay center
信连接装备information link
兑汇票joint money order
pass the customs
give customs clearance
关手续customs entry
关费customs clearing fee
关费customs clearing charge
introductory provisions
general rule
circular note
告照会circular notes
商协议agreement on commerce
商口岸treaty ports
商港口open port
商航运条约commercial and navigation treaty
宵服务商店all-night service store
常业务费general operating expense
常价格customary price
常估计usual estimate
常住址habitual residence
常利率费率conventional rate
常总体usual population
常损失货物运输中短量、碎破等一般损失ordinary loss
常放款ordinary loan
常政府储蓄saving of general government
常的清洁单据customary clean document
常的运输单据customary transport document
常费率conventional rate
常费用customary dues
常验收accept as is
versatile man
报费用call cost
材教育liberal education
汇代办所money order agency
汇银行信用证correspondent credit
汇银行对应账户correspondent account
运输收费率collection through rate
用交通工具all-service vehicle
用仪表general purpose instrument
用件计划法planning method for universal parts
用价值尺度common measure of value
用信用公司universal credit company
用内燃机general motor
用决算表general-purpose statement
用分类账regular ledgers
用动力/电子General Dynamics/Electronics
用化电子寻找故障仪Generalized Electronic Trouble-Shooting
用商业语言common business oriented language
用商业语言一种电脑用的自动化语言common business oriented language
用商品代码universal product code
用商标common mark
用型general type
用复分表table of common subdivision
用实物计量单位common physical unit of measure
用审计软件包generalized audit software package
用封闭型集装箱conventional enclosed container
用工具general purpose tools
用工程及管理计算系统General Engineering and Management Computation System
用应用程序general purpose application program
用形式universal type
用指令系统universal instruction set
用散装货船universal bulk ship
用散装货船Universal Bulk Carrier
用数据库general-purpose database
用方法common approach
用有效利率current effective interest rate
用术语generic terms
用机器general-purpose machine
用机械common machine
用机械all-purpose machine
用标志conventional mark
用栈单general warrant
用格式conventional form
用模型general model
用模型universal model
用流型universal manifold
用炉all-purpose furnace
用生产管理自动控制General Manufacturing Management Automated Control
用电子数字计算机digital electronic universal computing engine
用电子计算机general-purpose electronic computer
用电子计算机Universal Automatic Computer
用电子计算机general-purpose computer
用电气公司General Electric Corporation
用电气公司防护系统部门general electric company defense system department
用直升机Utility Helicopter
用程序regular procedure
用程序regular program
用程序general-purpose programme
用程序general procedure
用程序conventional program
用程序设计语言general-purpose programming language
用程序语言general program language
用系统common system
用统计资料general-purpose statistics
用网络common network
用自动电子计算机universal automatic computer
用自动计算机工业系统Univac Industrial System
用船General Purpose Vessel
用表general-purpose table
用裂纹探测仪universal crack detector
用解working solution
用解题程序general problem solving programming
用计算器general purpose calculator
用计算机语言Universal Computer Oriented Language
用记账单位如以美元为记账单位universal unit of account
用设备conventional equipment
用设备common equipment
用语言common language
用货币currency in vogue
用货币通货current money
用货币current coin
用资产负债表balance sheet for all purpose
用软件conventional software
用轻型运货卡车light general service lorry
用输出入控制器universal input-output controller
用运费率all-commodity rate
用集装箱general-purpose freight container
advise by wire
知最早日期advise earliest date
知退约withdrawable by notice
航期指内河可航期navigable period
航构筑物navigation structure
allow temporary credit
融业务accommodation line
融业务指保险公司接受特定保险经纪人提供的风险大的险别, 是照顾到他一直提供较有利保险业务accommodation line
融全损arranged total loss
融办法accommodation way
融办理stretch a point
融当事人accommodation parties
融承兑accommodation acceptance
融承兑汇票accommodation acceptance
融欠款accommodation charge
融票据汇票finance bill
融票据指由其它资信好的人在汇票或期票上背书或承兑的票据accommodation bill
融票据资金供应的金融业务financing of accommodation bill
融验收accommodation acceptance
行收税卡toll bar
行税toll through
行证laissez-faire passer
行证laissez passer
讯与决策communication and decision making
讯会员corresponding member
讯卡address card
讯员估计法estimate from correspondent
讯媒介communication media
讯子网络communication subnetwork
讯工具媒介communication media
讯手段现代化modernization of communication means
讯技术telecommunication technique
讯技术现代化modernization of communication technique
讯控制系统control system of communication
讯数据处理communication data processing
讯数据处理系统communication data processing system
讯矩阵communication matrix
讯社press agency
讯系统system of communication
讯系统示意图schematic diagram of communication system
讯网络telecommunication network
讯网络network of transcommunication
讯自动化系数coefficient of automation of communication
讯自动处理设备communication automatic processing equipment
讯自由freedom of correspondence
讯订立合同contract by post
讯设备现代化modernization of communication equipment
讯调查法investigation from correspondent method
讯费用expense of communication
话时间conversational time
话时间conversation time
电话话时间holding time
话计时器conversation timer
话计费时间charged duration
话费用call cost
如美元, 英镑universal currency
circulating currency
流通货币medium of circulation
货主义currency doctrine
货价格currency price
货债券以通货偿付,而别于黄金债券currency bond
货再膨胀政策reflation policy
货准备金monetary reserves
货券currency bill
货区域currency area
货原则currency principle
货增加expansion in the money supply
货收缩contraction of money in circulation
货暴露限度limit for currency exposure
货汇兑管制exchange control on currency
货流量currency flow
货混乱monetary upheaval
货的不可兑换性inconvertibility of currency
货管理制managed currency system
货紧缩政策deflationary policy
货紧缩效果deflationary effect
货紧缩缺口即在充分就业经济中,实际投资低于储蓄的差额deflationary gap
货膨胀inflation monétaire
货膨胀expansion of currency
货膨胀与充分就业之间的交替tradeoff between inflation and full employment
货膨胀与投资inflation and investment
货膨胀中币值下降erosion of the value of money of inflation
货膨胀会计即通过物价指数换算,以反映企业财务状况inflation accounting
货膨胀供求缺口inflationary gap
货膨胀信号inflation alert
货膨胀再燃起rekindling of inflation
货膨胀利润inflation profit
货膨胀压力inflation pressure
货膨胀因数inflation-inspiring factor
货膨胀增益inflationary gain
货膨胀差距指社会总需求超过社会商品和劳务总供给部分inflationary gap
货膨胀式强制储蓄inflation forced saving
货膨胀式经济萧条inflationary recession
货膨胀引起的虚假繁荣inflationary boom
货膨胀心情inflationary mood
货膨胀心理inflationary sentiment
货膨胀心理inflationary mentality
货膨胀恐怖症inflation phobia
货膨胀损失的预防inflation proof
货膨胀控制法control method of inflation
货膨胀政策inflationary policy
货膨胀政策inflation policy
货膨胀期望值inflationary expectation
货膨胀机制inflationary mechanism
货膨胀标志indicator of inflation
货膨胀溢价inflation premium
货膨胀率偏差divergence in inflation rate
货膨胀率的离差dispersion of inflation rate
货膨胀的推engine of inflation
货膨胀的推动力engine of inflation
货膨胀监视机构inflation watching agency
货膨胀螺旋形上升inflation spiral
货膨胀补贴inflation subsidy
货膨胀警报inflation alert
货膨胀调整有效汇率指数"inflation adjusted" effective index
货膨胀调整贴现率inflation-adjusted discount rate
货膨胀起伏inflationary jitter
货膨胀过程国际化internationalization of the inflationary process
货膨胀问题inflation problem
货负债currency liability
货贬值depreciation of the currency
货贬值险risk of currency depreciation
货量quantity of currency
货风险授权authority for currency risk
by the aid of
gate through
过一项法令pass a law
过交易断送…trade away
过关联数技术评价的援助计划Planning Assistance Through technical Evaluation of Relevance Numbers
过关验go through customs
过商谈消除分歧talk out
过填表输入信息information entry through form filling
过市场购置股票stock acquisition through the market
过技术合作计划进行信息和人员交流exchange of information and personnel through technical co-operation programmes
过技术合作计划进行信息和人员交流exchange of information and personnel through technical co-operation programs
过拍卖by inch of candle
过控制校正corrected by controlling
过曲线run a curve
过样本实地调查所取得的数据for data collected by sample field survey
过法律手段控制control though a legal device
过电话交易市场over-the-telephone market
过盈余扩充财产additions to property through surplus
过经纪人事务所销售selling retail over the counter
过经纪人零售selling retail over the counter
过自由freedom of passage
过调停付款payment by the intervention
过财务进行管理management through finance
过货币交换exchange through money
过购入股本而取得acquisition through purchase of share capital
过邮局交货post office: delivery
过邮局交货付款post office: cash on delivery
过邮局:交货付现post office: cash-on delivery
过邮局:托收post office: collections
过邮局补偿赔偿post office: compensation
过邮局转递post office: delivery
过邮政报盘及接受offer and acceptance by post
过预算控制control through budget
fair way
道和起重机通道aisle and craneway
道效应channel effect
道标志符channel flag
道码垛起重机aisle stacker crane
道面积与全厂面积比率ratio of aisle space to total area
风天窗ventilating deadlight
风强度intensity of draft
风机ventilator fan
风管道pipe ventilated
风表draught gauge
《金融时代》 工业普股票指数Third-Share Index
《金融时报》工业普股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
《金融时报》工业普股票价格指数根据30种最佳股票编制的价格指数Financial Time Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
销货退回知单credit memo for sales return
销货退回知单credit memorandum for sale return
需求引起推动货膨胀demand inflation
需求引起货膨胀论demand-pull theory of inflation
需求拉动的货膨胀demand-pull inflation
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