
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
unfamiliar with
与他人串collaborate with any other person
与承包单位串collude with the contracting
中华人民共和国交Ministry of Communications of the Peopled Republic of China
中断道路交hold up traffic
投标collusion with each other in bidding
投标collude with another person in a tender
临时行牌证temporary pass
书面a written notification
中断hold up traffic
事故认定书written confirmation of the traffic accident
事故责任人person liable for the traffic accident
事故频发路段road section where traffic accidents occur frequently
体系traffic system
信号灯traffic signal light
标志traffic signs
标线traffic line marking
法规traffic laws
秩序traffic order
管制区域area under traffic control
警察traffic policeman
travel expenses
运输和社会生活噪声污染noise pollution by traffic and social activity
运输噪声traffic noise
运输肇事cause a traffic accident
阻塞traffic congestion
需求traffic needs
人民币流circulation of Renminbi (RMB)
以书面形式give a written notification
以全体代表的三分之二以上的多数adopted by a vote of more than two-thirds of all the deputies to the Congress
优先priority of passage
优先行权priority of passage
依次交替take turns to pass in order
侵犯公民信自由权利infringe upon the citizen's right to freedom of correspondence
侵犯公民的信自由和通信秘密infringe upon citizens' freedom and privacy of correspondence
保障畅mobility and accessibility
信息information bulletin
债权人会议知书notice of the creditors' meeting
全国人民代表大会过的法律a law adopted by the National Peopled Congress
公共交工具public transportation
公共交服务体系public transportation service system
再次过原案pass the original bill again
准许passage permitted
出入境行证Entry-Exit Pass
分道take the lanes and sidewalks respectively
加强全国人大代表与地方各级人大代表的联系和沟increase contact and communication between deputies to the National People's Congress NPC and deputies to local people's congresses at all levels
协助执行知书notice for assistance in execution
及早报核事故公约Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident
发布缉令issue the wanted order
受理案件知书notification of acceptance of a case
adapt sth. to circumstances
accommodate sth. to circumstances
be adaptive
规定alternate provision
对法律、行政法规、地方性法规作规定make adaptations (with regard to certain provisions of laws, administrative regulations or local regulations)
右侧keep to the right of the road
向人大代表报、向社会公开常委会工作inform deputies and the public about the Standing Committee's work
国内长途domestic long distance communication
国家用语言文字standard spoken and written Chinese language
国营工矿交企业state-run industrial, mining and transportation enterprises
国防交transport of national defence
国际international communications
国际信出入 口局international communications gateway bureau
国际信卫星组织业务协定Operating Agreement Relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
国际信卫星组织协定Agreement Relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite organization
国际信卫星组织特权、免除和豁免议定书Protocol on INTELSAT Privileges, Exemption and Immunities
国际operate international air transport
国际行做法与国内实际的有机结合integration of standard international practices with the particular conditions in China
在澳门常居住habitually resided in Macao
在第十届全国人民代表大会第五次会议上adopted at the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress (NPC)
在香港常居住ordinarily resided in Hong Kong
堵塞交block traffic
处罚penalty notice
妨碍线路畅impede the flow of traffic on the circuits
安全和畅safe and unimpeded (traffic)
安全撤离的道、路线passages and routes for safe evacuation
完善公共交服务体系keep improving the sound public transportation service system
审议examined and adopted
审议examination and approval
审议过各项议案deliberate and approve bills
审议复查review and approval
信进行检査censor correspondence
常务委员会过的法律national the National People's Congress
应急crisis communications
应急emergency communications
应急信保障体系guarantee system for emergency communications
应急疏散emergency evacuation routeway
建设一支政治坚定、业务精、清正廉洁、作风优良的公务员队伍build a contingent of public servants who are politically reliable, professionally competent and clean and honest and have a good work style
强行make a forcible passage
当地用的民族文字the written languages of the nationalities commonly used in the locality
当地用的语言文字spoken or written language commonly used in the locality
当地民族用的文字written language commonly used in the locality
影响impede the flow of traffic
影响交安全adversely affect traffic safety
快速instantaneous communications
恢复be open to traffic anew
恢复交restore traffic
恶意串viciously collaborate
恶意串的竞买人bidder involved in malicious collusion
执行execution notice
承诺acceptance notice
抗拒交管制defy traffic control
按照国际上的行做法be compatible with international practice
提请全体会议submit to the plenary meeting for approval
擅自中断互联互sever the interconnection without the approval
故意堵塞交deliberately create traffic jams
新华讯社Xinhua News Agency
刑事案件ordinary criminal case
合伙企业general partnership
合伙形式form of general partnership
学校regular school
护照ordinary passport
教育ordinary education
教育regular education
本科高校regular undergraduate institutions
民兵ordinary militia
法适用地区common law jurisdiction
破产债权general creditor's rights
程序ordinary procedure
签证ordinary visa
许可ordinary license
standard Chinese pronunciation
高等学校regular institutions of higher learning
最后an ultimatum
有序、安全、畅good order, safety and unimpeded flow
有权be entitled to notify
未收到have not received the notice
机要delivery of confidential correspondence
检查censor correspondence
检疫处理知单Quarantine Treatment Notice
检疫调离知单Quarantine Transference Notice
民法General Principles of the Civil Law
民法the General Principles of Civil Law
水上交安全safety of water transportation
汇款remittance notice
沿海水域的交安全traffic safety in the coastal waters
法律过的日期the date of a law's adoption
洄游migration route
成本circulation costs
海上交事故maritime traffic accident
消防车fire truck passage
特别special instruction
特别行证special pass
特大交事故exceptionally serious traffic accident
特殊special communication
特殊普合伙specialized general partnership
特殊的普合伙企业specialized general partnership
特殊的普合伙形式form of specialized general partnership
由人民代表大会be subject to adoption by the people's congress of the area
由人民法院informed by a people's court
法律草案由全体代表的过半数a draft be subject to adoption by a simple majority of all the deputies
法律草案表决稿由常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数a draft be subject to adoption by a simple majority of the total membership of the Standing Committee
mobility and accessibility
疏导交regulate the flow of traffic
疏散evacuation passage
盗接他人信线路stealthily connect one's telecommunications line with that of another person
直接邮通航通商realize direct links of trade, mail and air and shipping services
相互串投标报价collusion with each other in offering bidding price
禁止prohibit the flow of traffic
禁止no through traffic
积极与代表沟maintain good communications with (smb)
空中交管制单位air traffic control unit
空中交管制服务air traffic control services
立法会passed by the Legislative Council
立法会过进行调查pass a motion for investigation
立法会再次过的法案bill passed the second time by the Legislative Council
第一审普程序ordinary procedure for trials of first instance
经主席团会议审议过后after examination and approval by the Presidium
续费renewal notice
综合交体系comprehensive traffic system
聚众堵塞交gather people to block traffic
航行navigational notice
节育复手术undo a contraception operation
节能型综合交运输体系comprehensive energy-saving system of transportation
表决过本级人民代表大会各专门委员会组成人员的人选vote for determining the component members of various special committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels
表决过议案vote a bill through
表决未获得过的法律案a bill that has failed to be adopted by
表决未获得过的法律案a legislative bill that has failed to pass the vote
被公安机关缉的be wanted by the public security organ
讨论法律草案discuss and adopt a draft law
tune the connection
调度讯畅通good communications system for dispatch
财务general financial regulations
过半数affirmed by more than half of
过半数majority vote
法律草案过半数a draft be subject to adoption by a simple majority (of)
由全国人民代表大会以全体代表的过半数be adopted by a majority vote (of all the deputies to the Nation, al People's Congress)
过境、转运和运货物transit, transshipment and through goods
general order
circular order
信保障体系guarantee system for communications
信服务communications service
信秘密privacy of correspondence
信线路畅通traffic flows freely on communications lines
信自由freedom of correspondence
信自由和通信秘密freedom and privacy of correspondence
信自由权利right to freedom of correspondence
关证明clearance certificate
关证明document for customs clearance
力合作cooperate fully
常居住habitually resided
常标准generally held standard
常理解commonly understood
distribute in a circular
have a good knowledge
thoroughly understand
晓手语have a good command of the sign language
晓聋、哑手势have a good command of sign language
用尺度usual dimension
用的commonly used
用航空经营许可证general aviation operating licence
知代表开会日期和建议大会讨论的主要事项notify the deputies of the date of the session and of the main items on the proposed agenda
知各保险人notify all the insurers
知和公告issue notice or public announcement
知当事人notify the party
缉令wanted order
航密集区crowd navigable areas
go through
make a passage
行效率passage efficiency
行需要need of passage
观全局look at the overall situation
讯方法means of communications
讯方法corresponding methods
讯秘密privacy of communication
讯记录communication records
过一项决议adopt a resolution
过一项新政策adopt a new policy
过一项议案法案pass a bill
过中华人民共和国宪法adopt the Constitution of the People's Republic of China
过决议adopt a resolution
过协议by means of agreement
过原案passe the original bill
过召开座谈会、报告会,举办学习班等形式through forums, seminars, study classes and other means
过和发布决议adopt and promulgate resolutions
过外交途径解决resolve through diplomatic channel
过多种途径参与立法活动participate in legislative activities through various channels
过平等的协商和谈判through consultations and negotiations on an equal footing
过开展爱国卫生运动教育宣传活动的决议passed a resolution concerning strengthening education and publicity to increase patriotic sanitation campaign
过所在组织through one's work unit
过无记名投票差额选举选出be voted by ballot and margin vote
过本次会议的议程adopt the agenda for the session
过立法授权国务院empowers the State Council through legislation (to do)
过补充决定adopt a supplementary decision
过财政预算approve budgets
运货物through goods
风报信furnish secret information
风报信divulge secret information
风报信send news secretly
道路行规定provision governing road passage
道路交事故社会救助基金Social Assistance Fund for Road Traffic Accident
道路交信号road traffic signal
道路交安全safety of road traffic and transportation
道路交安全工作work for road traffic safety
道路交安全教育road safety education
道路交安全教育education in road traffic safety
道路交安全法律、法规laws and regulations on road traffic safety
道路交安全管理规划administration plan for road traffic safety
道路交安全违法行为violation of the law on road traffic safety
道路交工作road traffic work
道路交活动road traffic activity
道路交秩序road traffic order
遵守会计准则、审计准则、财务compliance with accounting and auditing norms and general financial regulations
重大交事故major traffic accident
重大交事故serious traffic accident
铁路交安全safety of railway transportation
防止货膨胀和防范金融风险fend off inflation and financial risks
防范交事故prevention of traffic accidents
限制restrict the flow of traffic
限制交restrictive traffic
用尺度unusual dimensions
非交活动non-traffic activity
非无害non-innocent passage
预先核准知书advance notice of approval
食品流food circulation
验收pass the examinations for acceptance
高票法律草案was adopted by an overwhelming majority vote
高票法律草案passed a draft law by a large margin