
Terms for subject Space containing 通联 | all forms | in specified order only
三军联合先进战术指挥控制/通信系统joint advanced tactical command control/com system
航天器与地面通信联系ground contact
关键情报通信联络critical intelligence communication
国际电联无线电通信署ITU-RB Radiocommunication Bureau of ITU
国际电联无线电通信署ITU-Radio Communication Sector
备用的联合通信中心Alternate Joint Communications Center
太平洋联合通信网Pacific consolidated telecommunications network
无线电通信联络radio communication traffic
欧洲联合作战通信网joint European operations communications network (北约组织)
泛非通信联盟Pan African Telecommunication Union
海上通信联络线sea lines of communication
联合全球情报通信系统joint worldwide intelligence communications system
联合协调和通信整合集成中心Coalition Coordination and Communications Integration Center
联合情报通信中心Consolidated Intelligence Communications Center
联合报警指示通信系统joint warning indications communications system
联合普通用户joint common user
联合移动通信中心Joint Mobile Communications Center (北约组织)
联合通信控制中心Joint Communications Control Center
联合通信控制战中心Joint Command and Control Warfare Center
联合通信控制战方案joint communications & control operational concept
联合通信站joint communications facility (设施)
联网通信系统internet communications system
联邦国防军通信卫星COMSATBw (德国军事通信卫星)
联邦科学与工业研究组织通信与工业物理部CSIRO Telecommunications &Industrial Physics (澳大利亚)
США.联邦远程通信系统federal telecommunications system
通用相联处理机general purpose associative processor