
Terms for subject Aviation containing 通联 | all forms | in specified order only
内部通信联络interior communications
勤务联络通路service channel
国际空中交通联合会international air traffic league
国际空中交通管制员协会联合会international federation of air traffic controller's associations
工程联络申请/先行图纸修订通知engineering liaison request/advance drawing revision notice
工程联络申请/先行图纸更改通知engineering liaison request/advance drawing change notice
战术指挥与控制联合互通系统joint interoperability of tactical command control systems
泛非通信联盟Panafrican telecommunication union
空中交通管制员协会国际联合会International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Association
空中交通管制员协会国际联合会international Federation of air traffic controllers associations
空中补给与通信联队air resupply and communications wing
美国空中交通管制员联合会American Air Traffic Controllers' Council
美国空中交通管制员联合会American Air-Traffic Controllers Council
〔欧〕联合咨询通报advisory circular-joint
联合咨询通报advisory circular-joint
联合空中交通管制中心雷达设备joint air traffic control center radar unit
联合空中交通管制雷达设备joint air traffic control radar unit
联合空中通信中心joint airborne communications center
联合空中通信中心指挥所joint airborne communications center command post
联合通信电子操作说明joint communications electronics operating instructions
联合通信说明joint communications instructions
联合通用导弹joint common missile
联机通信适配器on-line communication adapter
联系旗形附注和通用附注和图页attach FL and GN to picture sheets (这是波音 APL 中常用缩写)
联络更改通知liaison change notice
联邦通信委员会Federal Communications Commission (美国)
联邦通信系统federal communications system
航空公司管理机构通信联络airline administrative communications
通用联机远距处理系统versatile on-line teleprocessing system
陆空〔地对空〕通信联络ground-air communication
〔法〕非洲通信社联盟Union des Agences de Presse Africaines
非洲通信社联盟union of african news agencies