
Terms for subject Environment containing 通知 | all forms | in specified order only
事先通知危险物运输prior notification for hazardous waste transport A formal announcement and, often, a request for permission to the proper governmental authorities of the intention to convey across political borders potentially harmful materials that have been left over from manufacturing or testing processes (一种正式的通知,通常要求得到政府的许可,以执行(制造业和测试过程中产生的)有潜在危险的材料的垮边界运输任务。)
通知 告诉Mgive M to understand that...
通知notification Information concerning a fact, actually communicated to a person by an authorized person (关于事实的信息,实际上由授权人传达到人。)
通知信件circular mail A memorandum, letter or notice in either paper or electronic format distributed widely throughout an organization or to a general list of interested parties (在一个机构中广泛使用的纸质或电子格式的备忘录、函或者通知,或者相关方的常规的列表。)