
Terms for subject Military containing | all forms
communication trench
控制中心traffic control center
调度accommodation of traffic
density of travel
双向无线电twoway radio
"埃利湖""Elton" (号考察船(苏))
敌情information of enemy
无线电业务radio traffic
无线电信传送communications traffic
无线电及面板信处Radio and Panel Section
"海上信卫星""Marisat" (通信卫星(美))
电声与Sound & Communications
"神""Jintsu" (号轻巡洋舰(日))
自动调整自动工作,适应式 adaptive communication
过境直达through movement
信帽helmet radio
用条令general orders
用条令general order
用设备装置flexible unit
话盒squawk box
过能力trafficability characteristic