
Terms for subject Transport containing | all forms
运输工程traffic engineering
管理色灯traffic signal
管理色灯红绿灯traffic light
交叉口行能力crossing discharge rate
分担交的道路relief road
十字路口指挥交的机械装置silent cop
发货知书consignment note
发货知书标题consignment note representing title
复制发货知书duplicate consignment note
大量交运输mass transit
定型习用的交分流modal split
慢行低速slow traffic
排气风机suction fan
放弃到货知要求waiver of notice of arrival
无法交货notice of circumstances preventing delivery
无法运货notice of circumstances preventing transport
机械风容器mechanically-ventilated container
正常交收入traffic receipts proper
环形交rotary traffic
线direct through line
道路的设计行能力design capacity
货运知单forwarding note
车辆进人直干道前必须停车的街道stop street
过境直达through traffic
中心tie station
用货物集装箱general cargo container
用集装箱universal container
用集装箱general purpose freight container
through ticket
中间through station
抽,吸air draught
排气,空气air duct
排油,泄水vent valve
风管drift tube
风集装箱ventilated container
地铁、空铁等城区高速交rapid transit
鹅颈形气隧道goose-neck tunnel